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学术打假 京科肝泰医院“肝细胞超导离子靶向导入疗法” agree zasxz 2010-8-12 11222 特深沉 2010-8-13 08:50
过氧化物酶体增殖物活化受体与乙肝病毒复制及纤维化 zasxz 2010-8-12 2977 MP4 2010-8-12 23:39
意大利医生使用沙门氏菌抗癌 liver411 2010-8-12 0782 liver411 2010-8-12 16:23
Long-term use of entecavir in nucleoside-naïve Japanese patients zasxz 2010-8-12 3769 zasxz 2010-8-12 11:04
失代偿患者的恩替和阿德长期有效性对比(2010-3 APASL) attachment zasxz 2010-8-12 0634 zasxz 2010-8-12 10:26
骆驼奶对促进慢性乙型肝炎患者康复的临床研究评论 2010ideai 2010-8-10 71349 hatecccdna 2010-8-11 23:52
Preliminary Evidence of Rapid HBsAg Seroconversion zasxz 2010-8-11 0903 zasxz 2010-8-11 22:04
A new role for an old marker, HBsAg zasxz 2010-8-11 2930 齐欢畅2 2010-8-11 18:57
NTZ(硝唑尼特)的治疗HBV的机理研究 zasxz 2010-8-11 3989 zygtjdx 2010-8-11 16:37
E抗原阴性患者若HBVDNA高会增加纤维化风险 attachment zasxz 2010-8-11 2817 zasxz 2010-8-11 13:14
噻唑烷抑制乙型肝炎病毒转基因小鼠肝癌 agree zasxz 2010-8-11 21370 zasxz 2010-8-11 12:23
RNA Interference inhibits HBV of different genotypes in Vitro and in Vivo StephenW 2010-8-11 0795 StephenW 2010-8-11 08:12
Retrospective Analysis of Chronic Hepatitis D in a West... liver411 2010-8-11 0605 liver411 2010-8-11 06:18
Implementing a birth dose of hepatitis B vaccine for home deliveries... liver411 2010-8-11 0583 liver411 2010-8-11 06:17
Investigation of memory B cell responses to HBsAg... liver411 2010-8-11 0603 liver411 2010-8-11 06:15
Hepatitis B Virus Infections Among Children and Adolescents in... liver411 2010-8-11 0623 liver411 2010-8-11 06:14
Long-term entecavir therapy results in the reversal of fibrosis/cirrhosis ... liver411 2010-8-11 0668 liver411 2010-8-11 06:13
Early on-treatment prediction of response to peginterferon alfa-2a ... liver411 2010-8-11 0993 liver411 2010-8-11 06:12
Prevalence of occult hepatitis B infection in a highly endemic area... liver411 2010-8-11 0736 liver411 2010-8-11 06:11
Editorial: Peginterferon Therapy for HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B ... liver411 2010-8-11 0751 liver411 2010-8-11 06:10
Treating Hepatitis B Runs Up Against Hmong Culture liver411 2010-8-11 0784 liver411 2010-8-11 06:09
Correlation between clinical indication for ... liver411 2010-8-11 0588 liver411 2010-8-11 06:08
Hepatitis B virus genotyping: current methods and clinical implications liver411 2010-8-11 0772 liver411 2010-8-11 06:06
个人思考:乙肝药物开发的误区 哈哈大侠 2010-8-9 3861 fssdcc 2010-8-11 03:17
与蔡老师药物真相有关的调查。 agree  ...23456 爱唱歌的猪 2010-6-28 549037 hxc321 2010-8-10 19:13
硝唑尼特,大家认为怎样?如有信心就组织开展临床试验。  ...23456..7 清除cccDNA 2010-4-26 648474 dfyy8989 2010-8-10 16:36
Long-term entecavir therapy results in the reversal of fibrosis/cirrhosis agree StephenW 2010-8-10 1781 走遍四方 2010-8-10 15:23
替比夫定小试成功 fhq830223 2010-8-6 71210 yannan104 2010-8-10 12:58
我为什么不能发帖子了? 穷人的大夫 2010-8-9 3748 deng245 2010-8-9 17:23
国产恩替卡韦价格虚高普通消费能力难以承受令人失望 Hot_Boy 2010-8-9 11111 穷人的大夫 2010-8-9 17:11


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