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The role of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the management of children a [复制链接]

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发表于 2001-11-28 20:48
Pediatric Transplantation 5 (6), 410-418

      © Munksgaard

      The role of magnetic resonance cholangiography in the management of children and young adults after liver transplantation

      Karen I. Norton1,2, Jacob S. Lee1, Debora Kogan2,3, Ronald B. Glass1, Benjamin L. Shneider2,3, Gonzalo P. Rodriguez-Laiz3,4 and Sukru Emre3,4

      Departments of 1 Radiology, 2 Pediatrics, 4 Surgery, and 3 The

Recanati/Miller Transplantation Institute, Mount Sinai School of Medicine,

New York, New York, USA

      Abstract: We reviewed the results of 50 magnetic resonance (MR)

cholangiograms to evaluate their usefulness in directing clinical management in young patients after liver transplantation (LTx). Thirty-two patients underwent 50 MR cholangiograms on a 1.5-T unit. Studies were performed from 1 week to 16 yr after LTx. Indications included biochemical abnormalities with (n = 19) or without (n = 16) biopsy evidence for chronic rejection, sepsis (n = 14), and intractable ascites (n = 1). Original interpretations were compared to laboratory and ultrasound findings, and clinical outcome. Of 19 studies performed on 14 patients with biopsy evidence of chronic rejection, 16 were abnormal on MR (but only one was abnormal on ultrasound), resulting in corrective surgery (n = 1), re-Tx (n = 1), and endoscopic

dilatation (n = 1). Of 16 studies on 16 patients with biochemical

abnormalities without evidence of chronic rejection on biopsy, 14 were

abnormal on MR (but only five of 13 on ultrasound), leading to corrective surgery (n = 3) and re-listing for Tx (n = 3). Thirteen of 14 studies on six patients with sepsis were abnormal on MR (five of nine were abnormal on ultrasound), identifying surgically correctable strictures (n = 2), and leading to re-Tx (n = 1) and percutaneous biliary drainage procedures (n = 2). The one patient with ascites had a normal study. We advocate usage of MR cholangiography for the detection of biliary complications after LTx, particularly in those patients who present with biochemical abnormalities that are not easily explained by acute cellular rejection or viral infection and in those with biliary sepsis.

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