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HBV Journal Review-December 1, 2010, Vol 7, no 12 [复制链接]

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发表于 2010-12-9 19:12 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
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HBV Journal Review                          


HBV Journal Review
                    December 1, 2010, Vol 7, no 12
                    by Christine M. Kukka


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[I have edited the News Review by Christine, please load PDF for full report. 我已经编辑由Christine新闻评论,请加载PDF完整的报告。 StephenW]

Experts Explore Risks of Breastfeeding and Antiviral Use in Mother-to-Child HBV Transmission
While many consider breastfeeding by HBV-infected mothers to be safe, research is inconclusive and experts are uncertain at what point babies born to infected mothers become infected with HBV—whether it’s before or during birth process or afterwards, such as during breastfeeding.


Bulgarian researchers studied mother-to-child infection, and also the safety of antiviral use by breastfeeding mothers. Their findings, published in the October 2010 World Journal of Gastroenterology, are inconclusive but shed more light into mother-to-child infections, which cause an estimated half of all chronic HBV infections worldwide.


While maternal screening programs and immediate immunization of newborns with the hepatitis B vaccine have reduced infection of newborns by 95%, mother-to-child infection (called vertical transmission) is still responsible for significant HBV infection.


When are infants infected before birth?
Researchers have assumed that before labor, the infant is safely protected from HBV by the placenta. But when mothers have high viral load, many suspect that HBV may cross the placenta and infect the fetus. For example, even when infants are immediately immunized at birth, 8.5% of infants born to women with high viral load (higher than 100,000,000 HBV DNA copies per mL) become chronically infected.

研究人员认为临产前,婴儿是由乙肝病毒安全保护胎盘。但是,当母亲有较高的病毒载量,许多人认为这种病毒可通过胎盘感染胎儿。例如,即使当婴儿出生时立即免疫,8.5出生与高病毒载量(HBV DNA的高于每毫升100,000,000份)的妇女%的婴儿成为慢性感染。

Because of this, doctors are urging use of antivirals during the third trimester to reduce viral load in women who are positive for the hepatitis B “e” antigen (HBeAg) and have high viral loads.


Experts speculate that infants may become infected during the birth process, due to possible transfusion of the mother’s blood to the fetus during contractions or if a membrane ruptures and the fetus is exposed to infected secretions, blood or other fluids from the genital tract.


Is breastfeeding safe?
There are few studies that compare breast-fed to formula-fed infants born to infected mothers. The studies reviewed by these researchers found no increased HBV infection risk from breastfeeding, but most of these studies did not continue to follow the children into early childhood.


Researchers have found not only hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), but also HBeAg and HBV DNA in breast milk. HBV DNA was found in 81.25% of Chinese mothers’ breast milk if HBsAg and HBeAg were both positive and in 45.24% if HBeAg was negative.

研究人员发现,HBeAg和HBV DNA的母乳不仅乙肝表面抗原(HBsAg),但也。乙肝病毒DNA被发现在81.25的'中国母亲的母乳%,如果HBsAg和HBeAg均阳性和HBeAg的45.24%,如果是否定的。

On the plus side, breast milk provides infants with a number of bioactive proteins. Lactoferrin, for example, is a major human milk protein with anti-bacterial power.


Lactoferrin also has antiviral activity against the hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, rotavirus, adenovirus and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Recently, lactoferrin and iron- and zinc-saturated lactoferrin was found to inhibit HBV DNA.


“There have not been sufficient studies that can even partially explain the possible effect of breastfeeding on eventual prevention of (vertical transmission) of HBV,” the researchers wrote. Studies of HIV transmission through breastfeeding found that when breastfeeding was inconsistent, the risk of HIV transmission increased, perhaps because of breast engorgement or some other irritation.


“It remains unclear if the situation with HBV is similar and (this) could be a subject of future research,” they noted. This issue is important for regions with high HBV prevalence where promotion of exclusive breastfeeding is vital for child health.


Currently, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding despite maternal HBV infection when newborns have been immunized at birth and received hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG).


If antivirals are administered to pregnant women to lower viral load, is it safe to breastfeed?
The antivirals that a mother takes to reduce her viral load during pregnancy and safeguard her health pass into breast milk. But to date, there are few studies that establish if antivirals in breast milk are safe for infants.


A recent study of lamivudine (Epivir-HBV) antiviral treatment in HIV-infected mothers who nursed their infants for six months after birth found notable amounts of the antiviral in breast milk at birth, but the level tapered off and reached undetectable levels after six months.

阿拉米夫定(拉米- HBV)的艾滋病毒感染的母亲照料谁抗病毒治疗6个月的婴儿为出生后发现,母乳中的抗病毒数量显着出生时的最近的研究,但水平逐渐减少,达到六个月后检测不到的水平。

Another study of HIV mothers found neutropenia (a decline in white blood cells that fight infection) in 15.9% of infants born to antiviral-treated mothers at one month of age, compared to 3.7% in an unexposed group.


Based on the HIV studies, “…We might reconsider stopping the preemptive antiviral therapy (used to lower viral load during pregnancy) during breast feeding if there is a high risk of HBV hepatitis flare (to the mother),” researchers wrote.


Recently, the antiviral tenofovir (Viread) has been recommended for use in pregnant women. Given tenofovir’s low rate of drug resistance, it may be the better antiviral to use in pregnant and nursing women, researchers suggest, even though there have been no human studies on tenofovir treatment and breast milk.


The small amounts of tenofovir (found in breast milk in animal studies) are very unlikely to cause viral resistance, they wrote.

“To the best of our knowledge, a relevant study regarding drug levels in human breast milk and possible effects in breastfed infants has still not been published,” they concluded.


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