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发表于 2002-8-7 00:32

dictating diary


It is 2330 universal time and here is the news in special English on the voice of America.I'm Jim Taitor in Washington. 6 American soldiers have been attacked in Afghanistan and American military spokesman said the soldiers were traveling to they base in Kandahar. They have been visiting 19 injured Afghan in the hospital, the spokesman said 1 soldier was wounded in the foot. Early Tuesday American defence secretary Donald Ramsfeld said a team is questioning Afghan villagers who said a American bombing raid killed at lest 40 people. The team includes American and Afghan officials. Mr Ramsfeld says it will take several days to find out what happened Sunday night. The incident was during the operation against suspected emeny positions in sourthern Afghanistan.

Afghanistan foreign minister Abdullah says evidence shows Osama
bin Laden and Taleban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar are still alive. The foreign minister said  officals are not sure where the two men are, neither Mr. Laden nor Mr. Omar has been seen since last November, that is when the troops led by the United States forced the Taleban from power in Afghanistan. The United states is looking for both men in connection with the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The United States has withdrawn its offers to restart security talks with North Korea. The withdraw comes after a crash between North Korea and South Korea on Saturday. Fighting started after two North Korea naval boats entered disputed waters in the Yellow Sea. About 30 North Koreans and 4 South Koreans died in the fighting. The countries blame each other for the incident. A spokesman for American State department said the incident created an unacceptable atmosphere for talks. American officials had proposed starting the talks July 10th in Pyongyang. No answer from North Korea was reported. The American spokesman said the Bush administration remains interested in talks with North Korea.

President Bush is asking Americans to celebrate the July 4 Independence day holiday, even though they are concerns of possible terrorist attacks. Mr. Bush said the government is doing everything it can to keep America safe. Officials say security is being increased across the country. In Washington several thousand police will be working during the holiday celebration Thurday, also military planes will guard area over the capital where flights are banned. The United States has been warned of a possible terrorist attacks on July 4. The warning says terrorists may targeted areas where people gather such as eating places, schools and religious centers.

President Bush says the United States will try to settle a dispute with the United Nations about the new internatinal criminal courts. But Mr. Bush says the United states will not take part in the court activities. The president says American diplomat and soldiers should answer only to American law. American officials fear the cases will be blocked  to the international court for political reason. The United States have requested protection from action by the new court, the U.N. security council rejected the request. Britain and Frence are among American allies that support the international criminal court. The court will try cases ? war crimes, and other crimes against humanity.

You are listening to the news in VOA special English. Russian and Swiss officials are blaming each other for a plane crash Monday. A Russian passenger plane and a transport plane from the airshipping company DHL crashed over the German-Swiss border. Officials say the crash killed all 71 people on the two planes. 52 of victims were Russian students traveling to Spain for their holiday. The trip was organized by the U.N.. 26 bodies have been recovered. Officials have also found a flight information recorder.

American middle east diplomat ? has met in London with officials from Russia, the E.U and the U.N. They discussed American proposals for Palestinian reform and future of middle east peace talks. Meanwhile Britain foreign minister ? met Tuesday with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat in Ramallah. Mr. ? said the Palestinian need new leader to work along with Mr. Arafat. Several American allies in Europe have said they will continue to accept Yasser Arafat if Palestinian reelected him as their leader, that vote is planed for January.

The U.N. warns that aids will kill as many as 68 million people in the next 20 years unless efforts against diseases are increased. The U.N. report says aids is spreading quickly through out Africa, Asia, East Europe and Caribbean. The report calls on rich countries to provide as much as 10000 million dollars a year to poor countries to fight aids. The report says that a number of people with the HIV virus in China increased by 70 percent in the first half of 2001. The UN report comes before international aids conference next week in Spain.

Finally this news, American ? has become the first person to fly around world alone in a balloon. Early Tuesday, Mr. ? crossed the same point in Austrilia where he started his trip two weeks ago. His flight controlled direct in the USA says he expects Mr. ? to land Wednesday in western Austrilia. Mr. ? is a business man from Chicago. He succeeded on his six attempt to circle the world in a balloon.

