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发表于 2002-9-11 04:42
It is 23 hours 30 universal time, and here is the news in special english on the Voice of America. I am Jim Tedder in Washington.
Top Bush administration officials have spoken on television about an increasing threat from Iraqi leader Sadam Housain and his efforts to get nuclear weapons. Vice president Dick Chini says officials has seized bomb equipment on its way to Iraq. National security advisor (name) said the world should ? for the Iraqi dictator to use a nuclear weapon to get the final proof that he is trying to build one. Secretary of state (name) said the best way to disarm Iraq is to change its government. and he said the United States may still act alone to defend itself. A former United Nations weapons inspector has urged Iraq to prove it did not have biological, chemical and nuclear weapons by permitting inspectors to return to the country. (name) spoke to Iraqi parliament in Bagdad, he toldt law makers that the best way for the country to avoid war would be to cooperate with international weapons inspections. Iraq denies having any form of biological, chemical or nuclear weapons. However it has refused UN secretary general Coffi Annan demand for the unconditional return of inspectors to Iraq.
Palestinian law makers from the west bank are refusing to attend the Israeli parliament meeting in Ramala Monday. They say that attending the meeting at Yassa Arafat's headquarters would support what they call Israel illegal decision to ban travel by 12 other Palestinian law makers. The baned law makers would stay in Yassa and take part in the meeting through a private television link. Earlier Israel placed a travel ban on Palestinian law makers from Gassa who it considers to be security threats.
Iranian foreign minister (name) says his government wants to discuss better relations with the United States, but It's waiting the Americans to make the first move. Mr. (name) says it is up to the United States to support with IBS it stated desire for better ties with Iran. It calls on American government officials to make a sign that would lead to better relations.  Mr. (name) comments were made in reactions to a statements last week by American Deputy secretary of state Richerd (name). He said America wants better relations with Iran but it's waiting for Iranian officials to take the first step.
You are listening the news in VOA Special English.
American national secretary advisor (name) says the security situation in Afghanistan has improved in the past year. Mr. Wise spoken on American television. She said some Taliban and some Al Qaeda fighters are still free in some areas and some parts of the country are still unsecure. But she said a friendly government is now in place in Carbo and it's trying to bring democracy to the Afghan people. Earlier 15 people were killed in fighting in the Southeastern Afghan city (name). 15 one others were wounded in a clash between local government troops and forces ? to ? leader (name). They began shooting at each other after local radio reported that American forces have arrested Mr. (name). He quickly denied the report saying he had met with an American delegation.
Two leading members of Al Qaeda terrorist group reportedly have said that United Stated nuclear centers were the first targets for the attacks September 11th. The two gived the informations to the Chief investigating reporter for the (name) television network. Reporter (name) says he talked to the man in June in Karachi Pakistan. Mr. (name) the man decided against the nuclear power target for fear the damage would get out of control. The Al Qaeda members also told him the United Stated capital building was to have been the fourth target on September 11th. That attack failed when a hijack United Airline's flight crashed in the eastern state of (name). The passengers were trying to seize control of the plane from the hijackers.
(name) in eastern Nepal have killed at least 49 police officiers. The deputy home minister says 16 others were wounded. Government officials say hundred of rivals attacked a police station in the (name) area about one hundred fifty kilometers east of Katmandu. This was the first major rival offensive since the Nepal's government ended emergency rull last month. (name) rivals began fighting to outs the government in 1996. More than four thousands people have been killed since then.
China has offered its support for a historic trip by Japanese prime minister (name) to North Korea later this month. Japan's foreign minister (name) helped win the support during a meeting in Beijing with Chinese president Jiang Zemin. Japan has never established diplomatic relations with North Korea. Japan's foreign ministry also says Mr. (name) sought help from China to improve relations with North Korea and to urge North Korea to communicate with other nations. Mr. (name) has just arrive China for a three day visits.
Police in Santiago Chile have used tear gas and water cannon against protestors during a march remembering those killed during the rule of General (name). Santiago police clashed with several demonstrators who throw small gasoline bombs at local stores and businesses. Police arrested at least twenty people. The marchers walked from downtown Sandiago to the city's main burial place on the twenty nine anniversary of General (name) coming to power. Experts say at least 3 thousand people were killed during his rule. mostly for political reasons.
And briefly here again is the major news of the hour. Top Bush administration officials are speaking about an increasing threat from Iraqi leader Sadam Housain and his efforts to get nuclear weapons. A former United Nations weapons inspector has urged Iraq to prove it does not have biological, chemical and nuclear weapons by permitting the return of inspectors. and Palestinian law makers from the west bank are refusing to attend the Israeli parliament meeting in (name).
That's the news in Special English, this is Jam Tedder reporting.

