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Double Dose of Hepislav Works as Well as 3 Doses of Standard HBV Vaccine StephenW 2011-10-10 0661 StephenW 2011-10-10 23:46
庄辉:慢性乙型肝炎治疗的几个热点问题 tonychant 2011-10-9 41300 baobao7676 2011-10-10 23:36
关注2011年10月7日~9日  ...23456..9 蔡小楠 2011-9-13 8411902 liuweal 2011-10-10 23:02
Flares during HBV Treatment Do Not Predict Response, May Cause Liver Failure StephenW 2011-10-9 3751 非东亚病夫 2011-10-9 16:13
第八届亚太肝病学会主题会议在北京召开 cwy121 2011-10-7 51217 derser 2011-10-9 16:12
上次看到有靶细胞疗法?有谁知道的?介绍下 有没有试过的 TB大san 2011-10-8 3839 StephenW 2011-10-8 21:40
基罗斯博士:有效艾滋疫苗的商业化仍有很长的路要走 cwy121 2011-10-8 1725 布隆方丹 2011-10-8 18:32
讨论这个事件是真是假:诺华公司故意隐瞒替比夫定不良反 heatlevel  ...2 红军哥 2011-8-31 162331 interdetect 2011-10-8 17:43
对REP9AC、DV601等治愈乙肝科学研究的看法 attach_img heatlevel digest agree  ...23456..7 kaorusai 2011-9-5 6012286 潇洒书生 2011-10-8 13:10
难道乙肝真的没有治愈的可能?  ...2 cwy121 2011-9-29 102595 StephenW 2011-10-8 02:14
亲戚桂林回来,带回一包黑蚂蚁说治乙肝 agree lulu15 2011-10-1 91623 deihai 2011-10-7 20:54
甲胎蛋白:小三阳患者抗病毒治疗的替代指标 agree  ...2 nwjk 2011-4-16 122231 nwjk 2011-10-7 07:50
多肽类药物将受重点扶持 国内企业有望大展拳脚 cwy121 2011-10-6 2975 荣誉与共 2011-10-6 23:36
Dynamic changes of CTL, NK, NKT cells in acute Hepatitis B StephenW 2011-10-6 1799 StephenW 2011-10-6 12:56
cancer antibody that targets the innate immune system StephenW 2011-10-6 0621 StephenW 2011-10-6 05:46
替诺福韦副作用 heatlevel agree  ...23 user321 2011-4-13 296356 lovecloudy 2011-10-5 23:52
2011诺贝尔医学奖的成果是什么呢? 蔡小楠 2011-10-4 61018 蔡小楠 2011-10-5 19:11
Influence of Chronic HBV Infection on Pregnancy: A Human Model of Maternofetal V StephenW 2011-10-5 0805 StephenW 2011-10-5 17:29
Changes in Serum Levels of HBV DNA and Alanine Aminotransferase Determine Risk f StephenW 2011-10-5 1704 StephenW 2011-10-5 17:11
螯合疗法(iron chelation therapy)抗肝纤维化治疗? StephenW 2011-10-5 01002 StephenW 2011-10-5 16:48
不是说下半年会有很多新的国产恩替吗? 赤子之心 2011-7-30 81304 挂了一半 2011-10-5 16:01
Correlation between intrahepatic hepatitis B virus cccDNA levels and other activ StephenW 2011-9-27 71132 把握当下 2011-10-5 15:22
Entecavir (Baraclude) Less Effective for Patients with Multidrug-Resistant Hepat StephenW 2011-10-5 1748 StephenW 2011-10-5 11:56
欧美三名免疫学专家摘走2011年诺贝尔医学奖 绝对的好消息~ cwy121 2011-10-3 81314 蔡小楠 2011-10-4 20:44
Medical researchers identify potential new treatments for hepatitis B and tuberc attach_img StephenW 2010-12-8 3939 StephenW 2011-10-4 20:31
可否自制替诺福韦? attachment heatlevel agree  ...23456 dzph 2010-4-2 546086 baobao7676 2011-10-4 18:44
Immune system discoveries win 2011 medicine Nobel StephenW 2011-10-3 71055 StephenW 2011-10-3 23:11
2011年诺贝尔医学奖 attach_img MP4 2011-10-3 1804 MP4 2011-10-3 21:54
但愿乙克最晚明年上半年上市! heatlevel  ...2 期待某天 2011-9-16 173317 lonelyguy 2011-10-3 16:39
Decreasing Levels of HBsAg Predict HBsAg Seroclearance in Patients with Inactive StephenW 2011-10-1 71107 把握当下 2011-10-3 12:50


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