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发表于 2002-1-11 00:32
No shots, no school

Sixth-graders without vaccines are turned away from classes

By Miriam Stawowy

Daily Press

Published January 9, 2002

When his name was called in the clinic's waiting room, Eric Kettler's eyes opened wide.

It was his turn to roll up his sleeve and brave the needle.

"I hate it," the 11-year-old Crittenden Middle School sixth-grader said about getting vaccines. "I dread the day I've got to give my kids shots."

His mother, Peggy Kettler, who stood at his side, laughed. "It's better than getting sick," she warned him.

When the nurse appeared, syringe in hand, Eric acted strong. After all, his little brother, Tony Dean, was watching.

Eric was one of more than a dozen public-school students who streamed into the Peninsula Health Department on Tuesday morning to meet a hepatitis B vaccination requirement new to sixth-grade pupils in Virginia: Without updated shot records, sixth-graders aren't allowed to attend school.

The new law targets these children before they develop risk factors, which include sexual contact and drug use. Other ways of transmitting the disease include sharing razor blades and earrings, as well as through contact sports.

As schools resumed this week after the holiday break and two snow days, at least 75 students in the Newport News school district found themselves excluded from classes, most of them missing updated shot records. Daria Weber, the district's supervisor of health services, said she expected that number to decrease throughout the week.

The law took effect four months ago, with the beginning of the new school year. At that time, students were required to have one of a series of three shots to be admitted to school. The requirement kept at least 130 students out of school in September, sending many scrambling to local health departments for the vaccination. Since then, students in most Peninsula-area school districts have gotten the shots.

Caused by a virus, hepatitis B can damage the liver. Exposure can be through the skin by cuts, scrapes or needle pricks, as well as through the eyes or mouth by exposure to infected blood or other body fluids.

The district mailed more than 100 reminder letters to parents before the break, Weber said. It also provided parents information about where to get shots, as well as dates for immunization clinics at school and for a mobile vaccination van. Weber said that for many parents, taking time off work was difficult and transportation could be an issue. But in some cases, it's simple procrastination.

"I feel sorry for the kids because they can't take care of it themselves," Weber said. "Every day at school is important."

No students were turned away from schools in Hampton this week. Schools spokeswoman Ann Stephens said the district's strategy of setting appointments for parents at the Hampton health department seemed to have helped.

"We didn't want to leave it up to parents," Stephens said. "We're still doing follow-ups and sending reminders to parents."

Although a minor inconvenience, Nyema Roberts said, the vaccination requirement is a good idea.

"I think the precaution the school takes is a good measure for protecting all involved," the Newport News mother said. "Without that, it could spread the disease."

Her 11-year-old daughter, Tre-Desa, got her third shot Tuesday, so she could be admitted to school.

"They're strict about it," she said. "We didn't go to school Monday because we knew she'd be turned back."

Miriam Stawowy can be reached at 247-7854 or by e-mail at [email protected]

2002, Daily Press

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