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发表于 2002-9-14 06:23
Missles and other weapons were deployed Monday and early Tuesday. The order came after the American government warned of high risk of terror attacks. United States General (name) says there are possible threat against American property in foreign countries. However Mr. (name) says Americans should not change their plans on Wednesday. Argentina says it will ease restrictions on money on banks, Argentina economic ministor (name) says the mesure will take affect on October 1st. He says people will be permitted to exchange money saved in banks for government or banks guarantees. Mr. (name) says the messure will affect 60 percent of bank savings. The Argentin government ban withdraws from bank to prevent too much money from being sent out of the country.
Colombian police have found weapons and documents that maybe part of a plot to attack the American embassy in Bogota. Government lawyers say documents were found in houses link to the rebel revolutionary arm forces in Colombia. The Colombia newspaper (name) report that investigators found pictures and maps of the area near the American embassy. Officials also say police seized explosives. On Monday the United States Congress approved fourty two million dollars in millitary aid for Colombia.
The United States navy is warning a possible terrorist attacks against oil carrying ships in the Persian gulf area. A spokesman for the Amerian navy said Al-Quaeda terrorist group may attack oil ships in the street of (name). The spokesman also warned a possible attack in the west sea area near the horn of Africa. However oil ships were loaded normally at Saudi Arabias main port and other Persian gulf ports on Tuesday.
President Bush says the Iraqi's effords to develop weapons of great destruction is a problem that the nations of the world must deal with together. Mr. Bush says he will propose ways to deal with Iraq when he speaks to the United Nations general assembly Thursday. The president said the battle field in the war and terrorist has moved to America. Mr. Bush made his comment in Washington Tuesday.
Earlier British prime ministor Tonny Blare warned Iraq that it would be the target of millitary action if it did not obey UN resolutions. Also Tuesday chief UN arms inspector (name) reportedly said there is no evidence that Iraq is trying to rebuild weapons of great destruction.
You are listening to the news in VOA special English.
Israeli forces have waited towns in Gassa early Wednesday. The army is continuing its search for Palestinian militants. Tanks, earth moving equipments and troops entered (name) and (name) north of Gassa city. Shooting has been reported but there are no immediately reports of injurys.
Palestinian law makers are expected to vote on a new Cabinet Wednesday. President Yasser Arafat nominated possible minister in June. Some law makers say they may object to the new Cabinet.
Tuesday high level talk between Israeli and Palestinian officials on economic and security issues restarted. The television station (name) has broadcast a video recording with a voice said to be that of terrorist Osam Ben Laden. The voice names all nineteen of hijackers of airplanes in the Semptember 11th terrorist attacks. The voice recording praises 4 leaders of the attacks saying that they changed history. Independent experts have not confirmed that the voice broadcasted is that of Osam Ben Laden. ? television says the recording was made to mark the anniversary of the terrorist attacks on New York and Pentagon near Washington.
United States embassy in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Cambodia have closed. Officials have security concerns on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks. The American embassador to Indonesia says the embassy in Jakarta and a deplomatic office in Surabaya were closed after threats were recieved. Officials will decided when to reopen the offices. American official in Kuala Lumpur say the embassy there was closed because what was called a believable threat. The American embassy in Cambodia is closed also even though no threat was reported.
Police in Zimbabwe have ended a clash between poor government militants and a white farmer, about 70 people arrived in Trunks at a farm in Northwestern Zimbabwe late Monday and early Tuesday. The farm ower (name) and militants shot at each other. Mr. (name) and his mother and two children then set up barriers around home. no injuris have been reported. Police are investigating the incident.
(name) has become the 190 of member of United Nations. The UN general assembly welcomed (name) after opening of the yearly meeting in New York Tuesday. (name) citizens voted to join the UN last March by a small majority. The swiss rejected a similar major 6 years ago. However government officials say becoming a UN member will not change (name) traditional neutral policy. Several UN agencis were based (name) even before it joined the international organization.
And now briefly here again is the major news of the hour. American defense secretary (name) has orderd missiles deployed in the Washington area to protect against a possible terrorist attack. President Bush says the Iraqi effort to develop weapons of great destruction is a problem that nations of the world must deal with together. And Argentine economy ministor (name) has announced that restrictions on bank withdraws will be eased.
That's the news in special English. This is Jim Tedder repording.

