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发表于 2002-7-10 01:43
rella,good job!

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发表于 2002-7-12 00:50


This is ? and this is ?with  science in the news of VOA special English program about recent  developments in science. Today, we tell why researchers are studying the gene of people in Iceland. We tell why American space officials have suspended the launch of the space shuttles. And we tell you why you should eat green, leafy vegetables.

Genes are the parts of cells that control the growth and development of living things, including people. Now a company in Iceland is working to create the most detailed map yet of all known human genes. The company, decode  genetics,is based in ? Iceland. ? is head of the company. Doctor ? believes that the people of Iceland present a special chance to study the human genome and how some genes cause disease.Iceland has a very small population about 280 thousand people. The majority of the population shares a small group of common ancestors who lived thousands of years ago. The people of Iceland keep extensive records of their ancestors. In adddition, Iceland has an excellent health care system. Doctor? says his researchs are studying genetic diseases in many families over hundreds of years. Decode paid Iceland about 200 million dollars to do this study. So far, the researchers have examined the genes of at least 146 families. The Iceland genome project is using a much larger group of individuals to observe differences in human genes than any other project. For example, American scientists made a genetic map based on only 8 large families in France.
Decode plans to examine genetic information from a huge number of Icelanders. The New York Time newspaper reports that decode has collected blood from about 65 thousand Icelanders. That is about one-third the adult population of Iceland. ? is a genetic scientist at case western reserve university in ? Ohio. He says that the information provided by the Iceland genome project will help complete a map of a human genome. He says that genome published in science magazine in February of last year by a group of researchers was not completed and contained many mistakes. Two years ago scientist ? made the surprising announcement that his company selera geneomics
had mapped the whole human genome. Mr. ? is no longer head of selera. The company had hoped to gain legal rights to some parts of the human genome and to se1l the use of that information. However doctor ? says the new information shows how to correct problems with the current human genome map. The decode map's success is partly based on its larger base of information. Human beings have almost exactly the ? genes. Small genetic difference makes us look different from each other. These differences can also make us more likely to get some diseases. The code's main project is to identify genes that causes disease. Scientists believe most common diseases are caused by several abnormal genes working together. The Icelandic company says it has mapped the general area of genes for 20 common diseases. This included ? disease, Parkinson's disease and ? ?.  
The company claims to have found 3 diseases-causing genes already.  They are linked to a mental  disease and two kinds of strokes. Decode uses a process that can  identify very small molecular differences. This permits  scientists to find the disease-causing genes more easily. Decode's more detailed method for studying genes also permits it to create a clearer map of genes. This is why decode has shown error in earlier genome maps. Experts say the Icelandic study  appears to be important for creating a truly useful genetic map. The USA government's national institute of health is also working on a map of the human genome. The N.I.H  says that a new corrected map should be finished next year. It says the announcement should be in time for the 50th anniversary of the discovery of the structure gene of human DNA. DNA is the nuclei acid found in genes. Two scientists ? and ? were the first to describe the structure of DNA in 1953. They were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine along with ? in 1962. The three scientists discovered the structure of DNA, however 50 years later genetic scientists are still trying to learn what the structure means.

American space agency officials have temporarily suspended launch plans for the space shuttle Colombia. Colombia was to have been launched July 19th. NASA officials decided to delay the launch after several damaged areas were found in the fuel lines on the main engines of the shuttles Atlantis and discovery. These are two of the four vehicles that take  astronauts into space and to the international space station. ? is the spokesman for the Johnson space center in Houston ?.
He said NASA's main concern is the possibility that a piece of metal in the fuel line with would separate and move into the space shuttle's engine area. This would damage the engine and cause to shut down. Mr. ? said NASA workers have never seen the damage before. He said the parts of the space shuttles that are now damaged have been on the vehicles since they were built. He said the worker do not know if the damage was caused by age or if other problems are involved. He said they consider the problem to be a major safety concern. ? is the space shuttle program manager. He says that NASA has more questions than  answers about the damage. He says NASA workers are investigating the situation. Workers will inspect the space shuttle Colombia for similar damage. Colombia is the oldest of the four space shuttles. It is 21 years old. NASA says it  takes a week or more to remove the space shuttle's engine and the same amount of time to replace them. Officials say they do not yet know how long all USA shuttles flights will be suspended.

no pain, no gain

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2378 元 


发表于 2002-7-12 04:13

2002-07-11 continue

Recent research has suggested that a nutrient called lutein may improve health in more ways than had been thought. Lutein is found in green,  leafy vegetables, like spinach and let?. It is also found in other fruits and vegetables, such as oranges, corn and ?. And it is found in the yellow part of eggs. Lutein  is also found in the human eye. Lutein and similar substances known as ? make up the color in the macula. The area of  eye responsible for seeing fine detail. Studies have suggested that greater amounts of ? increase the color of macula. Scientists believe that more color protects the macula from damage. A study in the publication optometry says that eating more foods with lutein  may improve vision in people with eye  problems. Another study linked  greater level of ?  with reduced early signs of macular damage. And two large studies have linked lutein to fewer problems with the eye condition called cataracts. Now research has begun to show that lutein can protect health in other ways. A  report in the publication circulation says it may reduce the chance of heart  attacks and strokes. People with higher blood levels of lutein has less of a harmful substance inside their blood vessels. Other studies have suggested that lutein  may protect against cancers of the breast and ?. Researchers  in Boston, Massachusetts  have showed that lutein in dark green leafy vegetables can protect the skin against damage from the sun. They experimented with mice  that were fed  foods cantaining lutein. Experts say people should eat foods that contain lutein every day.

This science in the news program was written by ? and ?. It was produced by ? . This is ? and this is ?.  Join us again next week for more news about science in speical English on the VOA of America.
no pain, no gain

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2378 元 


发表于 2002-7-13 00:43


There is more special English to come ? and agriculture report signs program science  in the news.
A company in Iceland has made an effort to create a most detail map of all known human genes.  The works show more than 100 mistakes in common information about human genome. Special English ? are all on internet website. You can find them at www.voaspecialenglish.com.

This is ? with the VOA special English agriculture report. The carrot is plant with root that is eaten as the vegetable. Carrots ? grown throughout the world. When people think about carrots, they create a metal picture about along, thin, orange-color vegetable. Yet carrots come in many different sizes, shapes and colors. This summer food stores in Britain will have a new product:  purple-colored carrots. However purple carrots are not really new. Reports say the carrot is simply returning to its true color. The history of carrot dates back thousands of years. Purple carrots are native to the Middle East and the area that is now Afghanistan. There are reports that pictures made in Egypt 4000 years ago show a plant believed to be a purple carrot. People in ancient Greece and Rome grew carrots that had thin, hard roots. They used the plants as a medicine, not as a food. Carrots similar to modern ones were common in Europe by 13 century. There are several different carrots, but it was not until about 400 years ago that carrots became orange. That is when farmers in the ? produced orange carrots from yellow and red ones in honor of national color. Carrots ? easy to grow and harvest. They grow best and deep rich soil that contain sand or soft, wet dirt. A crop takes about 100 days to grow. Carrots have a pleasing taste. People eat uncook carrots alone or with other vegetables. Cook carrots are also popular. Orange carrots cantain carrotin, a substance used by the human body to produce the vitamin A. Vitamin A is important for healthy skin and eyes. Carrots also contain other vitamins and are rich in sugar and the element potasi?. Farmers in eastern England are growing the new purple -colored carrots. They call the crop purple h?. The vegetables are purple on the outside  and orange in the inside. The carrots contain ?, a substance believed to incrase protection against cancer. Food store officials  in Britain said they hope children will eat more of the brightly colored carrots. They say the new product will cost a little more than other carrots. Reports say carrot buyers in Britain soon will have other colors to choose from, including yellow, red and even  black and white.

This VOA special English argriculture report was written by George Grow.
This is ? Whitle.
no pain, no gain

Rank: 1

20181 元 

管理员或超版 一品御批懒惰勋章 大财主勋章 维基大牛 天天开星 金嗓子 艺术家 健康之翼 麦霸勋章 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙 TEST

发表于 2002-7-16 01:26
niu a

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2378 元 


发表于 2002-7-16 02:14
am, am is really niu!
no pain, no gain

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发表于 2002-7-16 04:32


this morning, i designed the questionary, so just listened to the VOA a little.
afternoon, go on!

It is 1530 universal time and here is the news in special English on the VOA. I'm Dock Johnson in Washington.

German teams have found the bodies about at least 26 ?s of the planes crash Monday. A Russian passenger plane and a transport plane from an air shipping company DHL crashed over the German- Swiss border. Officials said the crash killed all 71 people on the two planes. Among those on the Russian ? airlines flight were 52 children and team managers going on their trip to Spain, the Unite Nations organized the trip. Air traffic controlers say both planes were diving to avoid crash. They said the Russian plane fear to react quickly enough to 3 ? to change the direction and avoid the DHL plane.

This is ? and this is ? VOA speical English program explorations. The space shuttle ? returned to earth last month. It carried the fourth crew to live and work  on  the  international space station. One member of the crew kept the written record of what is like to live in space. Today we tell about what astronaut ? wrote
American astronaut Danul Bursh returned to earth June 19 after a total of 196 days in space. He and the other American crewmember carl W? now hold the American record for the longest time spent in space on one flight. Astronaut Bursh was chosen to live on the space station crew because he has spent almost 3000 flight hours in more than 35 different aircraft.  He had also flown three times as a crewmember of shuttle. Before living on the space station,  he spent more than 740 hours in space. Danul Bursh is  an official  in the USA navy. He was born in the eastern state of  ? in 1957. He is married and has four children. Mr Bursh is a graduate of the USA naval academy. He has advanced education in engineering science. He was selected by NASA in January 1990 and became an astronaut in January 1991. The space shuttle endeavor was launched into space December 5, 2001. It was carring two American astronauts and one Russian cosmonaut to international space station. Danul Bursh began writing on his 100 days in orbit, March 18th. He wrote the diary in  an effort to give others a feel for what it is like to be a crewmember on the international space station. Mr Bursh said the trip to the international space station was a little different experience for him. It was the first time he had flown in space shuttle as a passenger, not a member of the crew. Bob ? reads from the diary of Danul Bursh.

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-7-15 15:32:49编辑过]

no pain, no gain

Rank: 1

20181 元 

管理员或超版 一品御批懒惰勋章 大财主勋章 维基大牛 天天开星 金嗓子 艺术家 健康之翼 麦霸勋章 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙 TEST

发表于 2002-7-18 04:19

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发表于 2002-7-18 04:57

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发表于 2002-7-18 05:15

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