


楼主: rella


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发表于 2002-11-23 06:56

2002 1121 SE NEWS 1930

Two Islamic group are claiming responsibility for a bomb attack on a Jew-Islam city bus that killed eleven passengers. Harmas said it was responsible shortly after the bombing earlier Thursday. Hours later, Islamic Jihard claimed the responsibility. The bomber died in the attack. Prime minister Ireal Sharon met with his security cabinet to plan Israel reaction. An Israel newspaper reports that he orderd a wild military operation to answer the attack. Palestinian athoroty leader Yasser Arafart condamned the bombing. Howerer Palestinian officials said Israel is responsible for the continued violences because its military operations on Palestinian civilians. In (name), president Bush said he was shocked by the attack. But President said he continues to support the goal of having two independent states-Israel and Palestine living side-by-side in peace.
Leaders of the North Atlantic treaty organization have invited seven central and eastern European contries to join the alliance. The ? at NATO meeting in Prog. The seven contries are Bulgaria, ?, Latvia,?,  Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. They will join NATO in 2004. The NATO leaders approved plans to create a 20,000 member force that could be deployed quickly. They also agree to reform the alliance military command structure to deal with terrorist threat. NATO members also agreed to take what they call effected action to support the United Nations effords to disarm Iraq. They deplored Iraq's failure to honor rules set by UN's security council. NATO did not say what steps they will take to support Security Council.
United States and British military airplanes attacked two Iraq military positions southeast Bagdad Thursday. American officials say the air strike was in soft defence after Iraqi forces fired on collision planes over sothern Iraq. The United States argues such Iraqi gunfire may be a violation of United Nations resolutions on disarming Iraq. UN secretary general Coffi Anna and some security council members disgree.
United States military officials say a Kuwaiti policeman shot and serious wounded two American soilders in Kuwait Thursday. The soilders were shot while they were traveling on a road near the Kuwaiti city. Those were transported to a Kuwaiti military hostipal. Kuwaiti officials say the gunman escaped to Saudi Arabia. It is the third shooting incident directed at American troops in Kuwait in the past month. 10,000 United States troops are based in Kuwait. American troops have been in the country since Gulf war in 1991.
A Christian religious worker from the United States has been shot and killed in Lebanon. Lebanese police say a gunman shot and killed 31-year-old Banny Penner as she let him in to the help shelter where he worked. Christian religious worker (name) in the city of (name). It offers health care to Lebanon citizens and Palestinian refugees. United States diplomats are working with Lebanese police in the murder investigation.
You are listening to the news in VOA special English.
Indonesian policemen say they have arrested the man who they suspected planed the bomb attacks on Bali. Police say (name) was arrested Thursday in the west (name) town of (name). They say he was attempting to flee to (name). Australian reports say Mr. (name) tade at least 5 other people involved in the Bali bombing a total of about 1000 dollars. The attacks killed almost 200 people last month.
Many were from Australia.
Also from Indonesia, International schools will in Jakarta remain closed until next week because of concerns about security.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

2378 元 


发表于 2003-1-13 06:52
2003-01-11 In the News

This is (name) with the VOA sepcial English program, In the News.
North Korea has officially withdraw from an international treaty to prevent the spread of  nuclear weapons. North Korea plamed its decision on the United States. It says the administration of President Bush plans to crush North Korea in a nuclear attack.
The decision increases tensions in the crisis over North Korea's nuclear activities. Last month, North Korea announced that it would re-start its nuclear center at (address). American officials fear the (address) center could be used to develop nuclear weapons.
North Korea said Friday that it has no immediate plans to make such weapons. It said the country's nuclear activities would be limited to peaceful purposes, such as producing electric power.
North Korea also rejected a call made by the international atomic energy agency. The United Nations agency wanted to North Korea to re-admit inspectors. North Korea expelled the inspectors last week. It accused the United States of using the agency as a tool for carrying out hostile policy toward North Korea.
Several nations have condemned North Korea's decision. South Korean president, Kim dae-jung, said North Korea's action has worsend the crisis. He called an emergency meeting of his national security team.
The foreign minister of France said the U-N security council must now consider North Korea's decision to withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. China and Russia also expressd deep concern.
no pain, no gain

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

2378 元 


发表于 2003-1-15 10:37
2003-01-11 In the News

An American arms control official said North Korea's decision to withdraw from the treaty came as no surprise. Under secretary of state, (name) said North Korea was already violating the agreement.
Mister (name) said the United States has clearly expressed that it has no hostile aims toward North Korea. He said American officials want to settle the nuclear issue through diplomatic and peaceful methods. He also said the United States wants North Korea to honor existing treaties.
Tensions about North Korea's nuclear porgram started to increase in October. That is when American diplomat James (name) said that North Korean officials admitted operating a secret nuclear weapons program. That would violate a 1994 agreement with the United States.
North Korea has demanded direct talks with the United States about the nuclear issue. However, the two countries do not have diplomatic relations. Late this week, North Korea sent two officials to meet with America's former ambassador to the United Nations, (name). In the past, he led a number of diplomatic efforts for former president Bill Clinton. Mr (name) now is governor of the American state of New Mexico. Governor (name) says he is not an official negotiator, but has expressed a willingness to help.
This VOA special English program, in the news, was written by (name) and (name). This is (name).
no pain, no gain

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

2378 元 


发表于 2003-1-17 07:40
2003-01-15 Health Report

This is (name) with the VOA special English, health report.
Millions of people around the world suffer from problems of a small intestine. Bleeding from abnormal growths and other disorders affect an estimatedthe 19 million people in the United States alone. But the problems have been difficult to identify because it is hard for doctors to examine this organs. Now, however, a new device is giving doctors a better look at the small intestine.
An () company developed the given diagnostic system. It is examine the stomach and small intestine. The manufacturer says about 8000 medical centers about the world now have this equipment.
The patient swallows a small device call the M2A imaging capsule. It is about the size of a normal medicine pill. The device contains an extremely small, color video camera. It passes through the patient's stomach and small intestine.
no pain, no gain
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