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管理员或超版 一品御批懒惰勋章 大财主勋章 维基大牛 天天开星 金嗓子 艺术家 健康之翼 麦霸勋章 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙 TEST

发表于 2002-9-20 07:04
it is 15 hour 30 universal time, and here is the news in Special English on the Voice of America, I am Dot Johnson in Washington.
Iraq says it's offer to let Unite Nations weapon inspectors return without conditions has removed any excuse for an American led attack. Iraqi deputi prime minister (name) commented in Bagdad Tuesday. Earlier United Nations secretary general Coffie Annan said he received a letter Monday night from Iraqi foreign minister (name) telling of the decision. The letter says Iraq wants to remove all suspicion that it has illegal weapons. In Washington a white house spokesman described the Iraqi letter as a step designed to avoid a strong action by the UN security council. Iraq's news agency says president Sadam Husain will send a letter to the UN general assembly in a few days.
China and Russia have welcome an offer by Iraq to permit the return of United Nations weapons inspectors. Rassian foreign minister (name) said in New Yord that the thread of war has been avoided. China's foreign minister Tang Jiaxuan said his government will continue to work within the United Nations for a political settlement on Iraq. But a spokesman for British prime minister Tonny Blare said Sadam Husain has a long history of playing games with the issue of weapons inspection. French foreign minister (name) said the iraqi president must now be hell to his words.
American officials now hold the five Al-Queda suspects captured in Pakestinian last week. American and Pakestinian officials say the 5 have been flown to a secret place outside the United States. The five include (name), the Yemeni citizen is an accused leader of the September 11th attacks on the United States last year. Mr. (name) is said to have been or is said to have led an Al-Qaeda group in Hamburg Germany involve the terrorist attacks. American investigators say they believe Mr. (name) would have join the 19 hijackers, but he could not get persion to enter the United States.
North Korea has admitted that it kidnapped Japaness citizens in the 1970's and 80's. North Korean leader Kim Jone Yone appologized Tursday for the kidnappings. Mr. Kim met in Pyongyang with Japanese prime minister (xiaoquan). Mr. Kim says North Korean agency kidnapped 11 Japanese to learn about the language and culture of Japan. He said 4 of them are still alive and might be permited to return home. North Korea has denied kidnapping anyone. Mr. Kim said those responsible have been punished. Japan and North Korean say they will begin talks next month on establishing diplomatic relations.
Police in China have arrested a man who they say placed poison in food in eastern city of Nanjing on Saturday. Thirty eight people have died. more than 300 others are sick. many of the victims are school children. Officials say Chen Xiangping admitted he put rat poison in food at store in Nanjing. They say Mr. Chen told them he hated the owner of the store. Mr. Chen own a food store in a nearby town. Police arrested him Sunday on a train.
You are listening to the news in VOA special English.
(name) officials and (name) rebels have completed a second day of peace talks at a naval base in Tailand. Reports say the two sides mainly discuss improving (name) economy and resettling people forced from their homes by war. (name) call for one more day of talks on Wednesday. (name) has had 19 years of fighting. The (name) rebels wants to create a seperate state. The government rejects that idea but it's offering to give more freedom to (name) areas.
In Vietname the main United States embassy building in Hanoi has reopened. Officials closed the building last week because of reported Al-Quaeda threats to American interests in Southeast Asia. However embassy officers in another building in Hanoi remain closed. In Cambodia the American embassy in Phnom Penh remains closed as new security measures are added. A spokes man says there are no immediate plans to reopen.
And in Southern Philippine, Philippine government forces have arrested 4 Indonesian man. Officials link the men to a serious bombing that killed 14 people in the city of General Santo in April.
In the Middle-East, at least 5 Palestinian students have been wounded in an explosion at a school near the west bank city (name). The cause of the explosion was not immediately clear. Early Tuesday Israeli forces raided an area near a refugee camp in the Southern Gassa's trip. Troops arrested 23 suspected militants and destroyed buildings that the army says were used to make weapons. There were no reports of anyone hurts.
Officials in Russia say the number of death from a bomb explosion Monday in Chechinia has risen to 18. The bomb explored as a bus drove by the central market in the Chechen capital Grossny. Most of the victims are the passenger on the bus. Russia's ? news agency says a military spokesman accused Chechen seperatist of setting of the bomb.
Officials in Rwanda say Rwanda troops will leave the Democratic Republic of Congo begining Tuesday. Official say the troop will fly back to Rwanda from the east town of (name). Rwanda sent 20,000 troops to the DRC to support (name) government rebels during 4 years of war. The troops control parts of the east. Rwanda president (name) told the United Nations Friday that all the troops should be out of the country in about a week.
Briefly here again is the major news of the hour. Iraq says it's offer to let UN weapons inspectors return without conditions has removed any excuse for an America  led attack. International reactions to Iraq's offer is mixed. North Korea has admitted that it kidnaped 11 Japanese citizens in the 1970's and 80's. And In east China police have arrested a man they say admitted poisoning food in Nanjing.
And that's the news in VOA special English, Dot Johnson reporting.

