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[news] Russian company invests in Myrcludex heatlevel StephenW 2012-3-20 12700 StephenW 2012-3-20 06:23
经PEG-IFN α-2a治疗获得早期治疗应答的慢性乙型肝炎患者的基 StephenW 2012-3-18 4597 9病成医 2012-3-18 20:08
拉米夫定3年以上仍然保持病毒持续抑制HBVDNA换恩替卡韦治? antivirus007 2012-3-11 5687 antivirus007 2012-3-18 13:38
Options for HBV Vaccine Non-Responders StephenW 2012-3-14 2689 把握当下 2012-3-18 12:13
Diagnosis of liver fibrosis and cirrhosis using liver stiffness measurement: Com StephenW 2012-3-17 2634 9病成医 2012-3-17 19:47
High serum IL-21 levels after 12 weeks of antiviral therapy predict HBeAg seroco StephenW 2012-3-16 5731 StephenW 2012-3-17 09:45
Quantitative dynamics of hepatitis B basal core promoter and precore mutants bef StephenW 2012-3-16 2528 咬牙硬挺 2012-3-17 07:32
APASL2012:5 years of treatment of TNF is associated with Sustained Viral Supprer attach_img digest agree StephenW 2012-2-28 81094 StephenW 2012-3-16 18:07
A Large Population Histology Study Showing the Lack of Association between ALT E attachment StephenW 2012-3-16 1505 StephenW 2012-3-16 17:05
绿茶提取物与丙肝,乙肝 三国杀 2012-3-16 2700 interdetect 2012-3-16 16:58
乐复能治疗胰腺癌临床研究取得重大进展 a46346310 2012-3-8 61076 三国杀 2012-3-16 10:30
IL28B基因型 乙肝治疗新亮点 agree 9病成医 2012-3-5 51068 三国杀 2012-3-16 10:13
Adding pegylated interferon to a current nucleos(t)ide therapy leads to HBsAg se heatlevel  ...23 StephenW 2012-3-12 231910 三国杀 2012-3-16 10:01
2012APASL乙肝指南PPT attachment digest interdetect 2012-3-6 31125 9病成医 2012-3-15 20:57
Efficacy and safety of entecavir in clinical practice in treatment-naive Caucasi StephenW 2012-3-15 2447 咬牙硬挺 2012-3-15 20:39
Comparison of Serum HBsAg Quantitation by Four Immunoassays, and Relationships o attach_img StephenW 2012-3-15 1545 StephenW 2012-3-15 11:57
Strong antiviral activity of the new l-hydroxycytidine derivative, l-Hyd4FC, in StephenW 2012-3-12 2923 9病成医 2012-3-13 09:32
昆明植物所云南特有抗肝炎中药青叶胆研究取得系列进展 周崇毅 2011-9-14 91378 9病成医 2012-3-12 20:05
Association Between Viral Hepatitis and Erectile Dysfunction: A Population-Based StephenW 2012-3-12 4545 9病成医 2012-3-12 20:02
Pathogenesis of Hepatitis B Virus attach_img StephenW 2012-3-11 4575 9病成医 2012-3-12 19:52
替诺福韦研究 万事无由 2012-3-11 61168 三国杀 2012-3-12 10:46
拉米+阿德耐药,换啥药权威专家意见不一致 duoaimeng 2012-3-4 5900 duoaimeng 2012-3-11 21:04
治肝病真的要用熊胆吗? 小青小小青 2012-2-24 51037 9病成医 2012-3-11 15:41
关于乙肝药“乐复能” 乙肝夫子 2012-3-9 81201 中华老人 2012-3-10 22:26
干扰素是如何在患者体内起作用的? tonychant 2012-3-9 3613 9病成医 2012-3-9 22:07
HBV DNA suppression and HBsAg clearance in HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B pa StephenW 2012-3-7 6592 咬牙硬挺 2012-3-9 08:17
Accelerated Decrease in HBsAg Seen Before HBV Clearance StephenW 2012-3-8 4498 9病成医 2012-3-8 15:34
沈阳乙肝病友交流群,求医问药,互助212070883 syyuwenhai 2012-3-8 0394 syyuwenhai 2012-3-8 12:32
[company white paper]Hepatitis B Virus and Potential RNAi Treatment StephenW 2012-3-7 6681 疯一点好 2012-3-8 11:50
如果基因治疗能够彻底根除乙肝,大家能够接受多少? attach_img heatlevel digest agree  ...23456..12 lifflefield 2011-9-25 11214369 非东亚病夫 2012-3-7 23:49


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