Charles Mraz
July 26th, 1905 – September 13th, 1999 Our founder and my grandfather established the Champlain Valley Apiary in 1931.
He was in all respects a world famous beekeeper. His life work and accomplishments in both apitherapy (the therapeutic application of bee products) and beekeeping are innumerable. For over 60 years Charles treated people with bee stings for relief from arthritis pain. Later in life he treated people with Multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. He was a founding member and Executive Director of the American Apitherapy Society. In 1992 the American Beekeeping Federation recognized Charles among the five most distinguished beekeepers in this country for his advances in commercial beekeeping. He traveled to South and Central America, Europe, Asia and the Middle East as a consultant on beekeeping methods and technology. He was a columnist and contributing writer for Gleaning in Bee Culture and the American Bee Journal, respectively. In 1994 he authored Health and The Honey Bee, a recounting of his experiences with Bee Venom Therapy.
CHARLES MRAZ先生是世界著名的养蜂专家,曾担任南美、中美州、欧洲、亚洲和中东的养蜂技术顾问,他将毕生的精力专注于研究各种蜜蜂的生长繁殖,以及蜂蜜的药用功能和提取蜂蜜的技术,此外他还致力于有机农业的做法,曾担任美国天然食品和农业协会总裁。蜂场还被美国养蜂联合会评为最杰出的五大养蜂场之一。如今蜂场由其孙辈接力经营。经其祖孙三代不懈的努力和钻研,蜜糖的质量和纯度已达到国际领先水平!在这里要特别推荐的是他们的晶体蜜糖,是累积祖辈70多年的经验结合现代技术从蜂巢中提炼而成。因此不用经过加热和过滤而绝对保留了蜂蜜中珍贵的营养成分,细细品尝还能感受到蜂蜜中三叶草和紫色暮宿花自然独特的清香。
[ 本帖最后由 蜂蜜 于 2010-8-25 17:30 编辑 ] |