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[注意][公告]English&English 版首届翻译擂台赛专用帖 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

1276 元 
发表于 2005-4-2 03:27




Laws and regulations are ever-present in the healthcare industry, affecting virtually every functional area of the Company’s business. Regardless of what job you do or what country you work in, there are legal, regulatory and ethical standards that must be considered and upheld.


The Company strives to be a good corporate citizen in every country and community where it conducts business and will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. As individuals, employees must strive to be aware of and understand the national, state, and local laws as well as the business requirements and practices that affect their business unit and area of responsibility.


Disregard of the law cannot and will not be tolerated. Violation of domestic or foreign laws and regulations may subject an individual, as well as the Company, to civil and/or criminal penalties. Employees should be aware that conduct and records are subject to internal and/or external audits. Therefore, it is in everyone’s best interest to know and comply with the Company’s legal and ethical obligations.


Anti-Kickback, Bribery


In the United States, and in many other countries, it is illegal to provide, offer or accept a kickback or bribe. A kickback or bribe may be defined as any money, fee, commission, credit, gift, gratuity, thing of value, or compensation of any kind that is provided directly or indirectly, and that has as one of its purposes, the improper obtaining or rewarding of favorable treatment in a business transaction. the Company’s policy on kickbacks and bribes is clear; they are illegal and are not allowed.


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act


Many countries, including the United States, have specific laws on conducting business with foreign government officials. Under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, for example, a company (including its shareholders, directors, agents, officers and employees) is prohibited from directly or indirectly offering, promising to pay, or authorizing the payment of money or anything of value to a foreign government official to win or retain business or favorable treatment. The above does not apply to any fees charged by government or non-government bodies as required by law or for provision of a required service.

许多国家包括美国,对与海外政府官员进行商业交易都有特殊的法律规定。在反海外腐败法案中,举例来说,一个公司(包括它的股东,理事,代理商,官员以及职员)为获得或保有商业利益, 而向海外政府官员通过直接或间接的方式给予或许诺给予或授权给予金钱,贵重物品的行为都是被禁止的。以上规则并不适用于合法的政府或非政府机构所收费用或给所要求服务支付的费用。

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-1 13:31:54编辑过]

在你曾经爱过我的那些短暂的岁月里 我或许是世界上最幸福的人 只是那些日子已成过去 要留也留不住

Rank: 8Rank: 8

8799 元 

荣誉之星 帅哥勋章

发表于 2005-4-2 09:24

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

6283 元 


发表于 2005-4-3 02:34
Welcome to English Forum, anything in English

Rank: 6Rank: 6

5642 元 


发表于 2005-4-3 09:58


Seven right financial steps for 2004

By Jonathan P. Decker | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

It has been a great year for investors. The Dow and the Nasdaq both soared to levels not seen in more than 19 months. Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan kept interest rates at historically low levels. And the economy showed signs of resurgence.

It's anyone's guess where the financial markets are headed in 2004. But whatever happens, financial planners say, there are steps you can take around New Year's to whip your finances into shape. Of course, not everyone's financial situation is the same. And a "sit-down" with a planner may be in order, especially for those nearing retirement. Still, there are some resolutions anyone can make to increase the likelihood of a profitable 2004. Here are seven to get you started:

2004 年七大适时理财策略

乔纳森.P.戴克 | 基督教科学缄言报通讯记者




1. Get serious about saving

You may not know it, but there are several ways to sock away money for a rainy day. The most popular method is funding an Individual Retirement Account or IRA. Since 1997, investors have had two main types of IRAs from which to choose - a traditional IRA and a Roth. Both now allow a $3,000 individual contribution per year ($3,500 if you are 50 or older). But a Roth is taxed immediately and grows tax-free. Which type is right for you depends upon your situation.


你可以不知道储蓄,但是要有几种方法来未雨绸缪。最普遍的方法就是投资个人退休帐户。自从1997年,投资者有两个主要个人退休帐户形式可供选择,一个是传统IRA帐户另一种是Roth IRA帐户。两者都要求每年存入3000美元(五十岁及以上者是3500美元)。但是所不同的是存入Roth IRA帐户的是税后收入而日后该帐户增值则是免税的。哪一种帐户对于你更合适取决于你的经济情况。

"I prefer the Roth for most of my clients who are in their 30s and 40s," says Annette Simon, a financial planner in Rockville, Md. "For them, it's a matter of a little tax savings now with a regular IRA versus a lot of tax savings later with a Roth."

