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楼主: Butterfly

My College Choices [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

597 元 


发表于 2003-8-6 16:37
Meh. This University is in China...or here? :: confused :: If it's in the US then I don't need to know all that overseas stuff...because it's not over a sea?!?! Is it here, do you want to go there?! Why do you hurt my head?! That little icon u used..with the person smoking...I hope you know that cigarettes contain 43 cancer causing chemicals.


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-7 00:48
Not cigarettes,but injection which is called interferon.
It is the cure of hepatitis B,you know?
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-8 02:01

Northeast Normal University

Northeast Normal University is an institution of higher learning under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education, being selected as one of the universities given priority in the construction of "211 Project". The university is seated in ChangChun city,Jilin province. The university occupies an area of 1,507,000 square meters, including 817000 square meters of the main campus and 690,000 square meters of the new campus in Jingyue.The university was given the title of "Model Campus" by the Ministry of Education, after many years' hard work.

There are more than 20,000 all kinds of students, 13283 full-time undergraduates and associate undergraduates, 2727 M.A. and Ph.D. students, 535 overseas students, and 6449 correspondence students.

The university has excellent professors and leading scholars. There are 1229 full-time and spare-time professors. Among,there are 257 professors, 395 associate professors. There are 1 member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 10 successive members of the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council, 5 national outstanding young and middle aged specialists, and 117 Ph.D supervisors. Besides, there are 3 professor posts specially honoured to professors who are selected into the "Yangtz River Scholar" Awarding Program as well as 1 professor who has been selected into the national personnel development project and 2 teachers under the personnel construction sponsored by the Ministry of Education.

In the past 50 years, represented by biology, history, Chinese language and literature, NENU has developed the advantageous faculties which enjoy higher prestige in the academic fields of China. NENU presently comprises 20 colleges and departments, 49 undergraduate specialities. NENU also has a graduate school, 75 subjects/specialities offer M.A.degrees, and 27 subjects/ specialities offer Ph.D. degrees. There is a postdoctoral research station in biology.

The Laboratory of Grassland Ecological Engineering is a national specialized laboratory. The Laboratory of Vegetation Ecological Engineering is a key laboratory of the state level in which there is a Center for Agricultural Genetic Engineering Reseach and a Center for Wetland Resource and Environment Protection Research, which belong to the Ministry of Education. The Department of History, the College of Literature, and the College of Life Sciences are selected as the national bases for personnel preparation and research of basic sciences. The Institute of Basic Education Research in Rural Areas and the Center for History of World Civilization are the national key research bases of humanities and social science.

NENU has set up a number of research institutions among which are the National Center for Experimental Studies in Basic Education, the NENU Center for Research in Continuing Education of School Teachers, the National Training Center for Contemporary Educational Technology, the Preparatory School for Chinese Students to Japan(PSCSJ), the Northeast Center for Training Educational Administrators, and the Northeast Center for Retraining University Teachers. In addition, NENU has a College of Further Education, 4 attached primary and middle schools and a press which is celebrated both at home and abroad for publishing books on education.

NENU is named as "the cradle of teachers". Over the past half century NENU has formed her own concept of education which goes "BE DILIGENT AND CREATIVE IN STUDIES " and " BE EXEMPLARY IN VIRTUE". 150,000 students graduated from here and became the specialists in education and other sphere. Especially in recent years, the quality of students has been continuously improved and consequently there is an increasing demand for our graduates. For this the university has enjoyed a high prestige in basic education and has become extensively popularized and received a positive evaluation from the society. Due to this NENU ranks among the top ten, and in the first place among all normal colleges and universities, according to the report on the employment rate of 1998-1999 students who graduated from universities under the direct administration of the Ministry of Education.

NENU pays great attention to scientific research and has gained great achievements. Now the university has annually undertaken 400 scientific research projects, with the funds amounting to over 30,000,000 RMB, published a total number of about 2000 monographs, books and textbooks as well as 15,000 articles and gained nearly 400 awards by governments at various levels. The SCI articles quoted increase yearly, and 2 articles were placed on the top of those which are nationally evaluated in terms of the number of their quoted times. NENU has also set up some new-tech enterprises such as "NENU Ideal Software Limited Company".

