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Chinese teen sells kidney for iPad - hard to believe attach_img StephenW 2011-6-3 3974 lifevendor 2011-6-4 12:24
【【【Celebrations!!!】】】  ...2 ww1984 2011-6-3 121368 ww1984 2011-6-3 12:52
圣经中的六大乱伦关系 liver411 2011-6-1 61376 bjjww 2011-6-3 09:16
伦敦腔啊伦敦腔 gaokao09 2011-5-31 41250 gaokao09 2011-6-2 14:42
有每天坚持听VOA的吗?【召集志同道合朋友】 heatlevel  ...23 qingttian 2011-5-20 262504 bjjww 2011-6-2 10:48
Religious Experiences Shrink Part of the Brain - I don't know what to say StephenW 2011-6-1 0766 StephenW 2011-6-1 14:39
有信心解决健康档案乙肝项目的战友跟进! 一字 2011-6-1 0763 一字 2011-6-1 14:19
Cellphones (a.k.a. Mobile phones) may cause cancer StephenW 2011-6-1 0757 StephenW 2011-6-1 09:48
MSG(味精) linked to weight gain StephenW 2011-5-31 0815 StephenW 2011-5-31 08:44
国外的钱也很难挣 heatlevel  ...2 hbv30year 2011-5-25 131454 bjjww 2011-5-30 13:41
Older people ‘worse liars’ - i.e. young people are better liars StephenW 2011-5-30 2834 StephenW 2011-5-30 12:13
‘Qigong’ helps cancer patients StephenW 2011-5-28 0816 StephenW 2011-5-28 11:57
Is Hepatitis B Under-treated in U.S.? liver411 2011-5-27 0909 liver411 2011-5-27 12:20
Physics and the Immortality of the Soul StephenW 2011-5-26 0902 StephenW 2011-5-26 20:46
HIV patients refused care in China StephenW 2011-5-26 0925 StephenW 2011-5-26 00:14
Don't Weep - a scientific prospective (with apologies to freehuang) StephenW 2011-5-25 1813 StephenW 2011-5-25 20:21
AIDS mortality drops in China StephenW 2011-5-25 0708 StephenW 2011-5-25 18:23
关于“寄托” 积极宝贝 2011-5-21 2704 积极宝贝 2011-5-24 23:11
Wanted: leadership StephenW 2011-5-24 0720 StephenW 2011-5-24 19:55
21 Oct 2011 - End of the World - mark that on your calendar StephenW 2011-5-24 0745 StephenW 2011-5-24 14:23
Don't Weep freehuang 2010-8-8 11411 freehuang 2011-5-23 16:23
【哇!汤唯的英文进步好快】嘎纳全英文采访视频, 表达自然 - [阅读权限 10] bjjww 2011-5-18 5111 bjjww 2011-5-23 12:53
End of the World did not come - we are still here! attach_img StephenW 2011-5-22 6762 StephenW 2011-5-23 11:14
有乙肝,我要出国,问几个问题 heatlevel  ...23 Showmetheway 2009-3-29 255829 Lucyvelte 2011-5-23 03:52
Glimpse Our Robotic Future in China StephenW 2011-5-18 0915 StephenW 2011-5-18 17:52
智商越高越是遵纪守法 liver411 2011-5-1 21073 calendar 2011-5-17 20:08
Yes, sex can kill you, U.S. study shows attachment heatlevel  ...23 StephenW 2011-3-23 272595 StephenW 2011-5-16 17:33
Chinese Scientists generate liver cells from skin StephenW 2011-5-13 21033 StephenW 2011-5-15 09:33
英文病历 cloudcloudcloud 2011-4-9 51288 寻梦人 2011-5-15 05:55
Dr Baruch Blumberg, Nobel Prize winner and discover of HBV, dies at 85 StephenW 2011-4-7 6847 寻梦人 2011-5-15 05:51


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