听着这样妖娆 破碎的声音 让我心都醉了 居然连台灯也懒的开
She never really had a chance 她不曾有任何挽回的机会 On that fateful moonlit night 在那月光皎洁 Sacrificed without a fight 决定命运的夜晚 A victim of her circumstance 成了命运的牺牲品 Now that I've become aware 如今我已全然了解 And I've exposed this tragedy 我曾经置身于一场悲剧当中 A sadness grows inside of me 一股哀伤油然而生 It all seems so unfair 一切似乎是那么的不公平! I'm learning all about my life 我透视了我的前生 By looking through her eyes 经由她的眼神 Just beyond the churchyard gates 毗邻教堂大门的后院 Where the grass is overgrown 那儿杂草丛生 I saw the writing on her stone 看到墓碑上的墓志铭 I felt like I would suffocate 我觉得如同要窒息! Inloving memory of our child 在我孩子可爱的记忆中 So innocent, eyes open wide 他们张着大眼多么天真无邪! I felt so empty as I cried 我因空虚而饮泣 Like part of me had died 如同死亡的是属于我的一部份! I'm learning all about my life 我知道了自己的前世 By looking through her eyes 从她的眼神中 And as her image 当她的影像 Wandered through my head 在我的脑海中徘徊时 I wept just like a baby 我哭得像小孩一般 As I lay awake in bed 躺在床上无法入眠! And I know what it's like 我能想像 To lose someone you love 你失去所爱的感觉 And this felt just the same 如今我的感觉正是如此! She wasn't given any choice 她不曾被给予任何机会 Desperation stole her voice 绝望夺走了她的生命。 I've been given so much more in life在我的前世曾有过这么悲慘的遭遇 I've got a son, I've got a wife 我有老婆,孩子 I had to suffer one last time 在这一生当中老天爷赐予我这么多 To grieve for her and say goodbye 哀悼她并向她道別 Relive the anguish of my past 再次经历前辈子的痛苦 To find out who I was at last 我终于了解到前世我是谁! The door has opened wide 灵魂的大门已敞开 I'm turning with the tide 我的心绪如潮汐般的起落! Looking through her eyes 透过她的眼神