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蔡荣事件始末 agree  ...23 s_slan 2010-11-8 264102 derser 2011-9-25 20:15
Secretion of Genome-Free Hepatitis B Virus – Single Strand Blocking Model for StephenW 2011-9-24 1725 StephenW 2011-9-24 16:54
关于山东小兵购买硝唑尼特的过程与网址 agree  ...23456..11 山东小兵 2010-3-13 10116833 渺小渺 2011-9-24 14:13
Successful Tenofovir Treatment for Fulminant Hepatitis B Infection in an Infant StephenW 2011-9-24 0487 StephenW 2011-9-24 08:55
Serum markers for necroinflammatory坏死性炎血清标志物 StephenW 2011-9-24 1851 StephenW 2011-9-24 08:36
Risk Factors for Early-Onset and Late-Onset Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Asian Im StephenW 2011-9-23 1626 StephenW 2011-9-23 08:55
News: Squalamine to treat Hepatitis B attachment heatlevel  ...2 StephenW 2011-9-20 15113955 StephenW 2011-9-22 20:47
Media Release: How our Liver kills "killer cells" StephenW 2011-9-20 2978 StephenW 2011-9-22 17:15
5 years of treatment with adefovir in Chinese patients with HBeAg-p StephenW 2011-9-22 1521 StephenW 2011-9-22 09:38
Does antiviral therapy prevent hepatocellular carcinoma? StephenW 2011-9-21 0769 StephenW 2011-9-21 23:57
中科院研究gp96抗乙肝病毒功能获进展 attach_img heatlevel agree  ...23 cwy121 2011-9-13 233219 yonggan521 2011-9-21 21:52
研究治疗乙肝病毒应该选什么专业 heatlevel digest  ...23 自由狂 2010-3-13 233376 oldbearlovefeng 2011-9-21 19:05
HBeAG-positive: Peginterferon v placebo StephenW 2011-9-21 1548 StephenW 2011-9-21 18:09
"anti-HBc alone" (HBsAg -ve, anti-HBs -ve) StephenW 2011-9-21 1757 StephenW 2011-9-21 17:08
2009 EASL乙肝诊治指南+2010抗病毒共识 attachment agree  ...2 lemonades 2010-4-7 174173 zl991018 2011-9-21 16:12
Emergence of the rtA181T/sW172* mutant increased the risk of hepatoma StephenW 2011-9-21 1984 StephenW 2011-9-21 15:38
杰华生物圆满完成治疗乙肝双盲试验 cwy121 2011-9-15 71238 富贵数字 2011-9-21 14:34
A painful reminder for all of us: tell your doctor about your HBV StephenW 2011-9-20 1622 StephenW 2011-9-20 07:33
向闻玉梅、吴玉章同志致敬! heatlevel  ...23456..7 春波 2009-4-20 6615541 BMW330I 2011-9-20 00:46
Serum HBsAg quantity in long-term lamivudine-treated patients StephenW 2011-9-19 1596 StephenW 2011-9-19 23:35
高手帮忙一下 ,多谢了 gyh888559 2011-9-18 5836 V友 2011-9-19 13:17
慢性乙肝联合治疗病例解析 springa 2011-9-18 1868 杨震 2011-9-19 10:35
我开始研究hbv-从基因-结构-药物,2011-07-16 heatlevel  ...2 yangfee 2011-7-16 132149 一定转阴 2011-9-18 20:12
Quantitative HBsAg and HbeAg during Interferon treatment attach_img StephenW 2011-9-18 6704 StephenW 2011-9-18 19:25
乙型肝炎病毒共价闭合环状DNA的研究进展 tonychant 2011-9-10 3986 风过西窗 2011-9-18 18:07
迷失方向的乙肝治疗 heatlevel  ...2 择良 2010-9-2 153161 lyq2003526 2011-9-17 21:13
Treatment of chronic hepatitis B: Evolution over two decades attach_img StephenW 2011-9-16 1578 家家海浪 2011-9-17 14:59
Impact of positive hepatitis B surface antigen on the outcome of IVF treatment StephenW 2011-9-16 1653 StephenW 2011-9-16 16:50
hbvdna not detected in semen in successfully treated men StephenW 2011-9-16 1623 StephenW 2011-9-16 16:30
HBV genotypes B & C gentotyping and quantification StephenW 2011-9-15 1840 StephenW 2011-9-15 22:28


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