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杜克大学研究人员发展出一种研究致病微生物的新方法 agree tonychant 2012-1-12 0673 tonychant 2012-1-12 20:14
探索乙肝免疫预防策略和优化治疗方案,有斩获 tonychant 2012-1-5 2962 lin12345 2012-1-11 21:54
杰华生物的乐复能治疗慢性乙肝揭盲数据申核会议召开 heatlevel  ...2 woaigaoguo 2012-1-6 113160 我要征服你 2012-1-11 18:39
Old Antivirals Rival New for Cancer Prevention in Hepatitis B StephenW 2012-1-11 1690 StephenW 2012-1-11 12:48
Type 1 Interferons and Antiviral CD8 T-Cell Responses attachment agree StephenW 2012-1-11 0592 StephenW 2012-1-11 12:15
工程院院士:中国乙肝病毒携带者比例降至7.18% attachment heatlevel agree  ...2345 cwy121 2011-10-8 437131 jsmscym 2012-1-10 15:29
J Gastroen Hepatol:两药联合应用可有效清除乙肝抗原 heatlevel  ...2 cwy121 2011-12-9 173786 woaigaoguo 2012-1-10 09:44
Cell:研究发现miRNA能用于治疗或阻止肝癌发生 MP4 2012-1-8 41003 MiddleAgeMan 2012-1-10 04:47
恩替卡韦单药可满足多数慢性乙肝患者的治疗需求 tonychant 2012-1-5 31144 路过而已 2012-1-9 22:38
Detection of Hepatitis B Virus in Serum and Liver of Chickens. StephenW 2012-1-9 5707 zongguo 2012-1-9 20:30
Simultaneous detection of hepatitis B virus genotypes and mutations associated w StephenW 2012-1-9 1744 StephenW 2012-1-9 15:08
Pathogenesis and treatment of hepatic fibrosis: is cirrhosis reversible? attach_img StephenW 2012-1-8 5734 StephenW 2012-1-8 13:12
Comprehensive analysis of the prevalence of hepatitis B virus escape mutations i attach_img  ...2 StephenW 2011-12-30 141978 temp 2012-1-8 12:22
“重启啤酒乙肝疫苗股市评估报告”集中讨论帖  ...23456..33 bigben446 2011-2-13 32554950 期待某天 2012-1-7 10:18
合成肽最新消息:北大组负责人魏来说合成肽疫苗 heatlevel  ...23 ZPZP93 2011-12-26 245373 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-6 12:39
HBV Journal Review January 1, 2012, Vol 9, no 1 by Christine M. Kukka StephenW 2012-1-6 8910 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-6 12:38
肝炎防治需追求强效、安全与个体化 agree tonychant 2012-1-5 0764 tonychant 2012-1-5 21:07
HCV“十一五”研究成果回顾 tonychant 2012-1-5 0771 tonychant 2012-1-5 20:53
Use of RNA interference to modulate liver adenoma development in a murine model StephenW 2012-1-5 1914 StephenW 2012-1-5 20:50
投票 有奖投票:拉米夫定的厂家 heatlevel  ...2345 interdetect 2011-9-13 417067 682256 2012-1-5 17:27
new marker of immune response to determine those with hbsag clearance StephenW 2012-1-5 2720 woaigaoguo 2012-1-5 10:40
重啤乙肝疫苗试验数据曝光 传三军医大早已放弃 heatlevel  ...2 神采之飞扬 2011-12-30 122489 zhjf227 2012-1-5 10:13
MSG, trans fat, high fructose corn syrup boost liver disease risk StephenW 2012-1-3 4962 春天的歌唱 2012-1-4 20:45
Dynamics of HBV cccDNA expression and transcription in different cell growth ph attach_img StephenW 2011-12-31 9942 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-3 16:58
蒙牛牛奶中黄曲霉素超标可致肝癌 乙肝患者更甚 woaigaoguo 2012-1-3 1803 yh0046 2012-1-3 14:54
Hepatitis B e Antigen Seroconversion StephenW 2012-1-3 1689 StephenW 2012-1-3 10:06
Stopping nuc before HBsAg loss in HBeAg negative patients StephenW 2011-12-25 81208 把握当下 2012-1-2 21:46
Virax Therapeutic HBV Vaccine MP4 2011-12-31 1825 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-2 13:20
Why some unvaccinated sex partners do not get infected - a possible explanation StephenW 2012-1-2 4781 咬牙硬挺 2012-1-2 13:13
Vit D Crucial to Immune System & inverse relation to ALT? agree StephenW 2011-12-30 1947 StephenW 2012-1-1 06:35


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