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中国发现乙肝病毒复制"开关" 临床治疗或突破 agree  ...23 nwjk 2011-3-23 252630 bigben446 2011-3-24 14:41
[telbivudine]Efficacy and safety of prolonged 3-year treatment in pa agree StephenW 2011-3-24 6907 lin12345 2011-3-24 13:02
Telbivudine associated HBsAg Loss after 3 years' treatment interdetect 2011-3-24 1720 lin12345 2011-3-24 12:59
瑞士的诺华公司今天宣布它已经收购了在中国疫苗公司 StephenW 2011-3-24 6930 interdetect 2011-3-24 11:41
群里有得到中国肝炎防治基金会资助过的吗? interdetect 2011-3-7 4825 benben00 2011-3-24 09:47
Long-Term Treatment With Entecavir Induces Reversal of Advanced Fibrosis or Cirr StephenW 2011-3-17 31274 StephenW 2011-3-24 06:55
配乐能与哌罗欣的区别 heatlevel agree  ...23456..17 liver411 2010-5-28 16119645 zhaoji24 2011-3-24 00:42
Long-term outcome and hepatocellular carcinoma development in chronic hepatitis StephenW 2011-3-22 8889 StephenW 2011-3-23 18:01
A new role for an old marker, HBsAg lin12345 2011-3-23 41152 StephenW 2011-3-23 16:40
敢问各位坛友怎么购买的替诺福韦? heatlevel  ...2 interdetect 2011-3-14 141503 侬是马甲 2011-3-23 12:42
NIH Research Matters liver411 2011-3-22 3792 hatecccdna 2011-3-22 20:57
Genotypic resistance profile of hepatitis B virus (HBV) in a large cohort of nuc StephenW 2011-3-22 7796 StephenW 2011-3-22 14:09
A Common HLA-DPA1 Variant is a Major Determinant of Hepatitis B Virus Clearance StephenW 2011-3-22 5935 interdetect 2011-3-22 13:54
用好医保药 让乙肝患者更大受益 attach_img  ...2 StephenW 2011-2-14 111782 benben00 2011-3-22 10:26
似乎是个好消息-nitazoxanide  ...2 freshnail 2011-3-13 112164 interdetect 2011-3-22 09:16
83年关于阿的平的一个临床实验观察报告 attachment heatlevel agree  ...2 bigben446 2010-11-8 153047 小手肥肥 2011-3-21 22:33
讨论:医生的话可信度有多高? heatlevel digest agree  ...234 interdetect 2011-2-28 343163 bigben446 2011-3-20 15:27
[hbver.com]2010版慢性乙肝防治指南精粹与点评 agree StephenW 2011-3-19 0689 StephenW 2011-3-19 19:05
Serial HBV DNA levels in patients with persistently normal transaminase over 10 StephenW 2011-3-17 6798 kennyu 2011-3-18 16:41
2010 马上就88了。哪个乙克至今无消息。 heatlevel  ...2 富贵数字 2011-1-26 122142 xue_lang 2011-3-18 16:08
[Research]Circulating microRNAs in hepatitis B virus–infected patients StephenW 2011-3-17 11292 StephenW 2011-3-17 20:38
《蔡荣相关》廉价痤疮药有效阻止HIV《传染病杂志》2010.4.15 agree  ...23456..20 风华长存 2010-4-21 19025321 布隆方丹 2011-3-17 18:21
温家宝总理2月27日将与网民在线交流 富贵数字 2011-2-26 51205 Lucyvelte 2011-3-17 04:37
在用博路定的病友进 heatlevel  ...2 豆莞蝎子 2011-3-11 184189 V友 2011-3-16 16:59
H Bx protein is essential to initiate and maintain virus replicat StephenW 2011-3-15 2687 lin12345 2011-3-16 16:43
Scientists Develop New Instrument for Analyzing Viruses StephenW 2011-3-16 2619 lin12345 2011-3-16 16:43
神马都是浮云,自愈才是王道!关于抗病毒药物治疗的猜想 heatlevel  ...2345 杀死-hbv 2011-2-9 494916 终南隐士 2011-3-16 15:26
[hbver.com]全球最大乙肝抗病毒药物临床数据首发 StephenW 2011-3-15 2998 StephenW 2011-3-16 14:24
Hepatitis B Virus Limits Response of Human Hepatocytes to Interferon-α in Chim StephenW 2011-3-15 11215 StephenW 2011-3-15 10:32
香菇治疗乙肝效果怎样 heatlevel  ...2 nwjk 2011-2-12 162374 qdmhyneg 2011-3-14 15:08


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