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[英语,临床,推荐]Clinical course of lam+adefovir therapy for lam-resistant StephenW 2011-4-28 1604 StephenW 2011-4-28 04:36
[英语,研究]Matrix-based human hepatocyte transplantation StephenW 2011-4-28 1581 StephenW 2011-4-28 04:18
[英语,重复 ]HBV reemerges with long-term nucleoside analog treatment StephenW 2011-4-27 1590 StephenW 2011-4-27 23:23
请教各位一个问题,抗病毒药物是不是治感冒 heatlevel  ...23456..7 nwjk 2011-3-7 625142 凉白开321 2011-4-27 20:23
邀请牛人整理核苷类药物耐药/突变位点,有奖! attachment interdetect 2011-4-26 9837 bigben446 2011-4-27 03:20
[英文,新闻] Forecast Insight: HBV - Baraclude and Viread set to th StephenW 2011-4-26 11077 StephenW 2011-4-26 23:24
4.16重庆商报:重啤乙肝疫苗10月将揭神秘面纱 西湖雨 2011-4-16 51455 x鸿鹄之志x 2011-4-26 22:58
浙江中医药大学学报-卢良威教授一 又在忽悠人了 heatlevel  ...23 mpj0842 2010-11-26 223124 user321 2011-4-26 22:22
日本成功完成:世界上首次人工繁殖肝脏干细胞,请置顶。 digest  ...2 zhaohaisa 2010-5-30 154071 user321 2011-4-26 22:20
一种纳米药物可杀死肝癌细胞 尚未发现毒副作用 heatlevel  ...2 特深沉 2011-2-27 172469 hhzccm 2011-4-26 21:13
乙型肝炎病毒cccDNA检测方法与应用价值 attach_img interdetect 2011-4-25 91019 lin12345 2011-4-26 21:04
治疗肝纤维化有了新策略 逝水有声 2010-12-24 41194 hhzccm 2011-4-26 19:40
[战胜乙肝网]慢乙肝经治复发再治疗时别轻易换药 StephenW 2011-4-26 0722 StephenW 2011-4-26 16:06
藏菌陈的功效作用! attachment heatlevel disagree  ...23456..10 mtv982 2011-4-17 908172 yigan123456789 2011-4-26 11:42
非常感谢freshnail 提供这关于IL7(Interleukin-7)最新的论文 heatlevel  ...23 StephenW 2011-4-22 232188 lin12345 2011-4-26 11:00
慢性乙型肝炎患者外周血淋巴细胞CD8 + CD38+的检测意义 lin12345 2011-4-22 31114 StephenW 2011-4-25 13:55
多吃青菜可减少黄曲霉毒素对人体的侵害 agree 乡之梦 2010-3-26 71009 deng245 2011-4-25 11:09
[英语,新闻]Potato-grown Hepatitis B vaccine pill StephenW 2011-4-25 1563 StephenW 2011-4-25 11:06
恩替卡韦 AI463048 临床试验结果update(vs 阿德福韦酯) interdetect 2011-4-19 41047 poorhbv 2011-4-24 16:06
[ 战胜乙肝网]亚洲学者新建乙肝相关肝癌风险模型 StephenW 2011-4-23 2726 StephenW 2011-4-24 12:02
确诊为隐匿性慢乙肝的战友请进 attach_img heatlevel  ...23 zgnj 2011-4-20 252489 StephenW 2011-4-24 11:56
[英语,Cochrane评价]Phyllanthus species for chronic hepatitis B virus infec StephenW 2011-4-22 3671 StephenW 2011-4-22 15:38
[英语,临床]The clinical utility of HBsAg quantitation in chronic hepatitis StephenW 2011-4-21 31007 lin12345 2011-4-21 18:29
肝硬化的巨噬细胞疗法 letmein2005 2011-4-21 51193 StephenW 2011-4-21 16:25
[英语,临床 ]Kidney Toxicity Uncommon among People Taking Tenofovir for Hep StephenW 2011-4-20 1801 StephenW 2011-4-20 23:41
[英语,研究 ]HBx Sensitizes Cells to Oxidative Stress-induced Apoptosis by StephenW 2011-4-20 4781 lin12345 2011-4-20 21:15
大家要认识宣传并争取得到肝炎防治基金会的切实好处 interdetect 2011-3-24 8759 viva132 2011-4-20 09:31
[ 战胜乙肝网]入胞抑制剂带来治疗乙肝新希望 heatlevel agree  ...2 StephenW 2011-4-13 182196 mtv982 2011-4-19 19:33
美国FDA更新恩替卡韦对失代偿性CHB患者的处方剂量 interdetect 2011-4-19 3671 lyq2003526 2011-4-19 12:38
Tenofovir HK$86 per tablet, Entecavir HK$110 per tablet StephenW 2011-4-19 21823 jjf19800212 2011-4-19 12:30


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