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AASLD 2011:The Mechanism and Active Components of Fuzheng Huayu Decoction Action StephenW 2011-11-9 61248 liver411 2012-1-26 19:24
Can we eliminate cccDNA: some slides from Prof. Massimo Levrero attach_img  ...2 StephenW 2012-1-22 171545 lifevendor 2012-1-26 15:59
Live Liver Donors StephenW 2012-1-26 3567 StephenW 2012-1-26 12:16
不知道我的想法能否成立  ...2 tjy1028 2009-2-14 131807 爱唱歌的猪 2012-1-26 10:53
病毒为什么有会导致肝癌的风险 jbjcmj 2012-1-19 61275 scilab 2012-1-25 11:33
Antiviral efficacy of combination therapy with entecavir and adefovir for enteca StephenW 2012-1-25 1532 StephenW 2012-1-25 08:54
Value of alpha-foetoprotein for screening of recurrence in hepatocellular carcin StephenW 2012-1-24 235120 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-24 20:38
Expert opinion:Adefovir dipivoxil in chronic hepatitis B: history and current us StephenW 2012-1-24 1488 StephenW 2012-1-24 09:21
oral anti-viral agents in adults with decompensated hepatitis B virus cirrhosis StephenW 2012-1-23 1640 StephenW 2012-1-23 17:27
Resection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Without Cirrhosis. StephenW 2012-1-23 1442 StephenW 2012-1-23 17:24
闻院士解释,“没想到从小白鼠到人还是差异老大的” attachment heatlevel  ...23456..8 lonelyguy 2011-12-11 7613867 蔡小楠 2012-1-23 14:02
中央一台新闻联播报道了新疗法  ...23 抱不平 2009-1-19 237320 蔡小楠 2012-1-23 14:00
快讯:贵州百灵乙肝新药获立项 股价冲击涨停 heatlevel agree  ...2 woaigaoguo 2011-12-27 194053 蔡小楠 2012-1-23 13:59
国际病毒性肝炎和肝病大会将于2012年6月在上海举行 成都大山羊 2012-1-15 51597 蔡小楠 2012-1-23 13:57
苏州获首个1.1类新药临床批件(国产替诺福韦)2016量产 ... jsj4759 2012-1-22 2904 jsj4759 2012-1-22 12:01
miRNA在乙肝病毒感染中有新作用 tonychant 2012-1-20 4612 非东亚病夫 2012-1-20 23:03
研究找到预防药物伤肝新方法 tonychant 2012-1-20 1650 StephenW 2012-1-20 19:46
New horizons for stem cell therapy in liver disease StephenW 2012-1-19 4768 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-20 06:21
HCC in Diabetic Patients & Risk Reduction with Anti-Diabetic Therapy StephenW 2012-1-20 2664 StephenW 2012-1-20 04:05
Pretreatment HBeAg level and an early decrease in HBeAg level predict virologic StephenW 2012-1-20 1595 StephenW 2012-1-20 03:42
Some good news about Myrcludex heatlevel agree  ...2345 StephenW 2011-8-10 406567 zongguo 2012-1-19 22:12
FDA approves Viread for use by children living with HIV StephenW 2012-1-19 1746 StephenW 2012-1-19 14:20
Tumour necrosis factor-α-857T allele reduces the risk of hepatitis B virus inf StephenW 2012-1-19 2583 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-19 07:44
High Hepatitis B virus load is associated with hepatocellular carcinomas StephenW 2012-1-19 1523 StephenW 2012-1-19 00:33
Interferon-gamma controls HBV replication agree StephenW 2012-1-18 2797 MP4 2012-1-18 08:15
A possible reason why women generally have lower viral load StephenW 2012-1-18 2699 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-18 07:46
The Benefits of Coffee StephenW 2012-1-18 1466 StephenW 2012-1-18 04:11
Virologic factors associated with failure to passive-active immunoprophylaxis in StephenW 2012-1-17 21498 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-17 22:23
微生物所乙肝感染慢性化机制研究取得新进展 agree tonychant 2012-1-12 51273 StephenW 2012-1-17 10:36
Hepatic iron overload is common in chronic hepatitis B StephenW 2012-1-17 1501 StephenW 2012-1-17 10:07


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