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The Naturally Occurring YMDD Mutation among Patients Chronically Infected HBV an StephenW 2012-4-15 1632 StephenW 2012-4-15 12:16
Validation of a stopping rule at week 12 using HBsAg and HBV DNA for HBeAg-negat StephenW 2012-4-14 2722 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-14 19:53
A randomized, multi-central, controlled study of patients with hepatitis B e ant StephenW 2012-4-14 2614 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-14 19:52
独家揭秘:替诺福韦推迟上市的原因! heatlevel digest  ...234 民主维权 2011-9-12 388875 dengjuming 2012-4-14 17:55
回顾2011全球慢性乙肝抗病毒治疗进展 tonychant 2012-4-13 21211 307821698 2012-4-14 08:14
2011重大中国研究——肝病 tonychant 2012-4-13 11548 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-14 07:02
抑制肝炎相关肝癌 干扰素作用有多大 tonychant 2012-4-13 1733 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-14 06:55
A型血慢乙肝患者肝癌风险更大 tonychant 2012-4-13 0640 tonychant 2012-4-13 23:35
HBeAg阳性母亲的子女更易发生突破性乙肝 tonychant 2012-4-13 0647 tonychant 2012-4-13 23:30
慢性乙肝患者长期坚持用核苷类药物治疗 tonychant 2012-4-13 1738 tonychant 2012-4-13 23:28
乙肝表面抗原脉冲树状细胞的免疫原性与安全性 tonychant 2012-4-13 1486 tonychant 2012-4-13 23:26
EASL2012:WEEK 12 HBsAg titer decline is predictive of SVR in chronic hepatitis B StephenW 2012-4-7 3808 tonychant 2012-4-13 23:23
替比夫定长期治疗能够有效抑制病毒,实现肝脏纤维化和炎 StephenW 2012-3-18 2903 StephenW 2012-4-13 22:18
Liver Cancer Predictors in Chronic Hepatitis B Identified StephenW 2012-4-13 1614 StephenW 2012-4-13 20:43
Efficacy of lamivudine and adefovir de novo combination therapy or after mono-th StephenW 2012-4-12 4630 StephenW 2012-4-13 20:00
Mycrludex: some discussions from Medhelp StephenW 2012-4-8 91804 StephenW 2012-4-13 19:31
New Vaccine against Hepatitis B on Clinical Studies in Cuba attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..8 StephenW 2012-3-3 717328 StephenW 2012-4-13 19:15
Improved Efficacy by Individualized Combination Therapy with Peg IFN-a 2a and AD StephenW 2012-3-26 41089 StephenW 2012-4-12 23:24
Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Adefovir Dipivoxil Therapy in Children with Chr StephenW 2012-4-12 2603 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-12 21:44
Randomised clinical trial: the benefit of combination therapy with adefovir and StephenW 2012-4-12 1545 StephenW 2012-4-12 21:41
Saliva as a tool in the detection of hepatitis B surface antigen in patients. StephenW 2012-4-10 3672 StephenW 2012-4-12 19:58
[Efficacy and safety of telbivudine in pregnant women to prevent perinatal trans StephenW 2012-4-12 1631 StephenW 2012-4-12 19:45
关于乙肝治疗研究的思路困惑 heatlevel  ...23 童年的风筝 2012-2-5 232884 Kill2gan 2012-4-12 19:13
黄芩汤有助减轻化疗副作用 azure_china 2012-4-11 0660 azure_china 2012-4-11 10:34
Association between Hepatic Steatosis and Entecavir Treatment Failure in Chinese attach_img StephenW 2012-4-10 2631 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-11 07:52
Immunity首次揭示树突细胞识别外源物机制有望开发下一代疫苗 agree cwy121 2012-4-9 3724 StephenW 2012-4-10 20:50
High Rates of Viral Suppression following Long-Term Entecavir Treatment of Asian StephenW 2012-4-10 1556 StephenW 2012-4-10 19:56
我国抗乙肝病毒新药获准进入临床研究 agree  ...2 cwy121 2012-3-28 102425 automan 2012-4-10 16:59
替比夫定在怀孕期预防母婴传播 tonychant 2012-4-9 4649 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-10 16:49
Myrcludexthe study of hepatitis B and D virus interactions and preclinical drug tonychant 2012-4-8 2645 咬牙硬挺 2012-4-9 10:47


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