“对于大多数年龄在三十到四十岁之间的客户,我更倾向Roth帐户”,安妮特.西蒙---一位在马里兰州洛克威尔工作的理财策划人说,“对于这些客户而言,其实就是在现时低税的传统IRA帐户和现在高税而未来免税Roth IRA帐户之间权衡。”

Not every financial planner agrees. "The Roth is a promise of a future benefit," says Ric Edelman of Edelman Financial Services in Fairfax, Va. "I'd rather take the benefit now than the promise of a benefit in the future. I just don't trust the Congress to leave things unchanged."


Of course, there's another popular savings vehicle: the 401(k) and similar employee-retirement plans. "These tax-deferred retirement plans are a great way to increase your savings - especially if there is a company match," says Gary Ambrose, a financial planner with Personal Capital Management in New York City. "You should take advantage of any opportunities to increase your tax-deferred income."


2. Diversify your portfolio

Determining a proper mix of investments depends entirely on how conservative or aggressive you are and, especially, how close you are to retirement.

"We are all unique and we need to make decisions based on our own circumstance," says Joel Ticknor, a certified financial planner in Reston, Va. "But by diversifying your portfolio as widely as possible, it's the best way of dealing with the unknown."



If you're not certain how to allocate your money between stocks, bonds, and cash, many fund companies and retirement-plan sponsors have online questionnaires to help determine those ratios. Or try the Security Industry Association's investor website ( www.siainvestor.org ).

Once you determine the proper mix, you can take a closer look at your investments. For those who rely on mutual funds, the first of the year is an appropriate time to do this because funds will be reporting their year-end results.



For tax reasons, make changes to your holdings after Jan. 1. Do so before the end of the year and you risk having to pay capital-gains taxes on distributions a fund made earlier in the year. Shareholders of record at the end of the year can still be liable for those taxes. But this doesn't apply to retirement accounts, where taxes are deferred until you withdraw money.


3. Refinance your mortgage

This is the third consecutive year that most financial-resolution lists have included this advice. Mortgage rates, although up from record lows in June, remain at historically low levels. Refinancing a 30-year mortgage in which you're paying above 6.5 percent could save you a few hundred dollars per month and thousands of dollars over the course of the loan. The Federal Reserve has hinted that rates will remain low for the foreseeable future - at least until the threat of recession recedes and there is steady job growth in the US economy.



"Interest rates should remain unchanged through the middle of next year, but they can't remain this low forever," says Kevin McCormally, editorial director of Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine. "Homeowners should take advantage of this great opportunity to refinance as it may not come around again for a long time."

Refinancing is not always a good idea, however. Remember, refinancing will probably extend the term of your loan. So if you are 25 years into a 30-year mortgage, refinancing makes little sense. Also, if you plan to sell your home within two years, the closing costs associated with refinancing may not make the move worthwhile.



[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-5 21:09:11编辑过]


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

6283 元 


发表于 2005-4-3 12:15


“China Daily” is the first and only one English journal nationwide since The PRC establishment. As a result of China’s reform and opening-up, “China Daily” realized that it is of vital significance to nurture comprehensive and high-caliber people in foreign languages under the circumstance of increasing international competitions and communication. In 1993 when Beijing started her bid to host the Olympics Game, in line with the needs of English learners, “China Daily” published “The 21st Century”, which covered international current events, cultures, and guidance for English study. The weekly offered favorable environment to English learners in China and stimulated the development of English talents in the different fields.


In 1996, “China Daily” initiated the “The 21st Century” national speech contest, which aimed at developing English education and human resource modernization. The contest was highly supported by the Information Department of State Council and Education Bureau.


In current years, “The 21st Century” contest gradually became an important international academic function in China’s English education community. The judge committee included linguistic experts in main English education organizations and professionals in famous universities of UK and US; therefore, it was of high authority and level worldwide. Started from 2002, during the contest, an international oral English education forum was supplemented. Moreover, ESU, ETS, UCLES and TESOL were invited to deliver academic reports to better motivate China’s English education.


So far, “The 21st Century” has been successfully held for 7 sessions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu etc. University students all over the country were vigorous injection it. Since the contest was well organized and strictly regulated, it was regarded as the most standardized one in China. Additionally, the outstanding performance of the contesters won rapturous applause from the public at home and abroad. The contest has been proved to be the highest level in China’s oral English education and application. Besides, it’s the domestic trail for the international English speech contest in England each year. The winner would participate in the world English speech contest in London in the coming May on behalf of China.