In recent years NENU has successively established exchanging relations with nearly 60 overseas universities and research institutions in over 20 countries and regions including America, Russia, Japan, Canada and others. The university has conferred on 197 renowned scholars the tiles of honorary professors or guest professors among whom the world-known physicist Professor YANG Zhenning is a representative. NENU sends nearly 100 teachers to go abroad visiting, studying and developing acdemic communication. In recent years, NENU has held more than 40 international and regional acdemic conferences, which promote the development of the school and expands the school's influence and popularity.

The university enjoys the title of a "Garden Model" Campus.In summer you find the campus carpeted with grass and shaded by trees , and in winter you feel delighted at the floating snow and the frosted trees. In recent years, NENU has set up perfect services and facilities concerning student's study life and activities. There is a rich store of books totaling 2,300,000 volumes in the university library which is the largest of all univercity libraries in Northeast China. The new library ,covering an area of 24,600 square meters, will be one of the largest of university libraries all over China. Next to the new library is a 8,600 square meters modernized classroom building, and a Tian Jiabing Educational Academy of 11,600 square meters. There are 17 student apartment buildings and 4 multifuctional dining halls on campus. To offer pleasant environment and comfortable conditions for students' life, the univercity has made available a first-rate plastic-cemented sports ground, basketball and volleyball playgrounds, tennis courts, skating rinks and a swimming pool. NENU constantly enhances the construction of public servicie system and has established a campus computer network. And a gymnasium of 20,000 square meters, an indoor track and field building and a natural museum of 120,000 square meters are under construction.
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-8 02:03
Looking forward, NENU will envisage a bright developing future. Facing to the new century, the university will be guided by the Concept of Respect-based Education, continuously adhere to the guideline of serving basic education, take education and teaching as "the basis of school setting", the scientific research as "the basis of school strengthing", the legal schooling as "the basic of school managing". Inspired by the short-term construction goal which is set to make an attainment of "one characteristic , three first rates" (the distinct characteristic of running the university, the first-rate education and teaching, the first-rate academic atmosphere, the first-rate administration), all the staff and the students will make great efforts to build NENU into a first-rate in China and having international influence normal university. [upload=jpg]uploadImages/2003871324579864.jpg[/upload]
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-11 10:30


Northeastern University (NEU) is located in Shenyang of Liaoning Province, the center of economy, culture and transportation in Northeast China. The campus with the total-floor space of 750,000 square meters covers 1.98 million square meters, Mr. Chang Hsueh-liang, the well-known marshal who was praised as "hero of ages" by the late Premier Zhou Enlai,is the honorary president and chairman of the board of trustees of the University.

    Northeastern University was founded in April of 1923. After over seventy years' development, it has become a nationally strategic university with outstanding academic programs in the engineering sciences and strong academic programs in physical and social sciences, and law and business administration sciences. The University is one of the 33 universities with graduate Schools in the nation. It has been approved by the state as one of the first group of "211 Project" universities which enjoy privileged construction.

    Northeastern University is operated directly under the Ministry of Education. The University adopts the management system of university and Schools. It has the School of Liberal Arts and Law, the School of Business Administration, the School of Sciences, the School of Resources and Civil Engineering, the School of Materials Science and Metallurgy, the School of Mechanical Engineering, the School of Information Science and Engineering, the School of Gold, and the Department of Foreign Languages, the Department of Physical Education, as well as Graduate Schools, the School of Adult Education, the Qinhuangdao Branch, the Liaoning Branch, and the NEU Continuous Education Center of the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. The University has designed 46 undergraduate programs, 53 master's degree programs, and 23 docdoral degree programs. It has two key programs at the national level and nine key programs at the ministerial level. Pste-doctoral circulating stations have been established for the five top-rate disciplins.

