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发表于 2001-12-4 03:02
NewsBank InfoWeb Chicago Tribune November 11, 2001 Column: ASK THE PHARMACIST. Hallucinations are a common side effect Author: Suzy Cohen, R.Ph., Tribune Media Services. Edition: West Final Section: Health & Family Page: 6 Index Terms: MEDICINE GUIDELINE Estimated printed pages: 2 Article Text: Q--Sometimes I "see" bugs crawling on the walls, but they're not there. I'm not crazy. I only take propranolol (Inderal), ranitidine (Zantac) and Ambien for sleep. Could it all be related? --L.N., Idaho Falls, Idaho A--Yes, the "bugs" may be a result of the medication, especially because all three of them list hallucinations as a potential side effect. It's possible the combination put you over the edge. Have your doctor change the drugs, one at a time. If you still see creepy-crawlies in your bedroom, you'll need a complete neurological work-up. Hallucinations are listed as a side effect for about 100 drugs. In fact, many cough/cold products containing pseudoephedrine and dextromethorphan can cause this in sensitive people. Q--My child is required to have a series of shots given to him while he's in the 6th grade. I don't like vaccines, but they say we have to. Please give me some information. --W.C., Gainesville, Florida A--The series of vaccinations are for preventing hepatitis B, which infects 80,000 people each year, mainly young people 11 through 15. The virus, which damages the liver, spreads through tainted blood and bodily fluids. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the two most common ways teens get infected are through unprotected sex and sharing needles during illegal drug use. Many clinicians think vaccination is important for our youth because they are considered high risk. Middle schools sometimes mandate vaccinations for all kids, even the ones who are on the straight and narrow. Your fears are understandable. Through the years, the issue of immunizations has remained a charged one. The hepatitis B vaccine usually is well tolerated, with mild reactions such as fatigue, headache, dizziness and soreness at the injection site. Don't get it if you are allergic to yeast, the kind used to make bread. It is rare, but severe allergic reactions, seizures, Steve! ns-Johnson syndrome and heart palpitations have been reported. In the event of a serious reaction to this or any vaccine, a federal program exists to help pay medical costs. For details about the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, call 800-338-2382. For brochures about hepatitis, call the CDC at 888-443-7232. Q--How would I know if I was deficient in Vitamin D? --J.J., Providence, R.I. A--A severe deficiency is rare but causes bowed legs, malformed joints and muscle weakness, a condition called rickets. Recent studies say we don't take enough vitamin D, leaving us susceptible for certain cancers, neurological disorders and immune problems. There also is research suggesting that vitamin D may be more powerful as an antioxidant than vitamin E. So start eating more cold-water fish (salmon, tuna, herring) and fortified milk. Cod liver oil, egg substitutes and good old-fashioned sunlight are also good sources. Balance this vitamin by taking a good multivitamin each day that contains calcium and magnesium. ---------- This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Always consult your physician. Suzy Cohen is a registered pharmacist. For more information, visitwww.dearpharmacist.com. You can write to her c/o Tribune Media Services, 435 N. Michigan, Suite 1400, Chicago 60611. Copyright 2001, Chicago Tribune Record Number: CTR0111110023
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