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My College Choices [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

597 元 


发表于 2003-8-4 15:34
It's in alphabetical order...I am too much of a poophead to put it in the order of which ones I like more n stuff...



This is Columbia...It's so far away from where I am but I do have relatives in New Jersey. Meh. They are getting old and might move here to retire so yeah. I think I'll stay in Cali but yeah...



This is Harvard. It's pretty far away too. Meh. Too many future lawyers. Haha.



This is Ohio State University. I have a friend in Ohio...and yeah. My Auntie Marie went there. ^_~



Pepperdine University. It's pretty close. I went there to see a play in the 7th grade...



Stanford. Ahh- so cool! What university do you know has a LAKE?! My Grandpa was there too. I went like, last yr...my friend is thinking of going there too. We might go together.



Moo.haha I will expect Yuer to help me a lot if I go there. University California, Irvine.



UCLA...pretty close by. I dunno...blue and yellow colors.



UCSB...my friend might move near there because her brother wants to go there...



UCSD. I have relatives over in San Diego. It seems like a way cool college too so yeah.



UCSF...in San Francisco! GAY PRIDE. Moo.haha. Katie's sister goes there...



Last but not least, USC...a lot of my teachers went there...^_~


Moo.haha! Yuppero. These are my choices in colleges. What do you guys think? I kind of want to stay in state tho I have many ex.relatives and relatives in many states. I want to major in clinical psychology...my mommy majored in psychology when she was in Maryland...^_~ I didn't know that till after I decided that as my major...which is kind of funny...of course, my choice of major could change. Meh. I am not sure yet...


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:30

Jilin University


Jilin University is located in the Changchun City,Capital of Jilin Province.With an area of 20,000 square kilometers and a population of 6.77 million,and with the yearly average temperature of 4.8 degrees Celsius,Changchun is situated at an altitude 218 meters in the hinterland of Northeast plain of China.
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:32
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:35

A General Introduction to Jilin University

It is directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education of China and is the largest and national key university.

l         It is one of the universities with high academic standards and supported by the national key construction project.

l         It is one of the 22 universities in China which first established postgraduate schools.

l         It has 7 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and 3 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

l         It has one member on the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council of China.

l         It has 14 members on the Academic Programs Evaluation Subcommittee under the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council.

l         It has one chief scientist in the national "973" Project.

l         It has 15 postdoctoral training centers.

l         It has 12 national key disciplines.

l         It has 7 national bases for basic science studies and personnel training.

l         It has 5 national key laboratories and 13 laboratories under the Ministry of Education and other ministries.

With ringing in the new millenium, Jilin University has emerged with a new posture and voice among all other noted Chinese universities, and it has opened its door to all excellent students from around the world.

The new Jilin University, an amalgamation of former five universities in Changchun, was established on June 12, 2000 in accordance with the decision of the State Council to reform and readjust the structure of higher education in China. The merger was approved by the Ministry of Education. The former five universities include Jilin University, Jilin University of Technology, Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences, Changchun University of Science and Technology and Changchun Institute of Post and Telecommunications.

The newly established Jilin University covers wide academic areas, including 11 major disciplines, i.e. philosophy, economics, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, and management.

The university has established extensive academic exchange and cooperative programs with more than 110 universities, colleges and research institutions around the world. The College of International Exchange of the University is mainly responsible for offering the Chinese language training programs for the overseas students.

Since the merging, Jilin University has been made into the largest national key university with all-round education programs and high academic standards under the Ministry of Education. Supported by the national key construction project, it is looking forward to a broader prospect for its further development.

The former Jilin University was established in 1946, and it grew out of the Northeast Administration College and the Northeast People's University. It developed and enlarged under the national policy of distributing higher education resources in key areas of the country. Over the years it evolved its unique university spirit and academic atmosphere, and was designated as a national key university covering wide and broad disciplines in both science and humanities. Before the merger, it had trained great numbers of talented persons and reached remarkable achievements in science and technology. As a result, it had become one of the important national training bases for professionals in basic sciences and for those pursuing high-level academic studies.

The former Jilin University of Technology, which developed from Changchun Automobile and Tractor College, was established in 1955. It developed along with the upsurge of automobile and agricultural machinery industry in China and became a national key university in the country. It covered the disciplines of engineering, management, science and humanities with its education programs specially featuring automobile and agricultural machinery. In addition, it was one of the important bases for solving key problems in science and technology and for training high-level personnel in automobile and machinery industry. Therefore, it was noted as the cradle of talented professionals in automobile and agricultural machinery in China.