    When Marshal Chang Hsueh-liang held the position of president in 1928, NEU attracted a large amount of distinguised scholars such as Zhang Shizhao, Luo Wengan, Liang Shujue, Huang Kan, Liu Xian Zhou, Liang Shicheng, Zhuan Changgong, Feng Zhuxun, Song Junfu, Wu Guanyin, Hu Shiken, Lin Shun, Jin Shuliang, who used to teach at NEU. Among the current faculty body of 1950, there are 245 full professors, 706 associate professors, including five academicians of China Academy of Sciences and China Academy of Engineering, two academicians of foreign academies of sciences, seven members of the Discipline Evaluation group of the State Council, four distinguished trans-century professors appointed by the State Education Commission, and eighty Ph. D. advisers.

    After over 70 years' development, NEU has perfected a complete system of education: undergraduate, master's degree, doctoral degree, post-doctoral programs, foreign student, adult education, the continuous education. The University has total student body of 20621, including 1266 master's degree students and 541 doctoral degree students. Since its founding over 70 years ago, NEU has trained more than 110,000 students, some of which have emerged as academicians, leading experts, leaders at provincial or ministerial-level, managers of large-scale state-own enterprises, and outstanding people in the sectors of education, academy, industry, business, sports, culture.

    NEU is the cradle of high-level personnel and the base of scientific research. Since it successfully invented tht first analogue computer of china in 1958, NEU has always committed itself to promotion of scientific and technological advances in China. The University has 28 research institutes, 109 laboratories and five experimental centers for teaching and research. It also has two national engineering research centers, three provincial engineering research centers, and one nationally strategic laboratory. The library, with a floor space of 21,800 square meters, holds more than 1.65 million volumes and 3,000 periodicals in various languages. The Northeast China's network center of the China Education and Research Computer Network is located on the campus. The access to INTERNET is available through the campus LAN.

    While it utilizes the advantage of training of qualified personnel and scientific research, the University attaches importance to the commercialization of high and new technology. Represented by NEU Software Group with NEU-Alpine company as its core business, the success of many high and new technology enterprise at NEU indicates that NEU has become one of the important based of high and new technology in China. The NEU Software Park with a total investment of 500 million RMB yuan and a land of 500,000 square meters will become the largest development base for software in China.Since the policy of reform and openness was practiced in China, NEU has made a great progress in terms of cultivation of qualified personnel, scientific research, and transfer of high and new technology, which indicated that NEU is striding towards a research-education university.

    Since 1986, the University has undertaken 9056 research projects from the National 863 High Tech Project, the National Climbing Project, national key research projects, international cooperative projects, and community and enterprise research projects. Among the completed research projects, 900 have been awarded kpriaes at international, national, provincial or ministerial levels and 250 have been granted patents. Over 15,0900 academic papers and 359 academic works have been published. The research fund of the University exceeded 100 million RMB Yuan in 1995 and in 1996. NEU ranks the fifth and sixth respectively in the National Scientific and Technological Advancement Prize and the National Investion Prize among its counterparts in China.

    Northeastern University attaches importance to international exchange. Since 1978, NEU has set up in ter-university relations of academic exchange with over 50 universities and research from more than twenty countries and regions, including the US, Japan, Russia, UG, France, Italy, Germany, Republic of Korea, Canada, Singapore, Australia, and Taiwan, Hong Kong. The University has set up comprehensive relationships of cooperation with over 1500 research institutes, enterprises and local governments, including the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fujian Province, and Baoshan Steel Complex in Shanghai. More than Two thousand six hundred and thirty-one foreign experts have been invited to the University for lectures, cooperative research and other academic activities. One hundred and eighty Chinese and foreign well-known scholars, which include Professor Chen-Ning Yang and Professor Qian Weichang, have been invited as either NEU honorary or concurrent professors. Over one thousand eight hundred faculty mermbers have been set abroad to 17 countries and regions to give lectures, conduct cooperative research, participate in conferences and do advanced studies. In recent years, over 20 large international conferences have been sponsored or organized by NEU.

