本曲为《小马王》电影原声单曲 1991年以一曲深情款款的《侠盗王子罗宾汉》主题曲″(Everything I Do)I Do It For You″轰动全球,抒情摇滚圣手Bryan Adams(布莱恩亚当斯),纵横流行乐坛二十五年来,获奖无数,加上1995年蝉联全美流行单曲榜5周冠军的《这个男人有点色》主题曲″Have You Really Loved A Woman?″、1996年《越爱越美丽》中和天后Barbra Streisand对唱、晋级英美Top 10抒情佳笔″I've Finally Found Someone",Bryan Adams共计三度入围奥斯卡及金球奖最佳电影歌曲大奖。
《小马王》是擅长为电影打造主题曲的Bryan Adams暌违流行乐坛多年后的最新力作,与金奖配乐大师汉斯季默等人联手谱写的八首全新创作单曲,透过他沙哑粗犷、穿透力与情绪渲染力十足的嗓音诠释,不论是豪迈自信的″Here I Am″、充满对家乡渴望的抒情曲″I Will Always Return″、刚毅顽强的″Get Off My Back″、或是两届葛莱美奖流行歌后Sarah McLachlan特地贡献温润柔美歌声,与Bryan Adams深情对唱的″Don't Let Go″…,一一生动唱出了小马王的心声、为片中主角抒发了最真挚的情感,更替电影增添了无限魅力。 相信大家在CCTV5上应该经常能听到这首使人抒情励志的歌,这首歌曲以大气的配乐加上演唱者独特的沙哑声线,为球迷带来了足球和音乐的完美结合。豪迈自信的″Here I Am″同时也是《小马精灵》的主题曲,歌曲把小马王斯比瑞特追求自由绝不屈服的英勇形象表现的淋漓尽至!与球星们在足球场上的表现和这首歌要传达的精神是如此的契合!!
Bryan Adams - Here I Am Here I am This is me There's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be Here I am It's just me and you Tonight we make our dreams come true It's a new world It's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day It's a new plan I've been waiting for you Here I am Here we are We've just begun And after all this time Our time has come Yeah here we are Still goin' strong Right here in the place where we belong Oh it's a new world It's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day And a new plan I've been waiting for you Here I am Here I am Yeah
Here I am This is me There's nowhere else on earth I'd rather be Here I am It's just me and you Tonight we make our dreams come true Oh it's a new world It's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day It's a new plan I've been waiting for you Oh it's a new world It's a new start It's alive with the beating of young hearts It's a new day It's a new plan I've been waiting for you (Waiting, waiting waiting) Here I am Here I am Right next to you Suddenly the world is all brand new Here I am Here I am Where I'm gonna stay Now there's nothin' standing in our way Here I am This is me
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-1-29 19:26:06编辑过]