The former Norman Bethune University of Medical Sciences was founded by Marshal Nie Rongzhen in 1939. Dr. Norman Bethune, the great internationalist, participated in the establishment of its teaching and clinical resources. Before the merger, the university had trained a great number of medical personnel and famous medical specialists and reached outstanding achievements in scientific research.

The predecessor of the former Changchun University of Science and Technology was the Changchun Junior College of Geology which was set up in October 1951. Its first president was Professor Li Siguang, the well-know scientist in geology. As a national key university it had multiple disciplines and unique education programs, and had trained a large number of talented professionals in mineral resource survey, exploration, extraction, protection, and comprehensive utilization of mineral resources, thus enriching the studies of earth sciences.

The former Changchun Post and Telecommunications College, established at Jiamusi City of Heilongjiang Province in 1947, was the only institution of higher learning in the northeast part of China offering courses in information and telecommunication engineering. It was well equipped for its education programs and displayed a promising trend in developing new disciplines. In the past years, it had trained a great number of talented professionals in informatics and telecommunication.
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:36

Admission Guidance for Overseas Students

I. Study Programs for Overseas Students

1. Students majoring in the Chinese Language (Without time limit)

2. Students for Bachelor Degree (Four-year program)

3. Students for Master's Degree (Three-year program)

4. Students for Doctoral Degree (Three-year program)

5. Ordinary Students for Advanced Study (Half-year program or longer)

6. Senior Students for Advanced Study (Half-year program or longer)

II. Category of Programs and Entrance Requirements

The new overseas students should be physically and mentally healthy and with a diploma of senior high school graduation or a higher one.

 1. Chinese Language Program: The applicant should possess a diploma of senior high school graduation or a higher one.

2. Undergraduate Program: The applicant should possess a diploma of senior high school graduation.

3. Master's Degree Program: The applicant should possess a bachelor degree with a transcript, and can be admitted to the Master's degree program with recommendations from two associate professors or professors.

4. Doctoral Degree Program: The applicant should have a Master's degree as well as the degree paper, and can be admitted to the Doctoral Degree Program with recommendations from two professors.

5. Advanced Study Program for Ordinary Students: The applicant should have a qualification of at least two year's college education, and is expected to further study his/her specialty or related areas.

6. Advanced Study Program for Senior Students: The applicant should possess a Master's degree or a higher degree, and is expected to further study his/her specialty or related areas.

  III. Application Procedure

1. Any foreign citizen who wishes to study at Jilin University may contact the Overseas Students' Affairs Section, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Jilin University and ask for the "Admission Guidance" and the "Application Form for Overseas Students to Study at Jilin University".

2. The applicant may send to the Overseas Students' Affairs Section, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Jilin University his/her CV, "Application Form", "Degree Diploma/Academic Certificate", "Transcript", and 50 U.S. dollars (remittance). The professor who wrote the recommendation letter is expected to send it directly to the Overseas Students' Affairs Section, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Jilin University.

3. After the examination of the above-mentioned documents with approval, Jilin University will issue the applicant with the "Admission Notification" and the "Visa Application Form for the Overseas Students to Study in China (JW202 Form)".

4. The applicant submits the "Admission Notification" and "JW202 Form" to the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in his home country for entrance visa application.

5. The applicant who intends to study in China for 6 months or longer is expected to receive a health examination in his/her home country. Please notice that the applicant is required to have the valid original copies of his/her AIDS and syphilis blood test report, electrocardiogram examination report, and chest X-ray examination report when coming to China. If the above-mentioned medical documents are not up to the standard or beyond six month's validity, the applicant will be requested to receive medical examinations in China.

IV. Entrance Date

The applicants who are going to study in the undergraduate or postgraduate programs are expected to enter the university in March every year. The students for advanced studies can enter the university either in September for autumn program or in March for spring program each year. Those applicants who study the Chinese language can apply for a placement in an appropriate class any time of the year. If the number of the students is more than 10, they can be organized into a new independent class.

V. Tuition and Other Expenses

1. Tuition for long-term studies

(a) Tuition of Arts Programs:

Language students: 1800 U.S. dollars per person per year

Undergraduate students for bachelor degree (ordinary students for advanced study): 1900 U.S. dollars per person per year

Master's degree students (senior students for advanced study): 2200 US dollars per person per year

 Doctoral degree students 2700 US dollars per person per year


 (b) Tuition for science and engineering programs:

Undergraduate students for bachelor degree (ordinary students for advanced study) 1900 US dollars per person per year

Master's degree students (senior students for advanced study) 2800 US dollars per person per year.

