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DDW2012:Factors That Affect the Improvement of Liver Stiffness in Patients With StephenW 2012-5-22 1546 StephenW 2012-5-22 01:54
两种我国研发的乙肝新药---转自刘士敬的博客,大家怎么看 heatlevel  ...2 chbj8181 2012-5-1 143398 sddp1 2012-5-20 20:51
0.1 IU/ml ~= 0.1 ng/ml of HBSAg = 2x10**7表面抗原颗粒 StephenW 2012-5-20 0879 StephenW 2012-5-20 16:35
Predictors of relapse in chronic hepatitis B after discontinuation of anti-viral StephenW 2012-5-19 4769 把握当下 2012-5-20 15:09
乐复能效果这么好,为啥实验的战友没半点消息啊? 0914 2012-2-14 93248 欧阳无情zxm 2012-5-20 15:02
Lamivudine plus adefovir vs. entecavir in HBeAg-positive hepatitis B with sequen StephenW 2012-5-16 3746 把握当下 2012-5-20 14:53
百家争鸣抗乙肝 个体化治疗不逾矩 agree liver411 2012-2-23 41040 StephenW 2012-5-18 15:28
免疫应答 乙肝转归的重要影响因素(你是否合适干扰素呢) 0914 2012-3-8 81099 古槐 2012-5-18 14:02
美研制出超级阿司匹林 可抑制十余种癌细胞 javeping 2012-3-12 31073 古槐 2012-5-18 13:55
本人经长期研究发现:HBSAG价值比HBV-DNA大很多 heatlevel  ...2 94163116 2012-4-16 122550 古槐 2012-5-18 13:34
骆抗先 :再打一年干扰素,“小三阳”能打掉吗? StephenW 2012-5-17 21100 肝肠欲断 2012-5-18 11:25
单纯脂肪肝和ALT升高的脂肪肝的代谢差别 StephenW 2012-5-17 0726 StephenW 2012-5-17 16:30
Gastroenterology special issue attachment StephenW 2012-5-16 2675 铭铭妈妈 2012-5-17 15:30
[EASL2011]防止耐药发生的策略——初始高基因屏障药物or初始 agree StephenW 2012-5-15 1675 咬牙硬挺 2012-5-17 13:19
乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原变异研究获进展 tonychant 2012-5-15 2996 咬牙硬挺 2012-5-16 22:16
Scarring cells revert to inactive state as liver heals StephenW 2012-5-16 1852 StephenW 2012-5-16 00:40
[EASL2012]慢性肝病的评估:非侵入性肝纤维化、肝癌、脂肪性 StephenW 2012-5-15 0530 StephenW 2012-5-15 19:37
[EASL2012]EASL会议亮点及EASL慢性HBV感染管理临床实践指南——EA StephenW 2012-5-15 0614 StephenW 2012-5-15 19:27
A Novel Inhibitor of Human La Protein with Anti-HBV Activity Discovered by Struc attachment StephenW 2012-5-15 3645 StephenW 2012-5-15 14:03
[EASL 2012]预测肝硬化程度新方法 StephenW 2012-5-14 81063 StephenW 2012-5-14 23:47
Introducing Prof Guo - presenting cccDNA inhibitor at ISVHLD heatlevel StephenW 2012-5-7 15681 hoimes 2012-5-14 20:54
A Critical Evaluation of the Preventive Effect of Antiviral Therapy on the Devel StephenW 2012-5-14 1640 StephenW 2012-5-14 18:16
The Prognosis of Hepatitis B-related Liver Cirrhosis in the Era of Oral Nucleos( StephenW 2012-5-14 1602 StephenW 2012-5-14 18:10
Effects of entecavir and Shenxian Yiganling combination therapy on patients with StephenW 2012-5-14 1694 StephenW 2012-5-14 17:54
好久没登陆论坛了.发表下学术版的个人观点.  ...2 富贵数字 2012-5-13 121536 咬牙硬挺 2012-5-14 16:41
Is Hepatitis Virus Resistance to Antiviral Drugs a Threat? StephenW 2012-5-13 4743 咬牙硬挺 2012-5-14 13:25
乙肝治疗,应避免干扰素和核苷类药物同时服用 heatlevel  ...23 lifflefield 2011-12-14 203900 无敌抗体 2012-5-13 14:00
Cell Stem Cell:免疫系统疾病的干细胞疗法 cwy121 2012-4-28 2862 王震宇 2012-5-12 23:54
高志良:浅析慢性乙型肝炎抗病毒优化治疗 StephenW 2012-5-7 3895 王震宇 2012-5-12 23:50
Tenofovir monotherapy for naïve patients with chronic hepatitis B StephenW 2012-5-12 1643 咬牙硬挺 2012-5-12 22:24


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