And now briefly, here again is a major news of the hour read in VOA special English.
Six American soldiers have been attacked in Afghanistan while traveling to their base. Only 1 was wounded. Afghanistan foreign minister Abdullah says evidence shows Osama bin Laden and Taleban Leader Mullah Mohamade Omar are still alive. And president Bush says the USA would try to settle a dispute with the U.N. about the new international criminal courts. That's the news in special English from Washington, tim Taitor report.

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-8-6 11:32:15编辑过]

no pain, no gain

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发表于 2002-8-8 00:37


continue listening for  more special English. First development report then the program This is America. Recently president Bush
We like to hear from ... write to special English voice of America Washington D.C. 20237 USA or send email to special at voa news.com.
This is ... with the voa special English development report.
Doctors in Cameroon have found that giving the drug that fights river blindness more often can reduce the organisms that cause the disease.
18 million people suffer from river blindness.  Almost all of them are in southern Africa. A smaller number of people in Latin America also have the disease. The medical name for the disease is onco.....
It is cuased by a parasitic worm organism that lives for as many as 14 years in humans. Each  adult female worm grows to be one half meter in length.
The females produce millions of tiny baby worms that move through the body.
The movement of these baby worms can cause skin and eye problems including blindness.
Black fly insect pass the parasite to humans.
Doctors usually give pacients the drug ... one or two times a year to kill the baby worms. However, this treatment does not kill the adult female worms which keep reproducing.
Because of this, doctors have to keep treating pacients until the adult worms dea of old age. This can take a long time and it is difficult to  reach pacients in some villages in parts of Africa and Latin America.
However, a recent study in Cameroon has found that more treatments of ... can reduce the number of adult worms in pacients. ... of the river blindness foundation in Lancaster England led the research.
The scientists studied about 700 pacients with  the disease for 3 years. Some of pacients were given ... every 3 month. Some of them got the medicine once a year.
The result showed that about one third more adult worms died in pacients who were treated with drugs every 3 month. Details of study were reported in the Lancet.
Scientists say the results of the study are important.
However, they believe more research is needed to test if the ... reduces the spread of river blindness. If it does, health experts believe the disease would be ended in Latin America. That area has only 1 percent of the world's river blindness cases. Doctors believe they may be able to reduce the number of cases in Africa.
Health officials say that giving ... more often would not cost more money. Currently the American drug company merch provides the medcine at no cost.
This VOA special english development report was written by Jill Moss.
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发表于 2002-8-9 00:16

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发表于 2002-8-9 00:40


President Bush recognized twelve people at a  white house ceremony last month. The twelve were officially honored with the nation's highest civilian award. I'm Sarah Long. And I'm Steve Ember. We tell about the people who receive this award - the Presidential medal of freedom on the VOA special English program, This is America.
The presidential medal of freedom is the America's highest government honor giving to the civilians. It recognizes people for their special efforts for natural security, world peace, culture or other public service.
The presidential medal of freedom was created in 1945. President Harry Truman established the award to honor civilians for their service during world war two. After the war, the medal was not given until the early 1960s. That is when president John F. Kennedy decided to restart the program as the peacetime honor.
President Kennedy was given the presidential medal of freedom after his death.  Every president since then has presented the award. Recent honorees have included former presidents ... and former German leader .... American civil rights activist Rose Parks and rescar driver ... also have received the medal.
Last month more than 100 people gathered in  the east room of the White house for the award ceremony. President Bush presented the presidential medal of freedom to eight men and one woman. Another woman honored,..., died last year. Two other honorees ... and ... were unable to attend.
The twelve honorees were recoginzed for the leadership in the arts, politics, science, business and sports. One of the honorees is ...He is one of the most famous players in baseball history. He played for 23 years in north America baseball' major leagues. He holds a number of major league records including the most ... hit by any player.
As a young man, Mr. ... played with a baseball team for African Americans. Then he joined a major league team, the ... braves. The braves sent him to a small team in Jacksonville, Florida. He was one of the first Afican Americans to play for the a professional team in the southern USA.  Over the years, ... experienced racial hatred.  Yet it did not stop him from becoming one of  the game's great players.