Doctoral degree students 4200 US dollars per person per year

(c) Tuition for medical programs:

Undergraduate students for bachelor degree (ordinary students for advanced study) 3000 US dollars per person per year.

   Master's degree students (senior students for advanced study) 3500 US dollars per person per year.

Doctoral degree students 4300 US dollars per person per year

2. Tuition for short-term studies

(a) Chinese language program:

One week 150 US dollars per person

Two weeks 200 US dollars per person

Three weeks 250 US dollars per person

Between the fourth and the eighth week, 50 US dollars is added to each week per person.

Beginning from the ninth week, 30 US dollars is added to each week.

(b) Medical program

One month 600 US dollars per person

Three months 1500 US dollars per person

3. Lodging

The university has created comfortable and convenient living and studying conditions in the university dormitory for the overseas students, and the dormitory rooms are equipped with TV, telephone and bath room with shower.

Single-bed room 5-6 US dollars per person per day

Double-bedded room 4-5 US dollars per person per day

4. Meals The University has provided dining rooms where the overseas students can select the food they want. Approximately each meal will cost 1-6 US dollars per person.

5. Incidental expenses The overseas students will cover their own expenses for textbooks and medical care, etc.

The Overseas Students' Affairs Section of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Jilin University is responsible for helping the overseas students to go through their entry visa and exit formalities; making arrangement for their study, living and graduation at Jilin University; and organizing colorful activities, i.e. visits or entertainment. Besides, the Overseas Students Affairs Section helps the overseas students to solve their difficult problems in their study and living.

[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:37


College of Philosophy and Sociology

College of Literature and Arts(College of International Exchange)

College of Foreign Language

Art College

College of Physical Education

College of Economics

College of Law

College of Administration Studies

College of Management Studies

College of Economic and Information

College of Mathematics

College of Physics

College of Chemistry

College of Life Sciences

College of Machinery and Engineering

College of Automobile Engineering

College of Material Science and Engineering

College of Transportation

College of Biology and Agriculture Engineering

College of Electronics and Engineering

College of Communication Engineering

College of Computer Science and Technology

College of Geosciences

College of Geo-Exploration and Information Technology

College of Construction Engineering

College of Environment and Resources

College of Public Health Sciences

Clinical College

College of Stomatology

College of Pharmacy

College of Nursing

[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:39

the Postdoctoral Training Centers

In October 1985, approved by the Ministry of Education, Jilin University was among the first group of universities in China to establish postdoctoral training centers. At present, there are 15 postdoctoral training centers at the university.

Postdoctoral training center refers to a department at a university or a research institute where the students with doctoral degrees can engage in a period of research work in a certain area so as to broaden their sphere of knowledge and further develop their ability to do independent research work. The purpose is to enable the students with doctoral degrees to become teaching and research staff with high academic level.

Disciplines Offering Postdoctoral Training Programs

1.  Theoretical Economics

2.  History

3.  Mathematics

4.  Physics

5.  Chemistry

6.  Electronics and Technology

7.  Computer Science and Technology

8.  Mechanical Engineering

9.  Material Science and Engineering

10.     Transportation Engineering

11.     Agricultural Engineering

12.     Basic Medical Sciences

13.     Clinical Medical Sciences

14.     Geology

15.     Geological Resources and Geological Engineering
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:39

the College of International Exchange

The College of International Exchange is an institution providing education programs for overseas students and the management. It is composed of the Department of Chinese Language and Culture, the Department of International Industrial Management and the Overseas Students' Affairs Office.

The Programs are arranged as follows:

Chinese Language

The Chinese Language is a four-year undergraduate program, offering a series of regular courses related to the study of the Chinese language, including general Chinese Language Courses at preliminary, intermediate and advanced levels; listening, speaking, reading and writing skills; reading in the Chinese newspapers and magazines; listening of news reports; translation; classic Chinese, etc. In addition, it has complementary courses in humanities, such as Chinese history, history of Chinese literature, philosophy, history of Chinese culture, geography, and economics. The overall goal of teaching is to develop the students' proficiency in the Chinese language and enable them to acquire substantial basic knowledge of Chinese, and certain knowledge in the language theory and the humanities so that they will become Chinese language specialists familiar with the culture and conditions of the country. The students majoring in Chinese language will be arranged to take part in practice activities in accordance with the different grades and different courses they study in. For example, the students will be organized to participate in visits, emulation, theatrical performance in Chinese, recitation contest, composition contest, translation contest, discussion and debate on the subject of great topical interest, etc. In the fourth year of the program, the students will be organized to participate in fieldwork, and they can receive their diploma in the Chinese language and BA degree if they have accumulated the required credits and satisfy all the requirements for graduation and the bachelor degree thesis.

