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[肝胆速递] 恩替对乙肝病毒和肝癌抑制作用 bigben446 2011-5-28 6938 StephenW 2011-5-28 21:40
[肝胆速递] 了解乙肝和丙肝的宿主遗传因素 bigben446 2011-5-28 0655 bigben446 2011-5-28 00:20
条条大路通罗马? attachment agree  ...23456..53 shiweibuyi 2010-2-2 52054600 一定转阴 2011-5-27 22:51
REP9AC 能否成为治疗乙肝的新药? attachment heatlevel  ...23 xfb 2011-1-13 254969 替比佩乐能 2011-5-27 16:22
学术版是“病友”交流、了解新技术的地方 heatlevel agree  ...23 大姐夫马甲 2011-5-21 211838 班长 2011-5-27 11:13
关于携带者是否需要抗病毒治疗 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..9 大姐夫马甲 2011-5-21 835705 大姐夫马甲 2011-5-26 22:51
[英文新闻]Celecoxib May Fight Liver Cancer StephenW 2011-5-25 1984 StephenW 2011-5-25 17:19
谁知道“超氧细胞免疫诱导疗法”真的有效果吗? StephenW 2011-5-24 62241 买平安的 2011-5-25 13:15
别被不良反应吓倒 interdetect 2011-5-25 0629 interdetect 2011-5-25 11:11
[肝胆速递] 怀孕期间接种疫苗 bigben446 2011-5-25 1675 bigben446 2011-5-25 08:13
版面秩序需要大家维护 agree lingmaigui 2011-5-24 4637 雁过留声 2011-5-25 08:06
[肝胆速递] 两种乙肝表面抗原定量方法的比较 bigben446 2011-5-25 0802 bigben446 2011-5-25 04:22
[肝胆速递] 围产期抗乙肝病毒治疗对孕妇防止肝功能衰 bigben446 2011-5-25 0535 bigben446 2011-5-25 04:07
[英语新闻]tenofovir would now be less than $159 per patient per year, StephenW 2011-5-18 9695 interdetect 2011-5-24 13:15
乙肝治疗:第3部 attachment heatlevel digest agree  ...23 StephenW 2011-5-8 224150 bigben446 2011-5-23 21:19
求,德文乙肝两对半注解,谢!! Lucyvelte 2011-5-23 4782 Lucyvelte 2011-5-23 20:14
病毒性肝炎研究亮点荟萃 digest agree 桂子 2011-5-22 0921 桂子 2011-5-22 22:38
仿制药冲击,恩替卡韦降价势不可挡 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23456..11 interdetect 2011-3-31 10611730 interdetect 2011-5-21 09:33
[英语,临床]Suppressive effects of entecavir on hepatitis B virus and hepat StephenW 2011-5-21 1549 StephenW 2011-5-21 04:26
“跨国药企阴谋论”“药贩子”唯一讨论贴 heatlevel  ...23456..10 bigben446 2011-1-6 945886 买平安的 2011-5-20 22:13
悬赏:各核苷类药物的HBeAg血清学转换 interdetect 2011-5-12 6885 lifevendor 2011-5-20 19:38
投票 由欧肝会说开去 attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456..13 放牛哥哥 2011-4-5 1229300 windhair 2011-5-20 12:29
=======肝胆相照论坛学术讨论 & HBV English版版主评阅线=======  ...23 bigben446 2010-6-1 204274 bigben446 2011-5-19 22:35
写给学术版的人们 heatlevel agree  ...23456..10 kennyu 2011-4-22 956165 lifevendor 2011-5-19 12:01
乙肝治疗: 第2部 attachment digest agree  ...2 StephenW 2011-5-8 102709 雁过留声 2011-5-19 08:50
[英语新闻]Ent for chronicHBV: Adaptation is not needed for the majority StephenW 2011-5-19 1611 StephenW 2011-5-19 05:29
[英语,临床]Long-term efficacy of entecavir therapy in chronic hepatitis B StephenW 2011-5-18 6586 bigben446 2011-5-18 22:45
菊科“土三七”伤肝 interdetect 2011-5-15 3663 ❀朵 2011-5-18 17:20
[英文新闻]Common Anti-Inflammatory Coaxes Liver Cancer Cells to Commit Suici StephenW 2011-5-18 1560 StephenW 2011-5-18 03:21
乙肝新药替诺福韦临床试验申请获批 heatlevel  ...2345 StephenW 2011-2-23 445286 撒加 2011-5-17 17:45


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