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Hepatitis screen part of a child's education [复制链接]

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发表于 2001-11-29 20:02
Chicago Tribune November 10, 2001 Hepatitis screen part of a child's education Author: Ann Landers. Edition: North Final Section: News Page: 31 Estimated printed pages: 2 Article Text: Dear Ann Landers: I am writing to ask you to help us get the word out about hepatitis infections and severe liver damage. You have been a great help in the past, and I am hoping you will come through for us again. We expect our children and teenagers to make healthful lifestyle choices, but we have failed to provide them with information to avoid risky behavior that exposes them to life-threatening diseases. We must invest in preventive education to give our children a fighting chance to have a healthy future. Hepatitis viruses, as well as the chemicals in drugs and alcohol, can cause liver cells to die and be replaced with scar tissue called cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can cause the liver to shut down without warning. An estimated three million Americans are currently infected with hepatitis, the majority having contracted it while experimenting with intravenous drugs, getting tattoos or body piercings, or having unprotected sex. Some of these people were infected as far back as 20 years ago. Your readers can help fight this ignorance by checking to see what their schools and community organizations are doing to help children protect themselves. They should check to see if their children have been vaccinated against hepatitis B. The Hepatitis Foundation International can provide effective educational materials that are appropriate for all ages. Readers can write to: HFI, Box 222, Cedar Grove, N.J. 07009, or access our Web site atwww.hepfi.org. Thank you, Ann. Together we can save lives. -- Thelma King Thiel, Hepatitis Foundation International
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