A famous funnyman aslo received the presidential medal of freedom. Bill Cosby became one of the most popular television performers in USA during 1980s. His program, the cosby show, changed the way American television programs showed african American.
Bill Cosby once said that you can not bring racial groups together by joking about theirdifferences. He wanted to talk about  their similarities instead. Mr Bush praised him  for using the power of laughter to heal wounds and build bridges among people.
Opera singer Placido Domingo was honored  for his 44 years as an entertainer. He has performed in 118 different operas. That is more than any other tenor in the history of opera performers.
Placido Domingo aslo has directed performances at famous opera houses like the metropolitan in New York city. He currently serves as the artistic director of the Washington opera and the Los angeles opera.
President Bush aslo honored Peter..., one of  the world's top experts on operating business. Mr. ...  is leading supporter of ideas  such as privatization and giving powers from a central leadership to local officials. Over the years, he has advised many governments, public service organizations and business. He currently offers advice to religious organizations.

[此贴子已经被作者于2002-8-8 11:40:58编辑过]

no pain, no gain

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发表于 2002-8-9 00:43
以下是引用liverbj在2002-8-8 11:16:00的发言:

no pain, no gain

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发表于 2002-8-13 03:31


This is (name) with the voa of special English program, In the New.
The international monetary fund has agreed to provide an additional 30000 million dollars in loans to Brazil. IMF managing director Horst ... announced the agreement Wednesday. Experts say the loan is designed to ease growing concerns about Brazil's financial  markets.
The 40000 million dollars loan is the largest ever given by the IMF. Financial experts say  it shows the IMF's strong support for the economic program that Brazil is following. Brazil already received a 15000 million dollar loan from the IMF last year.
Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America. But investors and bankers are concerned about Brazil's huge public debt.
It is more than 250000 million dollars. There  also is concerned about Brazil's presidential election in October. The two main candidates  have sharply criticized the current government's support of IMF policies aimed at cutting spending, reducing inflation and increasing free trade.
These concerns have weakened financial markets and caused a sharp drop in the value  of Brazilian money in recent weeks. The government has been forced to pay interest rates of more than 30 percent on what it borrows. Many fear that Brazil may not be able to pay its huge debt.
The IMF loan agreement requires that Brazil  keep its budget at 3 points 75 percent of its total economic production. And it must reduce inflation during the next year and a half.
American Treasury secretary Paul... visited Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina this week. Uruguay received an emergency loan from the United States Monday of one and one half million dollars. The loan was made to help Uruguay re-open its banks. They had been closed to keep people from withdrawing  too much money. On Thursday  the IMF agreed to extend its line of credit to Uruguary so it could borrow more money.
Argentina, however, did not receive help this week. The American Treasury Secretary said the Argentine government must complete more economic reforms and improve its banking system before it can receive the aid. Argentina has 150000 million dollars in government debt. And it owes large repayment on past loans from the IMF and other international lenders.
About 22 percent of workers are unemployed in Argentina and more than half  the country's 36 million people are poor.  Until recent years Argentina was South America's richest nation.
Argentines protested mister (name) visited. They accused the United States and IMF of blocking badly needed aid. The United States is the largest and most influential shareholder in the IMF.
Mister(name) said he wants to help negociate an agreement between the IMF and Argentina to pull the country out of a four year recession.
This VOA special English program, in the news, was written by (name) This is (name).
no pain, no gain

