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肝脏外体细胞可诱导直接转化为肝脏细胞 agree deng245 2011-5-17 0619 deng245 2011-5-17 10:09
乙肝治疗: 第1部 attach_img digest agree StephenW 2011-5-8 42594 汪从峰 2011-5-16 15:39
科学家首次获得转化型肝脏细胞 agree letmein2005 2011-5-13 5972 tuaxu 2011-5-16 09:52
南京长澳PNA 大海潮水 2011-4-30 51247 独奏 2011-5-13 15:54
[英语,新闻]Induction of functional hepatocyte-like cells from mouse fibrob StephenW 2011-5-12 21270 StephenW 2011-5-13 00:22
[英语,老新闻]Telbivudine During Pregnancy Safely Reduces Perinatal HBV Tr StephenW 2011-5-12 1887 StephenW 2011-5-12 14:56
[英语,研究]Intrahepatic response markers in chronic hepatitis B patients t StephenW 2011-5-10 6734 StephenW 2011-5-12 14:13
乙肝治疗:第5部-核苷(酸)类似物 attach_img digest StephenW 2011-5-9 82094 682256 2011-5-11 19:21
索拉菲尼(sorafenib)改善肝纤维化的新机制 agree letmein2005 2011-5-10 41627 放牛哥哥 2011-5-11 15:38
[英语,研究]Tenofovir Improves Outcomes of HBV Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failu StephenW 2011-5-10 1619 StephenW 2011-5-10 23:16
[英语新闻]Sales from albumin up, HB immunoglobulin down? StephenW 2011-5-10 0608 StephenW 2011-5-10 15:30
乙肝治疗: 第4部-干扰素 attach_img digest StephenW 2011-5-9 21998 682256 2011-5-10 12:44
[英语,研究] Viral hepatitis: Interleukin 21 has a key role in age-dependen StephenW 2011-5-9 11081 StephenW 2011-5-9 19:03
[英语,新闻] Antioxidant may prevent alcohol-induced liver disease StephenW 2011-5-9 11070 StephenW 2011-5-9 18:45
乙克, 讨论一下, 有这个可能? heatlevel agree  ...2 StephenW 2011-4-1 162093 StephenW 2011-5-9 16:03
[英文新闻]Spring Bank Pharma wins $3.9M NIH grant to fight Hep B StephenW 2011-5-6 41051 StephenW 2011-5-7 14:46
申明:无限期离开论坛。 agree  ...23456..10 齐欢畅2 2010-11-7 9610756 lualu 2011-5-7 10:25
[英文新闻] Breastfeeding OK for moms with hepatitis B: study StephenW 2011-5-6 1753 StephenW 2011-5-6 19:59
[ 战胜乙肝网]乙肝治疗全景图-延缓疾病进展 StephenW 2011-5-3 71035 bjjww 2011-5-6 13:31
美他卡韦(Metacavir,PNA)抗hbv病毒药,中国制造,未上市。  ...2 lyq2003526 2011-5-4 113963 interdetect 2011-5-5 13:45
[英语,临床]Long-term outcome & HCC after ent or lam treatment StephenW 2011-5-5 2747 StephenW 2011-5-5 12:34
[英文,研究]Quantitative HBV surface & e antigen titers agree StephenW 2011-5-5 1747 lin12345 2011-5-5 11:42
国内首个乙肝病毒基因共享数据库建成 agree bigben446 2011-4-23 81181 lin12345 2011-5-4 19:47
[英语,研究]Changes of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), natural kill StephenW 2011-5-3 2814 lin12345 2011-5-3 10:37
最近学术版很低调。~水贴 lyq2003526 2011-5-2 3705 西湖雨 2011-5-2 18:15
又一种冶癌新万能疫苗快问世了 战胜无敌 2011-5-1 11077 StephenW 2011-5-1 13:42
国家药监局提醒高度关注拉米夫定和替比夫定引起的横纹肌 interdetect 2011-1-12 5587 心路2009 2011-5-1 10:35
自制恩替 自制恩替 2011-4-30 3829 黄金时代2 2011-5-1 09:38
[英语,市场分析,广告 ] tenofovir 2014? clevudine 2016? StephenW 2011-4-29 61187 StephenW 2011-4-30 09:45
[英语,研究]Safety and immunogenicity of HbSag-pulsed dendritic cells StephenW 2011-4-28 1734 StephenW 2011-4-28 04:57


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