总之, 骨髓干细胞自体移植刚刚起步, 尚存在一些问题: 如(1)移植的方式和部位; (2)移植细胞的数量; (3)移植后干细胞在体内的归巢和定位等. 随着这些问题的解决, 骨髓干细胞将有着广阔的应用前景. 7 参考文献 1 Petersen BE, Bowen WC, Patrene KD, Mars WM, Sullivan AK, Murase N, Boggs SS, Greenberger JS, Goff JP. Bone marrow as a potential source of hepatic oval cells. Science 1999; 284: 1168-1170 2 Okumoto K, Saito T, Hattori E, Ito JI, Adachi T, Takeda T, Sugahara K, Watanabe H, Saito K, Togashi H, Kawata S. Differentiation of bone marrow cells into cells that express liver-specific genes in vitro: implication of the Notch signals in differentiation. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2003; 304: 691-695 3 Jang YY, Collector MI, Baylin SB, Diehl AM, Sharkis SJ. Hematopoietic stem cells convert into liver cells within days without fusion. Nat Cell Biol 2004; 6: 532-539 4 Shu SN, Wei L, Wang JH, Zhan YT, Chen HS, Wang Y. Hepatic differentiation capability of rat bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and hematopoietic stem cells. 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