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发表于 2002-9-22 03:32
020919 education report

This is Bill White with the VOA special english ducation report.

This week, we are starting a series of education reports about how people from foreign countries can attend a college in the United States. We have done this before on the special english program, American ( ). The last series was broadcast two years ago. Since then we've received many letters about american higher education and how foreign students can take  part. So we decided to offer new reports that contain latest information. The series will begin next week. Each week, the education report will discuss a part of process of the coming an international student in the United States. Each report also will be on the special english website at www.voaspecialenglish.com. Foreign students who want to study in the United States have many questions. Some of these include how do i find out about American colleges? how do i choose the right one for me? What tests must i take? What kinds of offical documents will i need? How much will it cost? We will answer these kinds of questions in our reports. We will discuss the American system of higher education. We will tell about finacial aid. We will describe rules concerning foreign students who want to work while studying. We will explain english language requirement. we will discuss required tests. We will tell how to prepare for them. And we will tell you where to find help in your own country. Some of programs will tell about a few of the 3000 colleges and universites in the United States. Thiese reports will discuss study programs that may interest you. We will tell about living at an american college. We also will explain about ways to use a computer to study at an american university without leaving home. And we will discuss how the terroist attacks last year have changed some of rules for foreign students in the United States. To prepare these reports,, we talked to governmental officals, foreign students and university of officials in different parts of the country. Most students say planning ahead helped make their american educational experience sucessful. That is purpose of this series to help you plan. Our reports about attending college in the United States begin next week.

This VOA special english education report was written by () and this is Bill White.
no pain, no gain

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发表于 2002-9-23 04:04
20020919 feature

This is () and this is () with the making of a nation,a voa special english program about the history of the United States. Today we continue the story of president John Kennedy.
John Kenndy began his administration in 1961 with great energy to do great things. After just 3 months in office however, he had to take responsibility for big failture. On April 17th, Cuban exiles, trained by America's central intelligence agency, invaded Cuba. Their goal was to overthrow Cuba's communist leader,(). Most exiles were killed or captured. The last administration had planned the big invasion. But Kennedy had approved it. After the incident, some Americans wandered if he had enough experience to lead the nation. Some asked themselves if the 43 years old Kennedy was to young to be president after all.
Kennedy soon regained some public approval when he visited French leader,general (). The French were very inerested in the new American president. They were even more interested in his beatiful wife. The president said with a laugh that he was the man who had come to Paris with ()Kennedy.
In Vienna, Kennedy met with Soviet leader (). Their relations would always be difficult.() did not want to compromise on any issue. He threatened to have the East German block all movement into and out of the wastern part of the city of Berlin. Not long after, the east Germans, with Soviet support, built a wall to seperate the eastern and western parts of the city. President Kennedy quickly announced a large increase in the number of American military forces in Germany. He said that the United States would not permit freedom to end in Berlin.
About a year later, in October, 1962, president Kennedy said that the United States had discovered that the Soviets were putting nuclear missiles in Cuba. He took several actions to protest the deployment. One was to send American ships to the areas. They were to prevent Soviet ships from taking missile parts and related supplies to the Cuban government. In a speech broadcast on televsion, Kennedy spoke about the seriousness of the situation.
It shall be policy of this nation to regard any nuclear missile lanuched from Cuba against any nation in the western hemisphere as an attack by the Soviet Union on the United States.
No fighting broke out between the United States and the Soviet Union becasue of the cuban missile crisis. The Soviet ships carrying missile parts to Cuba turned back. And president kenney promised the United States would not invade Cuba if the Soviet Union removed its missile and stopped building new ones there.
The two sides did, however, continue the cold war of words and influence. In Asia, the Soviet Union continued to provide military, economic and technical aid to communist government. The Kennedy administration fought communsim in Vietnam by increasing the number of American military advisers there.
The United States and the Soviet Union did make a big progress on arms control, however. In 1963, the two countries reached a major agreement to ban test of nuclear weapons above ground, under water and in space. The treaty did not ban nuclear tests under the ground.
On national issues, president Kennedy supported efforts to guarantee a better life for African Americans. One man who pushed for changes was his younger brother, Robert. Robert Kennedy was attorney general and head of the Justice department at that time.The justice department took legal action against southern states that violated the voting rights acts of 1957 and 1960. The administration also supported a voter registration campaign among African Americans. The campaign helped them to record their names with election officials so they could vote.
As attorney general, Robert Kennedy repeatedly called on national guard troops to protect black citizens from crowds of angry white citizens. Incidents took place when black tried to register to vote and when they tried to attend white schools.
President Kennedy said the situation was causing a moral crisis in America. He decided it was time to propose a new civil right law. The measure would guarantee equal treatment for blacks in public places and in jobs. It would speed the work of ending racial separation in schools.
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发表于 2002-9-23 09:54
20020919 feature