In recent years, many splendid English talents throve on “The 21st Century”. The winner of the first contest Liu Xin(a host of CCTV overseas center now), outshone other candidates and finally won the international English speech contest in London in May 1996. Her honor given by the National Education Department head and relevant leaders hit the public at that time. In 1999, Cai Li was the winner of “Best Orator of Non-English Spoken Countries”. In addition, as the only representative of China, he participated in the international English Union Youth Forum in Sydney and gained good reputation unanimously the same year in September. The winner of 2002, Zhang Yong, was bestowed the “Best Orator of Non-English Spoken Countries”, whose excellent performance proved the strength of Chinese candidates.

大赛从第六届起得到了爱立信(中国)有限公司连续三年的大力赞助。为了进一步推动高校英语教学和素质教育,同时也为了满足广大高校师生热切的参赛愿望,大赛组委会从第七届比赛开始扩大活动规模,增设了地区预赛, 将全国高校按东部、南部、西部、北部分为四大预赛地区。经过第一轮全国性的演讲征文选拔赛,每个地区评选出12所优胜学校参加本地区预赛。从中选拔出的前两名学校入围次年春天的决赛,与历届比赛中成绩优秀的高校组成的种子学校一起争夺决赛桂冠。

The contest has been sponsored by Errison (China) Ltd for consecutive three years started from the 6th session. In order to further promote both English and quality education in schools, and to fulfill the active involvement of teachers and students, the contest committee decided to enlarge the activity scale, so they divided four trail areas, which were eastern, southern, western and northern China. After the first round speech trail, 12 schools were selected in each area, which were qualified for the access to preliminary. Subsequently, the first two winners in each area were entitled to enter the final in the coming spring, together with the seed schools selected from the outstanding ones.


Universities attached close attention to the “The 21st Century” English speech contest. Inclusive of HK and Macau, over 300 key universities involved in the preliminary and final in 7 years. Every year, universities held all kinds of competitions including preliminary between schools and areas so as to select qualified candidates. The competition mechanism conformed to the international standard and the contents of the speech closely followed the hot topics like environment protection, culture and communication. It gave great opportunity to students to go in for international communication and track the hot issues in China and the world. It absolutely played an active role in developing quality education in universities. Seven winners in final had the chance to visit and study in England, Australia and Singapore, and their tutors would be invited to be members of TESOL and IATEFL.


The media devoted great efforts to “The 21st Century” English speech contest. Many organizations which were concerned with English and education in our community also rendered tremendous support and help to the contest.

[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-2 22:22:31编辑过]

Welcome to English Forum, anything in English

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

6283 元 


发表于 2005-4-3 12:19


Welcome to English Forum, anything in English

Rank: 4

1239 元 
发表于 2005-4-3 23:17


从1994年其至今, 中国杨凌农业高新技术成果博览会已经成功举办了八届,并以其鲜明的特色和广泛的影响跻身全国著名的四大科技展会之列。

From 1994 to now,China Yangling agricultural high-tech fair has been hold successfully for eight times,entering the four biggest technical fairs in china because of it's vivid characteristic and wide impact. 第九届农高会是在我国加入WTO后,农业面临严竣挑战的新形势下举办的一次农业科技盛会。展会以“用科技推动中国农业产业化”为主题,通过全面汇集、展示、交易和交流国内外最新农业高科技、实用技术成果及其产品,开展论坛讲座、人才交流、农科书市、咨询服务等多项活动,为成果转化、技术推广、科技普及和农业产业化搭建舞台,为国内外资本投向涉农产业创造契机, 为农村发展、农民增收提供科技、市场、人才等方面的信息。  The ninth agricultural high-tech fair is a agricultural high-tech pageant with the background of china's entry into WTO and facing big challenge in agriculture. The fair has the theme of "driving China's agricultural industrialization via technology".Conducting many kinds of activities including entirely gathering,revealing,transacting and communicating the latest agricultural high-tech home and abroad,fruit and product of practical technology,lecture,talent intercourse,agricultural technological market for book,counseling and so on, it will build an arena for fruit transformation,technology generalization,science popularizaion and industrialization; it will make opporunities for capital home and abroad to invest in agriculture-related industry and provide information in technology,market and talent for rural development,increase in farmer's income.

