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Myopathy associated with nucleos(t)ide analog therapy for hepatitis B interdetect 2011-3-3 1712 interdetect 2011-3-3 15:48
肝癌发生概率与病毒类型,变异的关系 agree cam4930 2011-3-3 0960 cam4930 2011-3-3 07:31
美国修改阿司匹林指南 liver411 2011-2-25 2988 StephenW 2011-3-3 07:25
Protein nanotubes trap HBV particle[Dane particles] StephenW 2011-2-28 32126 lin12345 2011-3-2 21:08
Cell头条:艾滋病也许能治愈? 家家海浪 2011-3-2 51233 富贵数字 2011-3-2 20:07
新数据显示甲磺酸多拉司琼存有风险 liver411 2011-3-2 0598 liver411 2011-3-2 17:02
FDA试验数据表明贝伐珠单抗风险大于受益 liver411 2011-3-2 0752 liver411 2011-3-2 16:58
今天看到已新闻,标题为【上海专家为慢性乙肝耐药机制研 pihaiyige 2011-2-25 51365 deihai 2011-3-2 12:39
Kinetics of hepatitis B surface antigen differ between treatment with peginterfe StephenW 2011-3-2 1689 StephenW 2011-3-2 08:06
entecavir Approved for the Treatment of Decompensated Liver Disease StephenW 2011-3-1 11130 StephenW 2011-3-1 22:56
急找络奈啶,磷酸络奈啶 战胜无敌 2011-2-27 81061 freshnail 2011-3-1 13:04
捐赠乙型肝炎基金会以支持北京益仁平中心 StephenW 2011-2-27 6939 StephenW 2011-3-1 12:51
综合菜汁治愈丙肝。对于乙肝或许有借鉴的意义。 沉静的三多 2011-2-28 2958 StephenW 2011-3-1 00:17
今天看了蔡晧东的专家号,得知以下信息 heatlevel  ...2 brothers 2011-2-24 192596 特深沉 2011-2-28 15:35
唐小平教授:不要让慢性乙肝治疗成为负担 StephenW 2011-1-17 61359 ijhgjgyuj 2011-2-28 02:40
Benitec Limited Hepatitis B RNAi Program With Biomics Biotechnologies StephenW 2011-2-22 71311 lin12345 2011-2-27 18:52
一亿人心有不“肝” desperatehouse 2011-2-11 4970 uki8888 2011-2-26 22:38
[Research]Evolutionary patterns of hepatitis B virus quasispecies under differen StephenW 2011-2-13 21398 StephenW 2011-2-26 20:20
[Clinical]Defining Virologic Relapse in Chronic Hepatitis B StephenW 2011-2-25 1722 StephenW 2011-2-25 16:52
葛兰素在治疗乙肝上最没有发言权,个人意见 interdetect 2011-1-12 61214 theok4 2011-2-24 21:23
看来这个版越来越少人来啦,哈哈, heatlevel  ...2 techan008 2011-1-16 151669 布隆方丹 2011-2-23 17:33
123 吴聊 2011-2-21 81258 qiuhaitang 2011-2-23 09:34
Comparisonof the 48-week efficacy between entecavir and adefovir StephenW 2011-2-23 2923 StephenW 2011-2-23 09:07
Natural Killers Of Cancer: natural killer cells in liver transplant StephenW 2011-2-21 1800 lin12345 2011-2-21 23:06
Medication Nonadherence with Long-Term Management of Patients with Hepatitis B e StephenW 2011-2-21 0680 StephenW 2011-2-21 22:13
新乙肝疫苗DV-601在实验中表现良好 heatlevel  ...23 逝水有声 2010-12-29 264923 wuming5183 2011-2-21 16:59
2011年全国两会反映乙肝歧视网址 fenghuangniepan 2011-2-9 71105 东方夹粘滑 2011-2-21 13:19
大家好,第一次发帖。各位专家战友解答小弟疑惑? 意识革命 2011-2-20 3701 意识革命 2011-2-20 13:41
To stop or not to stop: The quest for long-term viral suppression StephenW 2011-2-20 5966 StephenW 2011-2-20 13:16
Stopping lamivudine in e antigen-negatice chronic HBV StephenW 2011-2-19 0947 StephenW 2011-2-19 15:56


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