Kennedy wanted the new legislation badly. But congress denied the action. He did not pass a broad civil rights bill until 1964 after his presidency.
In November 1963, Kennedy left washington for the state of Texas. He hoped to help settle a local dispute to his democratic party. The dispute might have affected chances for his re-election in 1964. He arrived in the city of Dallas in the late morning of November 22th. Dallas was known to be a center of opposition to Kennedy. Yet many people waited to see him.
A parade of cars travelled through the streets of Dallas. Kennedy and his wife were in the back seat of one. Their car had no top. So everyone could see them easily. Another car filled with secret service security agents was next to the president's.
Suddently, There were gunshots. Then many Americans heard this emergency report from television newsman,().
This is bulletin from CBS news. In Dallas, Texas, three shots were fired at president Kennedy's motorcade in downtown Dallas. The first reports say the president Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
The cars raced to parkland memorial hospital. But doctors there could do little. Thirty minutes later reporters, including (), broadcast this announcement:
From Dallas, Texas, the flash apparently official, president Kennedy died at 1 pm, central standard time.
As the nation mourned, police search for the person who killed John Kennedy. They arrested a man named (). () were in the building near the place where Kennedy had been shot. people had seen him leave the building after the shooting. He had a gun.
() was a man with strange past. He was a former united states marine. He was also a communist. He had lived for a while in the Soviet Union and had tried to become a Soviet citizen. He worked for a committee that supported the communist government in Cuba.
Police questioned () about the death of president Kennedy. He said he did not do it. After two days, officials decided to move him to different jail.
As they did, television cameras recorded the death of (). () was being led by two police officials. Suddently, a man stepped in front of them. There was a shot, and () fell to the floor.
The gunman was (). He owned an eating and drinking place in Dallas. He said he killed () to prevent the Kennedy family from having to live through a trial.
President Kennedy's body had been returned to washington after a state funeral, he was buried in Arlington national cemetery, across the () river. A gas flame burns at his burial place day and night.
An official committee was formed to investigate his death. It was headed by the chief justice of the United States, () and was known as () commission. In its report, the () commission said that () acted alone. It was said there was no plot to kill the president.
Many Americans did not accept the report. They believed there was a plot. Some blamed Cuban leader, (). Some blamed the extremists in American centeral intelligence agency. Other blamed the organized crime.
The truth of what happened to John Kennedy may be what was stated in the () commission report that () acted alone or perhaps the complete truth may never be known.
This program of the making of nation was written by () and produced by (). This is (). And this is (). Join us again next week for another voa speical english program about history of the United States.

no pain, no gain

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发表于 2002-9-24 04:13
20020920 environment report

