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发表于 2002-2-19 20:35
Liver Biopsy
With a liver biopsy (BYE-op-see), the physician is able to examine a small piece of tissue from your liver for signs of damage or disease. This procedure involves using a special needle to remove tissue from the liver. The physician decides to do a liver biopsy after tests suggest that the liver does not work properly. For example, a blood test might show that your blood contains higher than normal levels of liver enzymes or too much iron or copper. An x-ray could suggest that the liver is swollen. Looking at liver tissue itself is the best way to determine whether the liver is healthy.
通过肝脏穿刺活检医生可以根据一小块取样决定肝脏是否受损伤和生病. 过程就是用一个特殊针头将肝脏组织带出. 通常医生在发现肝脏工作不正常后, 如铜质, 酶标增高, 肝脏肿大, 特别是肝脏肿物, 常常会决定做肝穿来直接观察验证肝脏的健康情况.
Before scheduling your biopsy, the physician will take blood samples to make sure your blood clots properly. Be sure to mention any medications you take, especially those, like blood thinners, that affect blood clotting. One week before the surgery, you will have to stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and anticoagulants. You will also have a chest x-ray.
在安排做肝穿之前, 医生需要抽血验证病人的凝血状况正常. 此时病人需要告诉医生所有在服用的药物, 特别是会使血液变稀的药物, 如阿司匹林, 鲁苯酚等. 病人还需要照X光胸透.
You must not eat or drink anything for 8 hours before the biopsy, and you should plan to arrive at the hospital about an hour before the scheduled time of the surgery. Your physician will tell you whether to take your normal medications during the fasting period and may give you other special instructions.
做肝穿前8小时病人不能进食进水, 并且要最少提前一小时报到. 医生会告知病人是否需要空腹吃平时吃的药或其它注意事项.
Liver biopsy is considered minor surgery and is done at the hospital. The nurse will start an intravenous line to give you medication for the procedure. For the biopsy, you will lie on a hospital bed on your back or turned slightly to the left side, with your right hand above your head. After marking the outline of your liver and injecting a local anesthetic to numb the area, the physician will make a small incision in your right side near your rib cage, then insert the biopsy needle and retrieve a sample of liver tissue. In some cases, the physician may use an ultrasound image of the liver to help guide the needle to a specific spot.
肝穿属于小手术需要在医院里面完成. 进入操作室后护士通常会开始给病人换衣服并上上静脉点滴. 病人面朝上躺在床上, 有时医生会要求病人稍微向左躺, 把右手放在头上. 接下来医生会将病人的肝脏定位画好图标并在局部表皮注射些止痛剂. 之后医生会在病人右方肋骨架下方表皮划开一个小口, 将肝穿取样探针快速插入肝脏拉出(一般5-10秒钟)活检组织. 这叫皮下盲点取样. 有时医生需要取得肝脏内部某一个特定位置的组织, 如肿物, 溃疡侧需借助超声波来取样. 这叫皮下定位取样.
You will need to hold very still so that the physician does not nick the lung or gallbladder, which are close to the liver. The physician will ask you to hold your breath for 5 to 10 seconds while he or she puts the needle in your liver. You may feel a dull pain. The entire procedure takes about 20 minutes.
在进针取样的几秒钟期间, 病人需要配合憋住呼吸不动以防止针头刺伤肺或胆囊. 进针出针的一刹那病人可能会感到一种迟钝的疼痛(不是尖锐刺痛, 通常会是酸痛). 整个过程大约需要20分钟.
Two other methods of liver biopsy are also available. For a laparoscopic biopsy, the physician inserts a special tube called a laparoscope through an incision in the abdomen. The laparoscope sends images of the liver to a monitor. The physician watches the monitor and uses instruments in the laparoscope to remove tissue samples from one or more parts of the liver. Physicians use this type of biopsy when they need tissue samples from specific parts of the liver.
此外还有其它两种肝穿方法. 其一是应用腹腔镜取样, 即在病人腹腔上开一个小口把腹腔镜的蛇管插入腹部, 在电视荧光屏上看到肝脏取样. 医生一般利用此方法得取肝脏某一部位的活检.
Transvenous biopsy involves inserting a tube called a catheter into a vein in the neck and guiding it to the liver. The physician puts a biopsy needle into the catheter and then into the liver. Physicians use this procedure when patients have blood-clotting problems or fluid in the abdomen.
另外一种是静脉血管介入取样. 把一个纤维导管从颈静脉放入到肝脏. 导管头上装上取样探针取样. 此方法广泛用于凝血不好, 腹水的病人.
After the biopsy, the physician will put a bandage over the incision and have you lie on your right side, pressed against a towel, for at least 2 hours. The nurse will monitor your vital signs and level of pain. You may remain in the hospital for up to 24 hours after the surgery to recover from the sedative and to allow the medical staff to check you for complications before sending you home.
肝脏穿此后医生将皮下小口贴上并让病人向右方躺下并在破口处以毛巾卷压迫两小时. 护士将观察病人的血压, 呼吸, 心跳, 疼痛程度. 病人将在医院留观, 等待麻醉减退等, 有时可长达24小时之久.
You will need to arrange to have someone take you home from the hospital since you will not be allowed to drive after having the sedative. You must go directly home and remain in bed (except to use the bathroom) for 8 to 12 hours, depending on your physician's instructions. Also, be sure not to exert yourself too much for the next week so that the incision and liver can heal. You can expect a little soreness at the incision site, and you might have some pain in your right shoulder. This pain is caused by irritation of the diaphragm muscle (the pain usually radiates to the shoulder) and should disappear within a few hours or days. Your physician may recommend that you take Tylenol for pain, but you must not take aspirin or ibuprofen for the first week after surgery. These medicines decrease blood clotting, which is crucial for healing.
如果没什么事情病人也可能让回家. 因为麻醉病人不能开车要家人送回. 回家后要卧床8-12小时. 接下来的一周也不能做剧烈运动或出力. 有的病人会一只感觉到疼痛, 但是疼痛不是肝脏, 通常是肌肉痛伴有放射感. 医生或许会让病人用止痛剂, 但是不要用阿司匹林, 鲁苯酚等造成血液稀释.
Like any surgery, liver biopsy does have some risks, such as puncture of the lung or gallbladder, infection, bleeding, and pain, but these complications are rare.
和其它手术一样, 肝脏穿刺是有一点危险, 例如: 扎到肺, 胆囊, 感染, 流血, 疼痛等, 但是这些事情很少很少见.
以前提过, 国外一个很好的肝脏科医生每年最少要亲自做150-200个肝穿已获得第一手资料.
我没做过, 但我想它比开胸, 开脑甚至内窥镜手术不会恐怖到哪里去. 所以下次医生建议您去做时不要害怕.
参考:National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse