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发表于 2002-10-8 06:53
2002/10/03   the making of a nation

Writer (name) commented that the anti-war demonstrations were not helping to bring peace to Vietnam.  He said they were postponing it. He believed the demonstrations would make (name) think America did not support its troops. And that, he said, would make president () continue the war.
In December, 1965, the United States again halted air attacks against north Vietnam. Again, it invited the north Vietamese government to negotiate an end to the fighting. And again the north refused.
()'s conditions for peace were firm. He demanded an end to the bombing and a complete American withdrawal.
Withdrawal would mean defeat for the south. It would mean that all of Vietam would become communist. President Johnson would not accept these terms. So he offered his own proposals. The most important was an immediate ceasefire. Neither side would compromise, however. And fighting went on.
In 1966, president Johnson renewed the bombing attacks in north Vietnam. He also increased the number of American troops in south Vietnam. He condemned those who opposed his policies. He said the American people will stand united until every soldier is brought home safely. They will stand united until the people of south Vietnam can choose their own government.
Local and state elections were held in the United States that year. The war in Vietnam had an effect on those elections. The opposition republican party generally supported the president's war efforts. Yet it criticized him and other democrats for economic problems linked to the war.
The war cost 2000 million dollars every month. The price of many goods in the United States began to rise. The value of the dollar began to drop. The result was inflation. Then economic activity slowed, and the result was recession.
To answer the criticism, administration of officials said progress was being made in Vietnam. But some American began to suspect that the government was not telling the truth about the war.
Several news writers, for example, said the number of enemy soldiers killed was much lower than the government reported. Opposition to the war and to the administration's war policies led to bigger and bigger anti-war demonstration.
Studies were done to measure American's opinion on the issue. In a study in July, 1967, a little more than half the people questioned said they did not approve of the president's polices. Yet most Americans believed he would run again for president the next year.
Johnson strongly defended the use of American soldiers in Vietnam. In a speech to a group of lawmakers he said:since world war two, this nation has met and has mastered many challenges, challenges in Greece and Turkey, in Berlin, in Kortea, in Cuba. We met them because brave men were willing to risk their lives for their nation's security. And brave men had never lived than those who carry out colors in Vietnam this very hour.
Then came tet, the Vietnamese lunar new year in January,1968. The communists launched a major military campaign. They attacked 31 of the 44 provinces of south Vietnam. They even struck at the American embassy in the capital, Saigon.
55,000 communist soldier were killed during the tet offensive. 14,000 south Vietnamese soldiers were killed and 2,000 American soldiers were killed. Thousands of Vietnamese civilians were killed, too.
Many Americans were surprised, even shocked, that the communists could launch such a major attack against south Vietnam. For several years, they had been told that communist forces were small and were losing badly. As a result, popular support for the administration fell even more.
Democrats who opposed president Johnson seized this choose. Several ran against him in the primary elections held before the party's presidential nominating convention.These included senator () of New York and senator () of Minnesota. () and () did well in the early primary elections. Johnson did poorly.
At the end of March, 1968, the president spoke to the American people on television. He told of his proposal to end American bombing of north Vietnam. He told of the oppointment of a special ambassador to start peace negotiations. And he told of his decision about his own future:
I do not believe that I should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the () duties of this office, the presidency of your country. Accordingly, I shall not seek and i will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.
This program the making of a nation was written by (name) and produced by (name). This is (name). And this is (name). Join us again next week for another voa special english program about the history of the United States.
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2378 元 


发表于 2002-10-9 03:03
2002/10/07   development report

This is (name) with the VOA sepcial English development report.
A new American report warns that rates of infection from the AIDs virus will rise sharply by the year 2010. The national intelligence council prepared the report for the United States central intelligence agency. It says the increase will result mainly from the spread of AIDs in five countries. They are China, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Russia.
The report estimates that the number of people infected in those countries would increase to between 50 million and 75 million. That is 3 times the number currently estimated. It also is far more than the number of AIDs cases expected in central and southern Africa. That number is expected to increase to as many as 35 million people.
China, India, Ethiopia, Nigeria and Russia have more than 40 percent of the world's population. Officials warn that the increase of AIDS could harm the economic, social, political and military system in these countries.
The report esitimates that India might have as many as 25 million AIDS victims by 2010. That is the highest estimate of any country.
The report says the AIDS virus is spreading at different rates in the five countries. It says that risky sexual activity is increasing infection rates in all five. The problem is reported to be most severe in Nigeria and Ethiopia.
For example, the report notes that in Nigeria the virus has spreaded from high-risk groups to the general population. Nigeria's government has attempted to increase public understanding of the virus that causes AIDS. The report warns that the disease could affect one-fourth of all adults in the country within eight years.
In Ethiopia, the release of soldiers from the armed forces has greatly influenced the spread of the disease. The report says many Ethiopian soilders and sex workers became infected during the civil war in the 1980s. It says Ethiopia and Nigeria have few public health services to fight the disease.
The report says that the main cause of rising AIDS infections in Russia is illegal drug use. It says the release of large numbers of infected prisoners and rising numbers of sex workers is helping the disease to spread. In China, one reason the disease is increasing is because of unsafe methods in the collection and sale of blood.
This VOA special English development report was written by (name). This is (name).
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发表于 2002-10-9 05:04
Palestinians say Israeli forces have killed at least 14 palestinians during a raid in southern Gasa's street. Almost 100 others were reported wounded. Reports say Israeli tanks and other military vehicles attack an area near the town of Coun Unise early Monday. Reports say Israeli armed helicopter also were involved. One reportedly fired a missile into a crowd of people. Palestinians say the people killed were civilians. The Israeli army says it was acting against gunmen. The army says Palestinian militants had fired a racket at Jewish settlement earlier. The army says there were no injuries there.
French officials have arrived in Yemen to investigated an explosion and fire on a French oil ship Sunday. The incident happend in the gulf of (name) near Yemen. French officials say government anti-terrorism experts in Paris are also investigating. There are conflicting reports about what caused the explosion. The director of the company that owns the ship says only explosive devices used on purpose could have caused the incident. At least one ? member reportedly says he saw a small boat speeding toward the ship just before the explosion. But Yemeni officials say an oil leak cause the explosion and fird.
President Bush is preparing to speak to Americans in a nationally broadcase speech Monday night. He will speak from city of (name). Mr. Bush is expected to appeal for support for the possible use of military forces against Iraq. He is also expected to describe in detail why he believes Iraq present a threat to the world. The president is not expected to present any new evidence against Iraq. Administration officials say the president will urge Iraqi military commanders to disobey president Sadam Housain if he orders biological or chemical attacks on American forces.
Pakistan is preparing to carry out another missile test. Local media reports government officials say president Musharafu has approved the test for Tuesday morning. On Friday, Pakistan said it has successfully tested another missile that can travel up to 800 kilomiters. Hours later, India tested a similar missile of it's own. Tensioins between the two countries exists over their missile programs. The United States says the missile tests will increase tension in an already dangeous part of the world.
Three researchers have won the Nobel prize in Medicine. Sydney Briner and John Soustan of Britain and Robert Whowat of the United States were honoured for their work on how Genes control organ development and cell death. The nobel committee in (name) Sweden says the rearch provides new information on how many diseases develop. The scientists will share 1 million dollar prize. Other nobel prize will announced during the next several days ending with the winner of the peace prize on Friday.
You are listening to the news in VOA special English.
Troops in (name) coast have entered (name) following heavy fighting with rebel soldiers who captured the center city a few weeks ago. civilians in the city say they saw 3 (name) military vehicles driving through the area. The government launched major offensives Sunday to regain control of (name). On the same day, president (name) had refused to sign a cease fire proposed by West African negotiators. The rebels accused the president and his Christian led government of mistreating Muslims in the north and Immigrant populations. 5 African leaders are meeting to discuss how to end the civil war in Burundi. The leaders from Uganda, South Africa, The Democratic Republic of Cango, Tanzania and Burundi are attending the one day talks in the Tanzania Capital Dar es Salaam. South African vice president (name) is leading the negotiations. The civil war in Burundi began almost 10 years ago, about 250,000 people have been killed in the fighting between the (name) led army and (name) Hutu rebels.
Workers Party cadidate (name) has a large lead in Brazil's presidential election. However he has not won enough votes to avoid a second election later this month. Election officials have counted 90 percent of the ballots from the votes Sunday. Mr. (name) has 47 percent of the votes. His closest opponent (name) of the Social Democratic Party has 24 percent. The Brazilian government support Mr. Sarah. The two men will compete in a final vote on Octor 27th.
President Bush is setting up an investigative team to help deal with a labour dispute in western United States. The dispute led to the closing last Sundy of major ports along west coast. The team will measure the economic damage of the dispute. It will also try to find out if shipping company owners and port workers have been honest in their negotiations. The two sides suspended talks with each other and a federal official Sunday night. The 29 ports closing caused the United States an estimated 2000 million dollars each day. And the space shuttle Atlantis is preparing for launch from the Kennedy space center in Florida. Officials say weather conditions are expected to be good for the launch within the hour.
Briefly here again is the major news of the hour. Palestinians say Israeli forces have killed at least 14 civilians during a raid in a Southern Gasa's street. French officials have arrived in Yemen to investigate an explosion and fire on a French oil ship Sunday. And president Bush is preparing to speak to Americans to appeal for possible military force against Iraq.
That's the news in Special English, Robert Korn reporting.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

2378 元 


发表于 2002-10-16 08:41
2002/10/10     education report

This is (name) with the VOA special English Education Report.
This week, we continue our series of reports about how people from foreign countries can attend a college or university in the United States.
The copy of this report can be found on the special English website at www.voaspecialenglish.com.
One way to earn a degree at an American college or university is to stay at home and use a computer. American universities have been offering classes online for a member of years. Students who have taken online classes say they like them. One reason is because they do not have to travel to a building at a set time to listen to a professor. Professors say they have better communication with students through electronic mail notes than they do in many traditional classes.
Some colleges offer academic degrees online. One is () international university in () Colorado. Its website says it is the first fully online accredited university. It offers both bachelor's degrees and master's degrees.
The university of () has been offering degrees online since 1989. University officials say they try to provide students with a social experience as well as an educational one. For example, in some programs, groups of the same six students progress through all the classes together. They communicate by computer.
Another online school is () university, near Chicago (). It began operations 2 years ago. It is offering online classes leading to a master's of Business Administration degree. () university uses a problem-solving method of teaching. Students attempt to solve real problems in their classes online insteading of reading information.
Anyone with a computer can find information on the internet about these schools and others. You can use a search engine, such as google or yahoo. Type "online education" and choose from the list of schools. Each will provide information about its programs and costs.
However, experts say you should not send money to any school that says you can get a college degree without doing any work. These are illegal operations. Experts also say that you should find out if such college degrees are recognized in your country before you decide to get an education online.
This VOA sepcial English education report was written by (). This is ().
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2378 元 


发表于 2002-10-17 08:44
2002/10/11 environment report

This is (name) with the VOA special English environment report.
Some southeast Asian countries are concerned about China's plans to build dams along the Mekong river. Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam share the lower area of the Mekong. Environmental experts say Chinese dams threaten people, wildlife and water systems on the river.
The Mekong river is the twelfth longest river in the world. It is 4,800 kilometers long. It flows through China, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
More than 16 million people depend on the Mekong for food, water and transportation. The yearly periods of floods and dry conditions are important for the production of rice and vegetables. The Mekong also supports many different kinds of fish.
But environmental activists say this system is threatened. During the past ten years, more than 100 large dams have been proposed for the Mekong. Groups such as the Asian development bank have proposed these dams. Some of these projects have already been built.
Environmental experts say one of the greatest threats is China's plan to build 8 dam along the upper Mekong river. Two of these dams already have been completed. China begin building the third dam in January.
China says these dams can produce power on the Mekong without harming the flow of the river system. It says the dams will reduce flooding and water shortages in the countries in the lower part of the Mekong.
But environmental experts say the dams would increase flooding, harm the fishing industry, damage the environment and block transportation links. Flooding of Mekong has killed hundreds of people in the past two years. That number is expected to rise as the water flow changes. Experts say the worst effects would happen in Cambodia and Laos. These poor countries have become dependent on  Chinese investment and aid.
Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam are part of the Mekong river Commission, based in (). The group manages development projects and protection of the Mekong river. China has refused to join the group. The government of commission are said to be too fearful of China to make any public protest about its development plans.
This VOA special English environment report was written by (name). This is (name).
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发表于 2002-10-19 03:06
2002/10/14  Development Report

This is (name) with the VOA special English Development Report.
Kindeys are important organs in the human body. Under normal conditions, the body can perform  with just one kidney, even through most people are born with two. Many people develop kidney disease and their kidneys do not operate normally. Some of these people are able to get a new kidney and transplant operation. However many countries do not have enough kidneys for transplantation.
In developing countries, some poor people sell their kidneys to earn money to improve their living conditions. Researchs say this is becoming a problem. A new study in the Journal of the American medical association reports that people who sold a kidney suffer fanicial and health problem overtime.
Doctors carried out the study last year in southern India. () of the () health system in state college, () headed the study. He wanted to learn the economic and health effects of selling a kidney. The researchers questioned about 300 poor people in the city of (). Each person had sold his or her kidney after 6 years earlier for about 1000 dollars.
Almost all of people sold their kidney to pay back money their owe.
However 6 years later, 75 percent of these people said they were still in debt. The average family earnings had dropped by one-third following the operation.
Also, 86 percent of the people said their health had worsened since the operation. Doctor () says one possible reason for this is that most of the people had to continue physically difficult work and immediately after their operations. This probably weakened their health.
The researchers said almost 75 percent of the kidney donors are women. Doctor () says this is troubling because the women in Inida may be pressured to sell their organs more than men. Finally, the researchers found that almost 80 percent of the people would not suggest that others sell a kidney for money.
Most countries, including Inida, have laws against buying and selling organs from living donors. But in India, officials and hospitals often fail to enforce the laws. Doctor () says policy makers should re-examine the value of using money to increase the supply of organs for transplantation.
This VOA special English development report was written by (). This is ().
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发表于 2002-10-20 03:17
2002/10/15  Agriculture Report

This is (name) with the VOA special English Agriculture Report.
Many farmers around the world are composting to improve their soil so they can produce better crops. Composing is mixing plant or animal wastes so they break down and produce simpler substances.
Farmers add compost to their soils instead of burning plant and animal wastes or throwing them away. Compost is an example of natural organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers help make soils rich. So that they produce more crops for a longer time.
During the growing season, plants take gases from the air such as carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They combine these gases with minerals from the soil.
After the growing season ends, many parts of plant die. Farmers gather a large amount of dead plant materials into small hills call compost piles. They may add animal wastes.
They must add water so the materials will break down or decay. Soon the plants are attacked by infects and organisms, including worms and bacteria. Oxygen helps the organisms change the plant materials more quickly. The plants decay into a mixture that can be spread on farmland where crops are growing. The compost returns needed nutrients to the soil.
Some rules need to be followed to produce the best quality compost. Good compost piles need water to speed the process of decay. Yet the piles should not be too wet or the plant material will be ruined. The temperature of the compost piles should not be too high or too low. The best temperature for a compost pile is between 30 degrees and 37 degrees celsius. You can turn the pile over and over to help cool the material.
Turning the compost pile over adds more oxygen to the mixture. This helps decay it.
Sometimes small animals such as rats and mices like to eat the composting material. You can prevent this by adding a thin amount of soil to the top of the compost pile.
Farmers who use compost can increase the amount and quality of their crops. Computer users can find out more information about composting from the volunteers in technical assistance or vita.
VITA is an organization based in the United States that helps people around world use science and technology to solve problems. VITA's internet address is www.vita.org.
This ova special english agriculture report was written by (name). This is (name).
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发表于 2002-10-21 03:37
2002/10/16 Health Report