This is Bill White with the voa special english environment report.
Israel and Jordan recently announced that they would worke together to help save the dead sea from shrinking. Governmental officials said the joint project would help the sea, protect the area's unusual wildlife and increase the number visitors to the area. The announcement was made during the United Nations world summit on sustainable development earlier this month in Johannesburg, south of Afica.
The dead sea is on the border between Israel and Jordan. It is 365 meters below the sea level. That is the lowest point on earth. The dead sea is the saltiest large body of water in the world.
The area around dead sea has ancient places that are important to Jews, Christians and Muslims. Minerals in the dead sea are useful for health treatments. The strange beauty of the sea brings many visitors to the area.
But the dead sea is shrinking by almost 1 meter each year. Most of the water that flows into the dead sea comes from the Jordan river. However water flowing from the Jordan river has been redirected for other uses in the area. Officials say within the next 50 years the dead sea could shrink to less than half of current size.
To prevent that, Israel and Jordan plan to build a pipeline more than 300 kilometers long.
The pipeline would pump water from the red sea through both countries into the dead sea. After the pipeline is build, the official hope to build a canal and a salt removal system that will provide fresh water to Jordanians, Israelis and ().
The pipeline will take at least 3 years to build. The project will cost as much as 1000 million dollars. Israel and Jordan hope to pay for with help from other countries.
The project is expected to begin after 9 months study is completed. Israel and Jordan had hoped to cooperate closely on a number of issues after they signed a peace agreement in 1994. However, tension have increased between them since the current () uprising began two years ago.
Officials from Israel and Jordan described the water project as a major step forward. Experts say the agreement send a message that environment, ecology and nature are more important than borders or political conflicts.
This voa special english environment report was written by () and this is bill white.
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发表于 2002-9-26 05:24
Israel has halted it's destruction of the headquarters of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafart. Earlier, a Bush administration stateman has said the Israeli actions in Romala are not helpful to ending Palestinian bomb attacks. The stateman urged Israel to consider the result of the actions. Israeli foreign minister (name) says the  American stateman did not influence Israel's decision, Mr. (name) also says Mr. Arafart must control those who plot and carry out attacks against Israelis or resign unless someone else do so. Israeli troops have destroyed all but one building of Mr. Arafart's headquarters since the actions began Thursday. Earlier Sunday at least 5 Palestinian demonstrators were killed in clashes with Israeli police in the west bank and Gassa. The demonstrators were protesting the Israeli operaton in Romala. An American newspaper reports that Israeli prime minister (name) has promised his country would fight back if attacks by Iraq. The New York Time reports Israeli and western officials say Mr. (name) recently dicussed his position privately with top officials of the Bush administration. The newspaper says such a development represent a change in Israeli policy since the 1991 Persian gulf war. At that time Israel did not answer an Iraqi missile attack.
Police in Indian Kashimier have killed a suspected Islamic militant who took part in an attack in the city of (name) Saturday night. Officials say at 2 militants raided a place that houses police and their families. one officer was killed in the shooting that followed, 8 others were wounded. Other violence was reported in parts of Kashmier at least 10 people were wounded when a small bomb exploded the south of (name). Muslim militants have said they would interfere an election in (name) and kashmier state. The voting process opened last week and ends on October 8th.
At least 15 people were killed when a bus is explored in the Northern Indian state (name), 2 others were injured. Officials there say the bus explored about 80 kilometers northwest of the state capital (name). Media reports say a bomb or other kind of explosive devise cause the explosion.
Pakestiniani police have arrested 2 suspected Islam militants during a raid in Karachi. Officials say the police also seize the weapon and explosive devices. Police arrested 3 other suspected militants in a similar raid Saturday. Police say all of the suspects are members of the Al_Army group. Officials say the group was involved in an attempt to kill Pakestiniani president (name) earlier this year. The group also is suspected of killing an American reporter and of involvement in a deadly car bombing in Karachi.
You are listening to the news in VOA special English.
Parliamentary elections have closed in Germany. Studies of people who voted show that the ruling Social Democratic party tied with the opposition Christian Democratic Union party. The study suggests that each party has won about 38 percent of the vote. The study shows the Green's party has about won about 9 percent of the vote. and the 3 Democrat party has won bout 7 percent . The studies also suggested the former Communist Party of Democratic socialism has not won enough votes to enter the German Parliament. Election officials are expected to announced early result Monday.  
The party of former Slovak prime minister (name) has won the most votes in parliamentary election in Slovakia. Democratic Slovakia won more than 19 percent of the vote. However the party does not have enough alies to form a coalition  government. Prime minister (name) Slovak Democratic and Christian Union party won about 15 percent of the vote. It is expected to form a majority coalition with 3 other parties.
Zimbabwe's president (name) will not attend the meeting Monday in Nigeria to discuss his country suspension from the commonwealth. A special committee of South African, Nigerian and Australian officials will meet in (name) to discuss the situation. Commonwealth officials say Mr. (name) refused the invitation because the officials mainly will discuss his disputed election in March. They say he would instead like to discuss his land reform program. The Commonwealth suspended Zimbabwe from group meetings for 12 months following the election.
And rescue workers in Southern Russia continue searching for survivors of a sudden snow and land slide Friday in the Republic of North Ossetia. Huges pieces of ice up to 100 meters thick burried villags and camping areas. Workers have recoverd at least 22 bodies, however officials fear as many as 150 people might have been killed. many people are reported missing.
And so briefly now here again is the major news of this hour. Israel has halted it's destruction of the Ramala headquarters of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafart. An American newspaper reports Israeli prime minister says his country would fight back if attack by Iraq. And police in Indian Kashimier have killed suspected Islamic militants in the city of (name). That's the news in VOA special English from Washington.

