目前来说三种药物治疗最佳,当然四种更好,但是四种药物比较繁琐,造成患者不清楚如何服用,可能会有预先配好的药物以后会上市。你母亲最起码需要服用一个效益在80%以上的联合用药组合方案。 最佳的三种药物和用治疗,包括PPI和其它两种药物如下:(对不起,知道你能看懂,有时间再翻译了) The most effective treatment regimen contains a proton pump inhibitor (PPI), plus clarithromycin (Biaxin) and either amoxicillin or metronidazole (all taken for 2 weeks). The four-drug regimen consisting of a PPI, bismuth, metronidazole, and tetracycline (all taken for 2 weeks) is also highly effective. 药物效益比较如下: H. pylori Treatment Regimens
Regimen 药物组合 | Side Effect Rating 副作用 | Cure Rate 治愈率 | Two-Drug Regimens | Amoxicillin + PPI | Low-Medium | less than 70-80% | Clarithromycin + PPI | Low-Medium | greater than 70-90% | Three-Drug Regimens | Clarithromycin + Metronidazole + PPI | Medium | greater than 80 to greater than 90% | Amoxicillin + Clarithromycin + PPI | Low-Medium | greater than 80 to greater than 90% | Amoxicillin + Metronidazole + PPI | Medium | greater than 80-90% | Tetracycline + Metronidazole + Sucralfate | Medium | greater than 80-90% | Four-Drug Regimens | Bismuth + Metronidazole + Tetracycline + H2 Blocker | Medium-High | greater than 80 to greater than 90% | Bismuth + Metronidazole + Amoxicillin + H2 Blocker | Medium-High | greater than 70-90% | Bismuth + Metronidazole + Tetracycline + PPI | Medium-High | greater than 80 to greater than 90% | Bismuth + Metronidazole + Clarithromycin + PPI | Medium-High | greater than 80 to greater than 90% | Combination Products | Helidac + H2 Blocker | Medium-High | up to 82% | Prevpac | Low-Medium | 81-92% |
PPI = Proton Pump Inhibitor 这个此前就说过,希望这个清除掉后肝性脑病现象会减低,而且胃炎,溃疡几率消除。HP可以通过口腔传染,所以有人曾经建议禁止/防范发式亲吻。 |