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发表于 2002-8-13 06:52
it is now one hour thirty universal time, and here is the news in Special English from the Voice of America in Washington.
American official(name) met in Washington with leaders from 6 Iraqi opposition groups. They discussed Bush administration hopes for the over through of Iraq leader Sadam Housain. Official from state department and defence department organized to the talks. The official say the meeting held increase cooperation among the opposition groups. The Iraqi opposition leaders agree to hold a larger conference in Europe in the coming month. The leader will speak with vice president Dick Chiny Saturday. President Bush said he want to (?) Sadam remove from power. However House Majority leader (name) said the United State should not act against Iraq without a clear reason.
American health official say the western denial areas has killed two more people in the sudden state W.Louisiana. Health official announced Friday that 14 more people have the disease. The totle number of death from west denial areas this year is now 7. All the death were in Louisiana. Federal officials report there are at least 112 cases at west denial areas in the United States. The virus carry by insects called mosquito. Most infected people suffer only moderate fever and body pains, however western denial areas can cause death in older or weak people.
United States airport investigators have arrested a person who admitted he took two computers from the center command headquaters in Florida. And airport official said the computers were found in a private house in (?) of Florida. The officials said there is no evidence of spying. Defence department officials report the computers missing On Wednesday. Officials said at least one of the computers contained secret information. The United Stated center command headquaters direct some American military operations in Afghanistan.
The Columbia army says fifty rivals and members of private army have been killed in several days of fighting. Officials say the fighting was in Northern (name) state. The say Columbia two main rival groups and private armies has been fighting to control resourses in (name). The state has gold and produces cococrups used to make the drug Cocain. Columbian president (name) says he will increase military spending to fight the rival groups and private armies.
In (name) city, officials say they have discovered 31 million dollars in bank accounts link to former (name)president(name). (name) goverment lawyer says the money was (?) in the name of several organisations. Reports say (name) president (name) ask (?) officials to investigated the bank accounts. Mr. (name) accuses the former president (name) of stealing (name) goverment money. Mr. (name) currently is head of the national assembly, He denies any wrong doing while he was president. Mr. (name) says he is being accused for political reasons.
You are listening to the news in VOA Special English.
In eastern Afghanistan, a huge explosion near the city of (name) has killed at least 24 people. (name) radio says at least 80 people were injured. The explosion was in a building used by a construction company. The report says the explosion severely damaged 40 houses nearby. In (name) the office of (name) governor of (name) says explosive stored in the building may have accidentally blown up. Officials said the explosion had nothing to do with terrorism. However a local militory commander says officials from the company are being questioned.
In Pakistan a bomb attack at question hospital has killed 3 medical workers at least 23 other people were injured. The attack near (name) was at a prayer house on the hospital ground. Hospital officials say 3 man carried out the attack as people were leaving a religous service. Pakistan officials say one attacker also died but the other two escaped. No one has claimed responsibility for the attack.
In Zimbabwe hundred of fight farmers are disobeying a goverment order to leave (name), hundred of others observed the order and left their land on or before midnight Thursday. There have been no reports of arrest or goverment action, however vice president (name) says those who refuse to leave there farms will be punished. President (name) landlord affects almost 3000 white farmers.
And in Argentina a popular television game show does not give the winner millions dollars nor do they receive sport cars or other prizes instead the winner received a guarantied job for six month. People watching the program decide who should win the job. The Argentina television program is called human resources.
And so briefly now here again is the major news of this hour. In Washington an American official has met with leaders from 6 Iraqi opposition groups to discuss with to over through Iraqi leader Sadam Housin. America health official say the west nail fever has killed 2 more people on Friday in the southern state of Louisiana. And the Columbia army says 50 rivals and members of private armies have been kill in several days fighting in (name) state. And that's the news in VOA Special English from Washington.

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发表于 2002-8-17 06:46
It is one hour 30 universal time, and here is the news in special english on the voice of Amereca. I am Jim Tither in Washington.
Brazilian president (name) says he will meet leading opposition presidential candidates Thursday. They will discuss ways to improve the country's ecomony. Mr. (name) wants the candidates to agree to carry out reforms required by International Monetary Fund. The reforms are required for Brazil to receive 30,000 million dollars in emergency loans. Some people feared the women candidates will not met the IMF demands. The election will take place in October. American Treatury Secretary (name)says Washington supports IMF loans, however he says countrys should have good economy policies before receiving them. Also the IMF says Paraguay may soon receive a 200 million dollar emergency loan to support that country's economy.
On Tuesday officials in the American state of Texas reject internations appeals to save the life of a Mexican citizen who is sentenced to death. (name) will be executed Wednesday for the 1998 killing a police officer. State and national officials denied appeals from Mexican president (name) and United Nations human right officials to stop the execution. They say (name)'s right were violated by police. They say police fail to tell (name) that international agreements give him the right to legal assistance from the Mexican goverment. Texas officials say that it was not clear at the time of the arrest that (name) was a Mexican citizen.
The leaders of nearly 700 of American largest companies must legally guarantee that their business reports are correct. Company must meet the new demand made by the United State Securities and Exchange Commision by Wednesday. Leaders of companies with nearly profits of at least 1.2 thousands million dollars must make sworn statements guarantee that their reports had been done honestly. The order comes after a financial wrong doing led to the world largest economic failures like those of the companies Erron and world com.
In (name) check officials say they do not expect the water level of (name) river to decrease until later Wednesday. The interior ministry says thousands of city workers and soldiers are trying to save lives. The workers are also trying to protect the city's historic buildings from flood damages. At least 50 thousans people in (Name) have flat their homes. Flooding in the check republic has led officials to declair a state of emergency in most of the country. Germany and Austria are also dealing with (name) floods. Over the past week, at least 87 people have died in flooding in Europe.
Israel says it will charge (name) with directing deadly attacks on Israeli citizens. Mr. (name) is the west bank chief of the ? a movement of Palestian leader Yasser Arafat. The justice ministry says he will be charged Wednesday in a Talavif court with leading the ? regains. That group have taken responsibility for many attacks on Israeli ?. Israeli forces arrested Mr. (name) in April. A defence lawyer says Israel has no legally right to try Mr. (name). The lawyer says Mr. (name) denies the charges. Also the Israeli supreme court has temporarily block the explosion of three relatives of Palestinian terrorism suspects. The court give Israeli goverment 15 days to explain why the explosions should take place.
You are listening news in VOA special english.
United Stetes defence secretary (name) says there is no question that Iran has permitted Al Quaeda terrorists to enter the country. He also said Tuesday that Iran has not sent any Taliban and Al Quaeda members to the United States. Early Tuesday Iranian president (name) said he would never permit Taliban or Al Quaeda terrorists to stay in Iran. Mr. (name) told reporters during a visit to Afghanistan that several terrorists have been arrested in Iran. He said they were sent back to their home countries. Iran said it recently sent 16 Al Quaeda suspects to Saudi Arabia.
The Bush administration says it is not trying to pressure  countris on the  issue of the new international criminal court. The United State does not want American peace keeping troops to be charged by the court. However Secretary of state (name) says countris that do not support the American request may lose American military aid. On Monday the European Union urged countries wishing to join the EU not to agree to American request for protection from the international court. So far, only Israel and Romania have agreed to protect Amerian forces from charges. The United Stated says it fears that ? nations will use the court to bring charges against Americans for political reasons.
President Bush says he believes the American's economy is strong, however he said he is concernd about current economic conditions. President says the American economy is growing slowly. he also said the war on terrorists has created definite spending. Also the president critized Congress for adding or he called unecessary spending measures to the homeland security build. In other economic news, the United States's center bank has left interest rates unchanged. Interest rates are already at their lowest level in 41 years. However bank officials say there is the possibility or more economic weakiness.
Briefly here again is the major news of the hour. Brazilian president (name) says he will meet leading opposition presidential candidates Thursday. Official in American state of  Texas rejected international appeals to save the life of a Mexican citizen who is sentensed to death. And the leaders of nealy 7 hundred of American's largest companies must legally guarantee that their coperate reports are correct.
That's the news in Special English, Jim Tether reported.