    Following the wave of the reform and openness in China, the University with a patriotic tradition and academic style of "devotion, reality, solisarity, and creativity" will make itself an excellent university of national and international recognition in the early 21st century, based upon the integration of education, tesearch and business and aided by its convenient location in Northeastern Asia Economic Rim and the historic opportunity of "211 Project".
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-11 10:35


  In the course of over half a century's development, Liaoning University has grown into a multiple-discipline comprehensive university, embracing Chinese language and literature, history, philosophy, economics, law, foreign languages, art, natural science, engineering and management. One of its predecessors is Shenyang Commercial College set up by the People's Government of the Northeast in November, 1948. The September of 1958 saw the amalgamation of the Northeast Institute of Finance and Economics, Shenyang Normal College and Shenyang Institute of Russian, which led to the birth of Liaoning University. Marshal Zhu De wrote an inscription of the school name for the University. At present, the University has an area of 2,138 mu, i.e. 1,420,000 square meters (including the University proper, Liaoyang Foreign Languages College and the Xinchengzi Campus), with a building area totaling 600, 000 square meters.

  Liaoning University is one of the key universities listed in the nation's "roject 211" and affirmed by the Ministry of Education. The University has fifteen colleges, namely: College of Economics, College of Business Administration, College of International Economics, Asia-Australia College of Business, College of Cultural Propagation, College of Philosophy and Public Administration, College of Foreign Languages, College of Radio, Film and Television, College of Chemical Science and Engineering, College of Law, College of Information Science and Technology, College of Higher Professional Techniques, College of Adult Education, College of Foreign Students, and College of Training Self-Study Students of Humanities and Professional Techniques. In addition to the colleges, the University has five college-level faculties, namely: Faculty of History, Faculty of Mathematics, Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Life Science and Faculty of Environment Science. Altogether, the University has forty-three undergraduate disciplines, fifty-three master-degree-granting disciplines, including MBA and JM. The University is also invested with authority to grant doctorate of philosophy in theoretical economics (the first level discipline) and nine other doctorates (the second level discipline). Furthermore, the University has three mobile stations for post-doctoral studies to its credit, with two national key disciplines of world economy and national economy in addition to a base for cultivating personnel of basic national economy, and a key base for research on humanities, and a center of research on the system of comparative economy as designated by the Ministry of Education. The University has eleven province-level key disciplines and one test and detection center.

  At present, Liaoning University has a teaching body of 1,116 full-time faculty members, among whom there are six hundred and fourteen professors and associate professors. The University has 18,700 students of different kinds, ranging from undergraduates and graduate students to foreign students. Since it was founded, Liaoning University has established formal friendly relationships of academic cooperation and interflow with over forty higher schools and research institutions in fourteen countries, and has since fostered over a hundred thousand full-time students for the country and over 5,000 foreign students as well from forty-two countries including the United States, Japan, Russia, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, the Republic of Korea and Thailand.
  The construction of the public service system on the campus has begun to take shape. The University's library with its 18,500 square meter building area, equipped with modern advanced facilities, is stocked with over 1.6 million volumes, including over 300 kinds of rare and treasured books, which are affirmed by the United Nation as the exclusive possessions of the University's library. The University also has a history museum and a museum of natural history. They have a collection of over two thousand pieces of art treasures and eleven thousand pieces of biological specimens respectively.

  Confronted with opportunities and challenges of the new century, Liaoning University is accelerating its reform, innovation and development. Now with the strengthening of disciplines as its propelling force, teaching and research as its dominant attention, the building up of teaching and managing staff as its foundation, the improvement of campus environment as its supporting condition, reform as its motive power, the intensification of administration work as its means of achieving its goal, and last but not least, strengthening Party-building and ideological and political work as its bulwark, the University will double its effort to build itself into a teaching-and-research type university at a fairly high academic level and with certain international influence in five to ten years.
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-11 10:40

Dalian University of Technology

    Dalian University of Technology (DUT) is located in the beautiful coastal city-Dalian, Liaoning Province of Northeastern China. It is one of the key universities under the direct leadership of the State Ministry of Education. The campus is green, shady and peaceful. Many state leaders had visited the university, Mr. Jiang Zemin, President of P.R.C., praised the university as a good place to study and research.