The Chinese Language in Economics and Trade

In this program, the courses in economics and trade will be offered at the third and fourth year of the curriculum. The courses include: oral Chinese in economics and trade, oral Chinese in business, writing for economics and trade, international business, Chinese law for managing foreign economic affairs and China's foreign economic cooperation and trade. The students will develop their ability in managing international trade and economic affairs in Chinese. The program of Chinese Language in Economics and Trade will organize a variety of practices for the students in accordance with their courses in different grades and the teaching they receive. For example, the students will be organized to visit the Chinese enterprises and commercial organizations, and participate in conferences in which they may make reports on issues of common interest. The students will have one-week fieldwork in their fourth year and they can receive their diploma and BA degree in the Chinese language if they have got enough credits and satisfy all the requirements for graduation and the bachelor degree thesis.

Chinese Language and Culture

The Chinese Language and Culture is a four-year program established after a two-year trial by the College of International Exchange. The program features two major courses in both the Chinese language and the Chinese culture. The Chinese language course includes the Chinese language at elementary, intermediate and advanced levels; listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the Chinese language; readings in Chinese newspapers and magazines; classic Chinese; and translation. The Chinese Culture includes a survey of the Chinese society, study of the Chinese society, national conditions in China, Chinese geography, Chinese history, Chinese economics, Chinese philosophy, Chinese literature, Chinese art, Chinese law, Chinese foreign policy, Chinese calligraphy, and Chinese folk custom, etc. The purpose of the program is to train the students to develop a comparatively high-level proficiency in the Chinese language, build up a comprehensive understanding of the national conditions of China, acquire an accomplishment in the Chinese language and culture, and preliminary ability in doing research. The students will become Chinese language and culture specialists in general in dealing with related Chinese affairs after graduation. The first two years are of the basic training period and the curriculum is the same as in the Chinese Language Program. The curriculum in the third and fourth year features courses in the Chinese language and the Chinese culture as well as the writing of the graduation thesis. This program attaches importance to practice in teaching. There will be one-week fieldwork in the fourth year. All the students who satisfy the entrance requirements, receive enough credits in their four-year study and pass the examinations for their graduation and degree theses will be granted the diploma and bachelor degree in the Chinese language and culture.

Long-Term and Short-Term Advanced Training Programs

The College of International Exchange has established short-term and long-term advanced training programs in the Chinese language and the Chinese culture. The study period may last from two weeks to two years in order to meet different students' needs at the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. The courses include general Chinese language courses at different levels, and courses for training listening, speaking, reading and writing in Chinese at all levels. In addition, the College provides such courses as the Chinese culture, readings in newspapers and magazines, guide to the reading of Chinese newspapers and listening to the news reports in Chinese, Chinese folk custom, subject of great topical interest, Chinese martial arts and the Chinese Taijiquan, Chinese calligraphy, Chinese history, Chinese movies, and Chinese literature. In addition, the students in the long-term training program can choose to study courses in the undergraduate programs.

There are 67 faculty members at the College of International Exchange, among whom 18 are professors and 23 are associate professors. 80% of the faculty members have academic credentials from Master's degree or doctoral degree programs, and 85% of the faculty members have qualification certificates for teaching Chinese to foreign students. Since 1978, the College of International Exchange has undertaken 8 research projects funded by the national, provincial and university academic institutions, published 10 books on linguistics, teaching Chinese to foreign students and modern Chinese literature, and published more than 40 academic papers. Therefore, the College of International has exerted a comparatively strong influence in the academic circle of teaching Chinese to foreigners in the country.

For many years, the College of International Exchange has attached a great importance to the academic exchanges with foreign countries and expanded its international programs, and has been jointly running education programs with the Sino-Japanese Friendship Promotion Association. So far the College of International Exchange has established academic relations and cooperation with universities and colleges from Canada, Japan, Republic of Korea, Germany, Australia, South Africa, Russia and Malaysia.
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-5 09:43


Jilin University,the maximum

[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 4

975 元 
发表于 2003-8-6 09:32
my god!
where do u paste so long a detail of jilin university?
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