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发表于 2002-8-22 03:02
It is 19:30 universal time, and here is the news in Special English on the Voice of America. I'm C.D Zimerman in Washington.
Israeli troops are leaving the west bank town of Bethlehem, The withdraw is part of a new security agreement with Palestinian authority. Israeli troops will also withdraw from parts of Gaza. Palestinian security forces are to take responsibility for security in those areas. Israel says the agreement will be extended to other occupied areas if Palestinian security forces provent attacks on Israelis. Palestinian militant groups have rejected the agreement. Also Monday Israeli forces say they destroied a bomb factory in (name), and Israeli soldiers shot and killed a young Palestinian near (name).
Several Palestinian reports say Palestinian terrorist leader (name) has been found dead in his home in Bagdad. The reports say he shot and killed himself. Abu Nidao's real name was Salbri Albana. He was one of the most wanted terrorists in the 1970's and 80's. The United Stated blames his terrorist organization for attacks that killed as many as 900 people in 20 countries. And Abu Nidao ended ties with Yasser Arafat and Palestinian Liberation Organization about 30 years ago. He said they were too moderate toward Israel.
The Bush administration says video tapes that reported they show Al Queda operations prove the need for the war on terror. The officials also say the tapes confirm what the United State security agency know about Al Queda. Cable News Network began broadcasting the tapes Sunday. They show dogs being used in chemical gas experiments. CNN also says it has other tapes that show terrorist training classes and Osama Bin Laden and his top assistants. CNN says the 64 video tapes were recorded during the past 10 years, most of them before September 11th of last year. And an American newspaper says the United States millitary is sending weapons and suplies to the MidEast for use on a possibility attack on Iraq. The New York Time says the shipment includes vehicles, helicopters and airplane engines. The newspaper reports that millitary officials say the shipments are normal suplies for American led forces in the areas. But the same officials also say the suplies could support and operation against Iraq.
A Russian foreign ministry official says the goverment is close a final economic cooperation agreement with Iraq. This spokesman says the agreement deal with oil, electrical energy and other industries. He also asys it does not violate any international law. The Iraqi embassador to Rassia (name) says the agreement would be signed next month in Bagdad. He says the economic plan would worth about 40,000 million dollars during 5 years.
Yor are listening to the news in VOA Special English.
A Syrian security court in Damascus has sentence an opposition leader to 5 years in prison. The court found (name), a lawyer, guilty of threatening the constitution and in fighting on the revolt. A lawyer foreign ministry (name) call the court decision political. He said it was aimd a terrorising the democratic opposition in Syria. Mr. Issa is one of ten well known Syrian ? arrested a year ago. Six of the others already have been sent to prison.
At least 74 Russian soldiers have been killed in a military helicopter crash in the separators republic of (name), Some media reports put the number killed as high as 85, however all reports say 32 people on the aircraft survived. The helicopter crashed near the (name) captial (name), (name) separators say they shot down the helicopter. But a Russian defance ministry spokesman says that claim is false. Russian president (name) has orderd an investigation of the crash.
Officials in eastern Germany have orderd more people to leave their homes as flood waters continue to rise. (name) and (name) rivers are over flowing. The flood threaten towns and some factories that manufacture chemicals in the area. At least 80,000 people have been force from their homes in recent days. In Hungary's capital Budapest the Danube river has risen to record levels. However, the city has not been seriously damaged so far. Flood waters have eased in Austria the (name) republic and the German city (name).
In Algeria an Islamic court has rejected an appeal by a woman sentence to death by stoning. In March, a lower court in (name) state found her guilty of having a child outsite of marriage. She is to be executed next year after her baby daughter stops breast feeding. The woman's lawyers say they will appeal this latest court roaming, They argue the woman should be free because she because she became pregnant before (name) was ruled by Islamic law. The lawyers say they will take the case all the way to the Algerian supreme court.
In Zimbabwe courts across the country are hearing charges against white farmers who disobeyed goverment orders to leave their farms. Almost 200 farmers have been arrested. The goverment ordered about 3000 white farmers to leave thier land by August 8th. The goverment plans to give the property to black Zimbabweans who own no land. Zimbabwean officials say the plan aim to correct the wrongs of British colonial rules. Also 8 groups are appealing for food aid on behalf of all people in Zimbabwe. The farm occupations and severe lack of rain have severely decrease the food supply.
Briefly here is the major news of the hour. Israeli troops are leaving west bank town of Bethlehem. Several Palestinian report say Palestinian terrorist leader (name) has been found dead in his home in Bagdad. And Bush administration says video tapes that reportedly show Al Queda operations prove the need for the war on terror.
That's the news in VOA Special English, I'm C.D Zimmerman reporting.

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发表于 2002-8-22 03:12
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