    Having experienced the severe tests of half a century and gone through the persistent efforts of several generations, DUT has developed into a comprehensive university of science and technology, centering on engineering, including applied science, economic management science and disciplines of humanities & social sciences and law. At present, it has established 14 schools, 32 departments, 9 national-level key disciplines and 11 Mobile Stations for Post-Doctoral Research Programs, 12 Special Professor Posts in "Cheung Kong Scholars Programme".

    DUT enjoys a good reputation for its rigid management and its good environment and style of study. It's known for its motto: "Unity, Enterprise, Realism and Originality". In the 54 years after its founding, DUT has fostered and trained more than 100, 000 various types of professionals, whom are generally welcomed by the society. The present total number of enrollment of its student body has reached over 30,000, including some 14,000 undergraduates and more than 11000 post-graduates. At present, there are about 3000 faculty and staff members, among whom 9 are members of the two academies(the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering), 223 are doctoral supervisors and 333 are professors.

    The scientific researches and studies are quite dynamic in DUT. Apart from undertaking the projects and researches supported by the Fund of the National Natural Sciences, it has established a wide range of co-operative relationships in the field of science and technology with some domestic and overseas enterprises. Since 1978, DUT has owned more than 850 awards for her achievements in scientific researches. It has set up 4 key laboratories of the State and about 72 laboratories.

    DUT has also involved itself into extensive international exchange. It has established a co-operative relationship with 100 universities and research centers from 16 countries and some regions. It has enrolled about 230 oversea students.

    Entering the 21st century, DUT is focusing on the development of six important projects, which are talents training of originality, discipline development and adjustment, scientific and technological innovation, the industrialization of scientific and technological achievements, the development of core faculty members, the process of public service system and the development of its infrastructure. DUT is now making great efforts of building a well-known university at home and abroad and a research-oriented one at a high level in the near future.
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

597 元 


发表于 2003-8-11 21:55
Umm...thank you so much for those 10 pages about universities...


Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-15 06:22

Dalian Maritime University

Dalian Maritime University (DMU) is the largest and the only key leading maritime institution under the Ministry of Communications, People’s Republic of China. The University enjoys a high reputation internationally as a center of maritime education and training, as confirmed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).
DMU was formed in 1953 through the amalgamation of three merchant marine institutions: Shanghai Nautical College, the Northeast Navigation College and Fujian Navigation School.

The origin and history of the University can be traced back to 1909 when a Shipping Management Section was founded by the Shanghai South Sea Institute. In 1960, DMU was confirmed as being one of the key universities of the land. The Asian-Pacific Region Maritime Training Center was established at DMU in 1983 by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the IMO. A branch of the World Maritime University (WMU) was opened at DMU in 1985. The University’s name was changed to the present one in 1994 with the approval of the Ministry of Education.

Since the merger of the three maritime institutes about 50 years ago, the University has educated and trained more than 30,000 graduates for the Chinese maritime industry; most of them now form the backbone of the industry. Several graduates have become quite prominent, among them a minister and vice ministers of the Ministry of Communications, provincial vice-governors, presidents and chairpersons of holding companies, and managing directors of shipping companies.
main didactical building and anchor

DMU has 12 colleges and four departments. There are at present: 1 post-doctoral program, 7 streams at doctoral level, 17 post-graduate courses and 24 undergraduate courses. Staff totals more than 2,263, about 721 academic staff including about 86 professors, 319 associate professors, 240 lecturers and 43 assistant lecturers. The annual enrollment of students for the past three years has averaged 3,475 per year, excluding 60 or more overseas students each year; the total number of fully registered students now reaches almost 11,000.
DMU’s campus covers 0.865 square kilometers; the buildings cover approximately 0.440 sq. km. The estate’s assets amount to almost US $65 million. These include teaching buildings, laboratory buildings, the library, the computer center, the multimedia instruction center, the maritime training and research center, navigation simulators, marine engineering simulators, and three ocean-going training vessels of over 10,000 tonnage each.

