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印度本土商家卖的替诺福韦 attach_img heatlevel  ...2 windows8 2011-2-7 182493 hncdnnbb 2011-3-13 15:24
DV-601 - Additional Positive Phase 1B Therapeutic Vaccine Data heatlevel  ...2345 StephenW 2011-2-23 484480 StephenW 2011-3-13 14:42
北京2010年版医保药品目录 7月1日实施 加入干扰素恩替卡韦等 darkwood365 2011-3-8 31670 iung 2011-3-12 22:26
Cell :白介素-7或可帮助治愈艾滋病、乙肝等传染性疾病 heatlevel agree  ...2 cwy121 2011-2-27 192374 布隆方丹 2011-3-12 12:36
Genotypic resistance profile of hepatitis B virus (HBV) StephenW 2011-3-11 11229 StephenW 2011-3-11 21:33
ANTI-VIRAL EFFICACY of GS-9620 IN THE WOODCHUCK MODEL OF CHRONIC HBV INFECTION StephenW 2011-3-10 3886 StephenW 2011-3-11 21:18
a review of Chinese randomized trials of herbal medicines for CHB cam4930 2011-3-10 0635 cam4930 2011-3-10 07:39
Contemporary clinical research of traditional Chinese medicines for chronic hepa cam4930 2011-3-10 0655 cam4930 2011-3-10 07:22
“乙肝作弊药”能使乙肝五项转阴是骗局 StephenW 2011-3-9 7921 StephenW 2011-3-9 20:10
A siege of hepatitis: Immune boost for viral hepatitis agree freshnail 2011-3-9 2890 StephenW 2011-3-9 19:39
恩替卡韦和替比夫定全医保了 agree interdetect 2011-2-12 91663 hhhbbb 2011-3-9 19:17
High hopes of HIV cure by injection [& Hepatitis b?] heatlevel  ...23 StephenW 2011-2-3 232814 StephenW 2011-3-9 17:42
A perverse advantage of having HBV StephenW 2011-3-9 1715 StephenW 2011-3-9 17:19
Tenofovir gel provides high level of protection against HIV in rectal tissue  ...2 StephenW 2011-3-7 111297 StephenW 2011-3-9 13:29
Mother-to-infant transmission of hepatitis B virus: A chinese experience. StephenW 2011-3-9 11148 StephenW 2011-3-9 06:42
Three Years of Continuous Entecavir Therapy StephenW 2011-3-9 1697 StephenW 2011-3-9 06:32
河北首例脐血干细胞治肝硬化获成功 家家海浪 2011-3-5 71314 家家海浪 2011-3-8 21:03
看重啤 niuniu0917 2011-3-6 61172 qdmhyneg 2011-3-7 18:56
乙肝药品 mentelly 2011-3-3 41190 immune 2011-3-7 17:15
Trial watch: Phase III and submission failures: 2007–2010 StephenW 2011-3-6 1669 StephenW 2011-3-6 08:36
Hepatitis B virus X protein impedes the DNA repair via itsassociation with trans StephenW 2011-3-5 1748 StephenW 2011-3-5 08:15
替诺福韦在中国开展临床试验是一件好事 heatlevel  ...2 interdetect 2011-3-1 191728 jndkbdzl 2011-3-4 22:00
第21届亚太肝脏研究学会年会报道[推荐] StephenW 2011-3-3 4958 raul0624 2011-3-4 21:35
慢性乙肝优化治疗须有“路线图” 滴血红玫瑰 2011-3-4 2849 lin12345 2011-3-4 19:59
定期复查是优化慢性乙肝治疗的关键 滴血红玫瑰 2011-3-4 3917 lin12345 2011-3-4 19:57
卫生部发布:2011年版肺癌胃癌诊疗规范 liver411 2011-3-4 1710 富贵数字 2011-3-4 11:18
Myopathy associated with nucleos(t)ide analog therapy for hepatitis B interdetect 2011-3-3 1718 interdetect 2011-3-3 15:48
肝癌发生概率与病毒类型,变异的关系 agree cam4930 2011-3-3 0969 cam4930 2011-3-3 07:31
美国修改阿司匹林指南 liver411 2011-2-25 21011 StephenW 2011-3-3 07:25
Protein nanotubes trap HBV particle[Dane particles] StephenW 2011-2-28 32131 lin12345 2011-3-2 21:08


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