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FDA Approves New Roche Hepatitis B Viral Load Test liver411 2011-1-25 41131 qdmhyneg 2011-1-25 14:02
那種聚乙二醇干扰素α- 2b劑量最適合慢性乙型肝炎? liver411 2011-1-25 0682 liver411 2011-1-25 11:11
Romark(Alinia)筹得2300万美元 StephenW 2011-1-21 41536 富贵数字 2011-1-24 21:17
诺华公司:替比夫定被曝现严重不良反应致命 interdetect 2011-1-20 5825 antihbvsk 2011-1-24 13:08
阿的平哪里有的买?怎么服用?  ...23456..10 lonelyguy 2010-11-7 999572 qdmhyneg 2011-1-23 19:19
Diversity of Hepatitis B virus infecting Malaysian candidate blood donors StephenW 2011-1-23 0726 StephenW 2011-1-23 11:22
报告标题:重庆啤酒:最新临床进展点评  ...23 黑夜的天涯 2010-12-15 273663 杀死-hbv 2011-1-22 18:52
Scientists grow human liver tissue to be used for transplantation StephenW 2011-1-21 0586 StephenW 2011-1-21 22:25
IL-10 polymorphism predicts initial response of chronic hepa StephenW 2011-1-21 1590 虎豆 2011-1-21 12:00
Hep B & C death rates in Australia (1992 - 2006) StephenW 2011-1-20 0580 StephenW 2011-1-20 19:47
还是关于硝  ...2 正义天蓝 2010-7-5 112335 KG2010 2011-1-20 12:30
毒蛇咬两次治愈乙肝  ...23 lanwj 2010-7-12 275071 interdetect 2011-1-20 10:28
Clinical Care Options[For those good in English] StephenW 2011-1-19 0476 StephenW 2011-1-19 08:00
Clevudine for chronic hepatitis B: antiviral response, predictors of response, a StephenW 2011-1-19 0759 StephenW 2011-1-19 06:03
Hepatocyte metabolic signalling pathways and regulation of hepatitis B virus exp StephenW 2011-1-19 0690 StephenW 2011-1-19 05:58
治疗乙肝,小弟愚见  ...2 肝弟弟啊 2011-1-8 121798 语麒麟 2011-1-18 20:03
抗艾滋药物获重大突破 heatlevel  ...2 liver411 2011-1-16 111896 StephenW 2011-1-18 11:30
Tenofovir and Entecavir Are Safe and Effective in Hepatitis B Patients with Deco StephenW 2011-1-18 1733 StephenW 2011-1-18 08:55
丙肝新药boceprevir通过FDA和EMA审查 逝水有声 2011-1-17 0792 逝水有声 2011-1-17 22:29
Quantification of hepatitis B surface antigen: a new concept for the management StephenW 2011-1-17 01048 StephenW 2011-1-17 01:01
Adefovir Monotherapy in Chronic Hepatitis B Patients with Lamivudine Resistance StephenW 2011-1-17 0493 StephenW 2011-1-17 00:12
Association of Hepatitis B Virus Pre-S Deletions with the Development of Hepatoc StephenW 2011-1-17 0519 StephenW 2011-1-17 00:07
关注治疗性乙肝疫苗的进展 heatlevel  ...2 乙肝夫子 2010-12-15 172513 viva132 2011-1-16 18:57
Vitamin D Crucial to Immune System StephenW 2011-1-15 1589 StephenW 2011-1-15 04:06
Extended treatment with lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil in chronic hepatitis B StephenW 2011-1-14 0588 StephenW 2011-1-14 22:21
Clevudine-induced viral response, associated with continued reduction of HBsAg t StephenW 2011-1-14 0639 StephenW 2011-1-14 22:15
一直在心理想问为什么 大三可以参加治疗。小三就不可以? 富贵数字 2011-1-14 3971 富贵数字 2011-1-14 20:09
乙肝患者的免费治疗机会 MP4 2011-1-11 61212 珊瑚一族 2011-1-14 10:59
acetaminophen - be careful about dosage, not liver friendly StephenW 2011-1-14 2581 StephenW 2011-1-14 03:24
Outcomes of Long-Term Administration of Intravenous Hepatitis B Immunoglobulins StephenW 2011-1-13 0537 StephenW 2011-1-13 23:20


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