The University plays important roles in international organizations such as the International Maritime Organization (IMO), the International Maritime Lecturers Association (IMLA), the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU), Association of the Maritime Education and Training Institutes in Asia Pacific (AMETIAP), the International Shipping Federation (ISF) and the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS).

DMU has become more competitive in maritime education and training (MET). The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, as amended in 1995 (STCW 95), clarifies the standards of competence, introduces qualification requirements for trainers and assessors, and provides effective mechanisms for enforcement of its provisions. The University has therefore taken measures to revise its curricula and programs to meet the challenges these standards present.

As evidence of its commitment to innovation and continuous improvement of its education and service, in 1998 the University was awarded the ISO 9001 certificate issued by the Norwegian Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and the China Maritime Safety Administration. DMU has made great efforts towards the improvement of management standards by establishing a quality assurance system. The University was the first MET institution in China to have been issued with the ISO 9001 certificate, and also the first MET institution in China to have fulfilled the requirements of the STCW 95 Convention.
[B]Heal the liver![/B]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

9378 元 

荣誉之星 乐园开心

发表于 2003-8-16 06:06

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

As a famous university focused on economics and management in China, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics(DUFE) is located in Dalian, a beautiful coastal city at the southern tip of Liaodong Peninsula,

DUFE was founded in 1952, which has cultivated over 44000 four year (full-time) undergraduates ,2200 postgraduates with doctoral and master¡¯s degrees, and 34000 part-time students in the past 49 years.  

DUFE consists of 15colleges, 6 departments, three faculties and three centers:
The University also offers 23 postgraduate programs leading to the award of master¡¯s degrees, and 14 programs leading to the award of doctoral degrees.   

Noteworthy is the MBA program, which is numbered among the 26 MBA pilot schemes in the country, ranked  the second in the  Teaching Quality Evaluation of China MBA programs in 2000,while Tsinghua University ranked the first.                 

At present, DUFE has enrolled 9038 four-year full-time undergraduates,  1762 master degree and doctoral degree postgraduates, 97 oversea students, and 7437 part-time students of correspondence and evening classes.  

DUFE has established sister relationships with 35 foreign universities such as Huron University College, University of Western Ontario in Canada, Ritsumaikan University and Hitotsubashi University in Japan, Maniz University in Germany, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, St Petersburg National University of Finance and Economics in Russia. These relationships have resulted in an increase in academic exchange, faculty exchange, student exchange and teaching material exchange. A Study Abroad Program launched by the University provides a unique opportunity to the students who are interested in personally experiencing overseas higher educational and cultural environments. The program is developed into three models, that is,3+1,2+2,2+3 joint programs. The International Institute of Chinese Language and Culture (IICLC) has attracted foreign students from Japan, Korea, USA, Canada, South Africa etc.   

DUFE has 23 research institutes, one publishing house and an editorial journal department.  ¡°Research on Finance and Economics Issues¡±and ¡°Journal of DUFE¡±, the periodical of DUFE, was first published in 1979 and distributed both at home and abroad. It has now become the leading periodical on finance in China.   The library houses 1.08 million volumes of Chinese and foreign books and 90,000 Chinese and foreign periodicals.

The University is one of the well-known national bases for athletics. In September 2000, at the 6th National College Sports Games held in Chengdu,the University won the team championship, and it also won four successive ¡°President Cups¡± .At the first "hilips Cup" National Colleges Soccer Match held on June 2001 in Shanghai, DUFE was first.

What makes DUFE special ?

Flexible degree structure
High graduate employment rating
Teaching Quality
International cooperation
[B]Heal the liver![/B]
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