本届农高会将以农业生物技术、设施农业、节水灌溉、农副产品加工、畜牧业等为主要展示领域,共分五个部分进行展览、展示和交流。设置室内展值l000多个,室外展区展览面积6000多平方米。 Current agricultural high-tech fair will take agricultural biological technology,infrastructure agriculture,water conservation irrigation,product process,stockbreeding as main revealing field, which was seprated into five parts to exhibit,reveal and communicate.Three are more than 1000 indoor exhibiting position and 6000 square metre of outdoor exhibiting area.

第九届农高会于2002年11月5日至9日在杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区如期举办。届时有来自全国27个省、市、自治区和德国、国、芬兰、香港等17个国家和地区的2000多位客商、中外专家学者、农业科技人员以及上百万各界群众将参展参会、交流交易。它对加快农业高新技术成果的转化、推广和产业化、提高我国农业的国际竞争力,推进西部大开发战略的实施,将起到重要的促进作用。 The ninth agricultural high-tech fair was hold as expected at Yangling agricultural high-tech industry demenstration zone from November fivth to ninth,2002.On the occasion,there will be more than 2000 travelling merchants,experts and scholars from home and abroad, agricultrual technological experts and millions of people which comes from 27 provinces,cities,autonomous regions and 17 countries including of Germany,US,Finland,Hongkong and so on,taking part in the exhibition,communication and transaction.It will play a prompting part in quickening the transformation, popularizaion and industrialization of agricultural high-tech fruit,enhancing our competitive power in agriculture and advancing implement of west exploitation strategy.

为了扩大展会的交易星,会期将举办投资贸易治谈会、集中签约等活动,设置商业配对治谈区和专业交易时段,邀请国内外及港澳台投资公司、证券公司、农业龙头企业、经销商以及专业人士参与治谈,开展招商、融资、投资治谈、投资宣传和交流活动,推介投资项目、发布招商引资信息。 In order to expand magnitude of transaction, there will be investing and commercial negotiating meeting, collective compacting and other activities;setting commercial matching negotiating section and special transacting period of time; inviting investment companies, stockjobbers, agricultural leading companies,franchisers and professional person from home and abroad,Hongkong,Macao and Taiwan to negotiate;recommending investment items and issuing information of attracting business and capital.

Rank: 4

1239 元 
发表于 2005-4-3 23:23

Rank: 3Rank: 3

280 元 
发表于 2005-4-4 05:22
以下是引用香孜在2005-3-31 8:10:15的发言:



隆里古城位于云贵高原东部边缘的锦屏县南部,是一座明代军事城堡──隆里所城。象这样保存完好的明代千户所地方军事城堡在全国已属罕见。它是明代以来中央政权强化对边远地区统治和中原文化对少数民族文化渗透的产物。所城距黎平机场21公里,是锦屏进入黎平侗乡风景名胜区的重要通道。 隆里地处山间盆地中部,地势平坦,清沏龙溪河水绕所城西部蜿蜒向北流去,四周群山环抱,浓荫覆盖,有着良好的生态环境和丰富的林业资源。隆里原名龙里,因当地龙溪河蜿蜒曲折如一条游龙而得名。  城区面积约48174平方米,城内居民760余户,总人口3280余人。据史书记载,公元624年在此设龙标县。唐代著名诗人王昌龄曾贬谪于此。隆里盛产稻米、菜油、西瓜、杉木和黄金等。自古以来为一方富庶之地,礼仪之乡。 隆里古城,为古代军事城堡遗址,有600多年的历史,始建于明洪武十九年(公元1386年),永乐二年(公元1404年)修复,城垣为泥土夯筑,天顺元年(公元1457年)始用卵石框边,形成现有风貌。清咸丰、光绪年间,古城几遭兵燹,现今整个布局、居民宅院等,仍保持原貌,特别是卵石铺就的花街路面颇具特色。古城近似长方形,城周长约1500米,设东西南北四道城门,其上均立戍楼,高一丈二尺,后改名为“鼓楼”祀神,四道城门东门又名“清阳门”,南门又名“正阳门”,西门又名“迎恩门”,北门闭而不开,现鼓楼依旧齐整,城垣颓坏殆尽。城内街道以城中央千户所旧址为中心,往东西南各又分出一条大街,形成“丁”字形,而三条大街又分出六条巷道,这就是本地俗称的“三街六巷”。街道两旁均拓有“阳沟”。城内设有环城路,环绕全城,城外侧挖掘有城壕及护城河。据口碑传,清中后期是隆里的鼎盛时期,隆里人口剧增,文化昌盛,有“城内三千七,城外七千三,七十二姓氏,七十二眼井”之称,人民安居乐业,地方殷实富足,大量的住宅祠堂开始修缮兴建。 古城民居临街排列整齐,一色三间两居风火墙式,上面青瓦、兽脊,两侧山墙翘角凌空,下面铺石板,墙上绘有彩画。门前是三步台阶,为青石凿成。房屋营造格式:砖墙包围,隔内外,避风雨。入大门即是一栋三间楼房,为前屋;屋后是天井,用青石板镶成,天井放着青石防火缸,龙蟠蝻护,珍龙凿就;天井后是正屋,结构精巧,装饰华丽,正面板壁通为窗格,皆雕鸟兽,维妙维肖。房屋全系木质结构,不用一钉一铆,结构严谨,工艺精良。城东南角与西南角均建有高大祠堂,墙门轩昂壮丽,气派非凡。

