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Artificial Liver Device Improves Survival for Hepatitis B [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-12-14 14:50 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
本帖最后由 StephenW 于 2010-12-14 15:04 编辑

Artificial Liver Device Improves Survival for Hepatitis B and C Patients with Decompensated Disease  
                               By Liz Highleyman

SUMMARY: An artificial liver device known as ELAD -- which runs a patient's blood through              cartridges containing human liver cells -- conferred a significant survival advantage for people with acute decompensated liver  disease related to chronic hepatitis B orC, according to a Chinese study presented at the recent American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases "Liver Meeting" (AASLD 2010) in Boston. After 3 years, 44% of ELAD users were still alive without liver      transplants, compared with 18% in the standard therapy group.

Below  is the text of a press release issued by ELAD  developer
                                  Viral Therapies describing the study and its  findings.


Three-Year Follow-Up Data Confirm Safety and Survival Benefit  In
                                  Chinese Liver Failure Patients Treated With ELAD Bioartificial Liver


October 13, 2010 -- Vital Therapies, Inc., (VTI) announced  that a poster is being presented at the American  Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) meeting in Boston on Tuesday, November 2nd. It confirms that previously reported findings of improved transplant free survival (TFS) in Chinese  subjects with acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) treated with the ELAD bioartificial liver support  system are maintained for up to three years.



The poster is titled "3-year follow-up of acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) subjects in randomized, controlled, multicenter trial of ELAD bioartificial liver support system in 49 Chinese subjects reveals  significant transplant-free survival (TFS) benefit."  It is being presented by Dr. Michael Millis, Professor of Surgery, University of Chicago, and is coauthored  by Drs. Zhongping Duan and Jing Zhang, Beijing  You'an Hospital, and Shaojie Xin and Shaoli You, 302 Military Hospital, Beijing.


Previously, it was reported that 84-day follow-up of ACLF  subjects enrolled at two liver treatment centers in China showed statistically significant improvements in TFS for ELAD treatment compared with standard  of care (SOC). At least three years following enrollment, survivors were consented and underwent a cancer screen and physical exam in accord with  a questionnaire.


Of 49 subjects enrolled, 84-day TFS was 21/32 (65.6%) in the ELAD group vs. 7/17 (41.1%) in  controls. Three-year TFS was 14/32 (43.8%) in the ELAD group vs. 3/12 (25%) in controls. Of 84-day survivors, 2/21 (9.5%) ELAD and 2/7 (28.6%)controls died, 1/21 (4.8%) ELAD and 0/7 controls were transplanted and 4/21 (19.0%) ELAD and 2/7 (28.6%) controls were lost to follow-up. Survival analysis reveals a statistically significant improvement in TFS (p=0.045, log-rank analysis) for the ELAD  treated subjects compared with SOC. Median survival of controls was 37 days, whereas median survival of ELAD treated subjects was at least 3 years.There was no evidence of tumor development in either group. Full Article....[url=http://www.hivandhepatitis.com/2010_conference/aasld/docs/1214_2010_c.html]http://www.hivandhepatitis.com/2010_conference/aasld/docs/1214_2010_c.html[/url]

由Liz Highleyman
内容简介:一个人造肝脏ELAD的装置,如众所周知 - 运行一个病人的肝细胞通过含有人体血液墨盒 - 授予对急性失代偿期肝硬化与慢性B型或C型肝炎疾病的人一个显着的生存优势,根据一项研究中提出在最近的美国协会肝病“肝脏会议”在波士顿(美国肝病学会2010年)的研究。 3年后,44%的用户仍ELAD的无肝移植存活,而18%的标准治疗组。


2010年10月13日 - 美国生命治疗公司(VTI公司)宣布,正在海报在美国协会颁发的肝脏疾病(美国肝病学会)周二在波士顿会议上,11月2日的研究。它证实以前报道的改进与移植无病生存急性上慢性肝功能衰竭的ELAD的生物人工肝支持系统治疗(ACLF)中科(TFS的)是维持长达三年的调查结果。



49个学科入选,为期84天的TFS是21/32在主场迎战7月17日对照组(41.1%)ELAD的组(65.6%)。三是14/32年度的TFS在ELAD的组(43.8%)与3 / 12在对照组(25%)。 84天的幸存者,2 / 21(9.5%)ELAD的和2 / 7(28.6%)控制死亡,1 / 21(4.8%)ELAD的,0 / 7对照组移植,4 / 21(19.0%)ELAD的和2 / 7(28.6%)控制人失去随访。生存分析揭示了在TFS显着改善(P = 0.045,对数秩分析)与SOC相比,ELAD的治疗对象。对照组中位生存期为37天,中位生存而ELAD的治疗对象是至少3年。目前还没有任何肿瘤或集团发展的证据。完整的文章....http://www.hivandhepatitis.com/2010_conference/aasld/docs/1214_2010_c.html

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