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发表于 2002-9-28 08:29
20020923 voa special english program, development report

This is () with the voa special english development report.
An American-based environmental group says hundred wild animals in Ghana has became a serious problem. Conservation international reports that more 30 percent of wild animal need supply to local markets in Ghana contains dangerous chemicals. This is creating serious health and environmental risks in the country.
Conservation international says hunters use extreme methods to kill wild animals. These include posion, forest fires and guns. These methods are dangerous for people, wildlife and environment. The country now suffers from the lack of wildlife because so many animals have been killed. The crisis was the subject of two-day conference in ()last month. More than 200 people attended. They included governmental officials, non-governmental organizations, tribal leaders and representatives of the animal meat trade. The goal was to find ways to limit the amount of bushmeat eaten by Ghanaians and to create other economic possibilities. currently the country's animal meat trade is 350 million dollars industry. Officials released an action plan at the close of the () conference. It calls on the Ghanaians government to examine and improve its wildlife laws. It also urges a ban on the use extreme hunting methods and a halt to wildlife exports.
The action plan also calls for stronger government supervision of the bushmeat industry to protect public health and the dying out of rare animals.
In addition to health and environmental concerns created by this crisis, officials say Ghanaian culture also could be affected. (), is the head of  conservation international in Ghana. He says that most ethnic groups in the country believe the animals being hunted are linked to the people's ancestors. Local tribes concern the animals to be signed of their history and family traditions.
Mr. () says Ghanaian culture and history are in danger. In the past local rulers helped protect the country's wild animals by enforcing traditional rules and customs. Mr. () says if Ghana is not careful, all its wildlife will disapear and nothing will be left to show the nation's children.
This voa special english development report was written by (). This is ().
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发表于 2002-9-29 03:41
20020924  agriculture report

This is () with the voa special english agriculture report.
Soybean are a valuable part of world's food supply. They are grown in many countries. The major producers are the United States, Brazil, China and Argentina. Many food products are made from soybeans. For example, oil from soybeans is the largest single source of vegetable oil in the world. Twenty percent of soybean is oil. Fatty acid in the oil are found to protect against heart attacks. The solid substance that remains after the oil has been moved from soybean is called soy cake or meal. It has a large amount of protein, about 40 percent by weight. Often the soy cake or meal is used to feed animals. Young soybean plants called sprouts, are popular food in Asian countries. The sprouts grow from dry beans. The beans are placed in water for about twelve hours and then placed in a covered container for 5 to 10 days. Water can also be added to crushed whole soybean to make soymilk. It has about the same amount of nutrients as cow's milk.
But it has less fat than cow's milk and it does not harm people who have a bad reaction to a substance in cow's milk called lactose.
Other products can be made from soymilk. One of them is soy curd, better known as tofu. Tofu can be cooked, dried or frozen to make many different kinds of food.
Other products are made from soybeans in the process similar to making alcoholic drinks. One of them is soy sauce. It is a dark brown liquid that has a salty taste. Soy sauce can be added to many meats and vegetables. In many countries, soybean protein is mixed with maize and wheat to produce a very nutritious food. In Guatemala, the mixture is called incaparina. In Ethiopia it is called (). In Bolivia it is called (). And in south Africa it is called ().
The very large increase in soybean production is due to the increasing popularity of soy as  food oil and cake for animal feed.
In addition, soy protein is low in cost and has many nutrients. Eating more soybeans can mean better nutrition around the world. You can get more information about soybeans from the group volunteers in Technical Assistance. You can contact VITA through the internet at its world wide web address , www.vita.org.
This Voa special English agriculture report written by ().
This is ().
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