Brief Introduction of Old Town Longli of Jingping in Guizhou Province

Old Town Longli lies in south of Jingping-- county in east edge of plateau Yungui. Longli used to be the military castle in Ming Dynasty, the town is so well preserved that any stone is a museum piece. It was product of central government power of ruling on remotes areas and the penetration of civilization towards mineral nationality culture. It is only 21 KM away from Liping Airport, which is an important way to enter place of interest of town of Dong people.

With rich forest resources, Longli lies in the middle of a basin topography, with flat areas it is surrounded by mountains,the ecological environment is rather good , and clear water of Longxi River flows from west of the town to the north, just like a dragon, so the formal name of Longli means dragon.“龙”means “dragon” in Chinses, and “隆“we use today is to expect prosperous.

The total area of Old Town Longli is about 48,174 square meter, and total population of 3,280 .We can know from historical record ,central government established Longbiao county here in year of 624. And a famous poet, Wang Chang-ling was once demoted to Longli.The specialties of Longli are rice, rape oil , watermelon, fir trees and gold. It was a rich and popular place since ancient periods, and famous as town of Controversy.

Longli as in heritage of military castle in Ming Dynasty, it has a history of more than 600 years. It was first built in 1386,rebuit in 1404,the circumvallation was built with soil and in year 1457, pebbles were firstly used as building material, it is just what we can see today.In Qing Dynasty, the old town was destroyed by wars, after rebuilding, today the streets are still paved with stones and lined with houses, very chacterastic. The shape of old town close to a rectangle, with circumference of 1,500 meters. There are four gates: north gate, south, east and west gate. On the gate there are “drum-tower” ,which is about 4 meters high and with purpose of sacrifice(祭祀) the god. The east gate was named as “gate of Qingyang”,the south gate was named as “gate of Zhengyang”, the west gate, “gate of Ying'en”,and the north gate was closed .Nowadays, the circumvallation was no longer well preserved,but the “drum tower” still could be seen.

The streets in the old town centered with heritage of qianhu office building, and braches three streets to east, west and south, formed a shape of “т”, and the three streets branches other six alleys .That is what people called” three streets and six alleys”. There are channels built by the side of streets. There are ring roads around the whole town, moat and circumvallation circumvallates the old town. It is said that, Longli got fast development in middle and late Qing Dynasty, with large population, prosperous culture. People said that, “In those days, there were 3,700 people living inside the fortress and 7,300 outside, who shared 72 surnames and 72 wells.

. People lead a happy life and the economy developed well, many houses and ancestral temples were built there. The streets are still paved with stones and lined with houses, ancestral halls, temples, attics and bridges going back to the Ming era. The specialties of the cottages are the watt top, slates made floor and colorful painted walls. There are three paces stone steps in from of each gate. The brick walls are very classical and both prevent from rain. You will see fore-house, which is three-storey building, behind it is the courtyard with blue stone bolder. The whole house is made of wood, without any nails at all. In the southeast and southwest of the old town, we can see high ancestral temples with wonderful style, really very grand.



Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

8760 元 

荣誉之星 天天开星

发表于 2005-4-4 05:44


英语翻译汉语:活着的灵魂(yes) 金刚石(yes)小美猪猪(yes)

大漠银沙(yes) 小熊猫(yes) berenice(yes) yddqbm [no] 汉语翻译英语: bluesky911(yes) Whoknows(yes) wapu (yes) 松 香(yes) 彩虹玫瑰(yes) 松竹玫(yes) 蜡 笔 [no]


等待最后一道题的上交,奖励的鲜花落哪一组,我们拭目以待!加油,yddqbm ,蜡 笔!

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