This is (name) with the VOA special English Health Report.
American Medical Groups are urging the government to limit the use of vaccine medicine to prevent the disease smallpox. Smallpox is caused by the vilira virus. It spreads when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
Smallpox can damage the brain and other body organs. It kills about 30 percent of the people who get it. There is no treatment. The vaccine ended the threat of smallpox around the world in 1977. But now, American officials feared the terrorist may have the virus and could use it in a biological attack.
The Bush administration's top bio-terrorism advisors have developed a plan to protect American people. They would begin by giving the vaccine to 500,000 health care workers and 10 million emergency workers. The plan was also provide the vaccine to all Americans in 2 years. The experts say each person would decide if he or she wants the vaccine.
The smallpox vaccine can be dangerous. It can even kill. The vaccine is a live virus that is related to the one that causes smallpox. The vaccine can spread throughout a person's body and cause infection. Records from 1960s show that one or two people died for every one million people who received the vaccine. Nine other people suffered brain infections and more than 100 people developed severe skin infections. Hunderds of other people developed other health problems.
Medical professionals expect that even more people would suffer such reactions today. This is because many more people have weakened body defense systems against disease. These include cancer patients who have been treated with chemotherapy drugs, people who are infected with the AIDS virus and people with skin disease like (). Doctors also say the current smallpox vaccine has not been tested on children and may not be safe for them.
The smallpox vaccine is effective against the disease four days after it is given. Doctors say that everyone should get the vaccine if smallpox was used in a biological attack. But many experts say it is too dangerous to give to the general public unless that happens.
This VOA special English Health Report was written by (name) and this is (name).
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发表于 2002-10-22 02:42
Rella, cann't you find the features are the listeningexpress website?

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发表于 2002-10-22 02:49
200/10/17    Education Report

This is (name) with the VOA special English Education Report.
We continue our series of reports about how foreign students can attend a college or university in the United States. This report is on the special English internet web site, www.voaspecialenglish.com.
The state department has rules for giving permission to foreign students to study in the United States. The rules can be found on the state department's travel site. The address is travel.state.gov. Under services, go to visas for foreign citizens to come to the United States, nonimmigrant visas, students and exchange visitor visas and applying for a foreign student visas.
Every foreign student to have been accepted by a college or university to study in this country must have a legal document called a visa from the United States government. The rules for getting a visa have changed since the terrorist attacked against the United States last year.
National security is the most important issue in deciding if a person should be permitted to enter the United States. It now takes a longer time for a person to receive permission to enter the country. This past summer, a new policy took effect. It requires additional security investigations of men between the ages of 16 and 45 from 26 countries. Officials say these men are waiting a longest for their legal papers.
A State Department's spokesman said visa applications that used to be approved in days are now taking much longer. This is because officials must see if the name of each student appear on lists of foreigners with possible links to terrorists. Officials say that the future security investigations are expected to take less than one month from the time of visa application.
The State Department says  international students are not being studied in more closely than people who want to enter the United States for other reasons. But students must enter the country before their college classes begin. So they must apply for the visa as soon as they can to permit enough time for approval.
Other new rules have also taken effect. For example, univeristies must place a confirmation document on a state department web site for evey international students they admit. We will have more information about this next week.
This VOA special English education report was written by (name). This is (name).
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