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By Jeremy Clarkson, funny and against Greenpeace [复制链接]

Rank: 4

1410 元 
发表于 2005-7-24 21:15

ZT:from Sunday Times

Nuts and dolts of an eco-boycott

When someone from Oxford Brookes University called recently to say its School of Technology wanted to give me an honorary degree — for championing the cause of engineering — I was thrilled. It had been only a couple of years since a similar honour was bestowed by Brunel University.

So I would be Jeremy “two doctors” Clarkson, which isn’t bad for someone who barely managed O-levels.
However, much to the delight of the BBC’s fanatically pro-fox, anti-car internet news service, my nomination is being boycotted. Because, in this day and age, it’s preposterous to honour someone who has a four-wheel-drive Volvo and a ride-on lawnmower.

This means I’m in the same boat as Margaret Thatcher, who was snubbed by Oxford University for stealing milk or something, and Tony Blair, who wasn’t even nominated because he accused the dons of being elitist.

Honorary degrees were first introduced about 600 years ago and are still the highest honour that a university can bestow. They are designed for the great and the good, thinkers, men of vision, women of principle. And Alan Titchmarsh.

Noddy Holder from Slade has one, as does Robson Green from everything on ITV. David Attenborough is reputed to have 19. It’s easy to see why. A celebrity in a floppy hat and a huge red cape does bring a touch of glamour to what might otherwise be rather a dull day.

You may think this devalues the concept of honorary degrees and I would have to agree. But my nomination is not being boycotted because I’m a two-bit television presenter from some poky motoring programme. Crikey no. I’m being boycotted because I’m seen as anti-environmental.

Craig Simmons, leader of the Green group on Oxford city council, said: “Awarding Clarkson an honorary degree devalues Brookes, Oxford and the planet.” Others have been less polite, calling me a “git” and an “idiot”.

For a full rundown of my crimes you need to consult the BBC’s internet news service which, pretty much every week, runs a story charting my sins against left-thinking, Guardian-reading, fox-loving people.

It seems I once crashed a car into a tree, damaging the bark. Also, I drove up a mountain, hurting the heather. If that wasn’t bad enough, I had the temerity to tear up literature from the pressure group Transport 2000 on television. And do you know what I did last week? To protest about enormous gas-guzzling vehicles clogging up city centres, I chained myself to a bus.

Well now I’m going to give them something else to write about, because I’m going to explain why I think engineering is more important than environmentalism.

God made the world in seven days, but it was a fairly bleak and hopeless place full of volcanoes and sharks.
On the eighth day, however, man got cracking and as home improvements go, did a monumentally good job. He created light, warmth, the potato crisp and the dishwasher. And every single one of these things — everything that makes your life pleasant, comfortable, safe and exciting — is down to engineering.

Environmentalists make out that the planet is some kind of wondrous, self-sustaining entity and engineering has ruined it. They look at the gun, the car and the jet engine as instruments of Satan, but the mosquito has killed more than all three put together. And don’t forget that the Boxing Day tsunami killed more than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.

What’s more, it’ll be engineering that creates the satellites to make sure that no tsunami ever has such dire consequences again.

There’s more. Thanks to the last Ice Age, which was not man’s fault, anyone wishing to travel between Denmark and Sweden had, until recently, to drive round the Baltic or use a plane. Neither of which would go down well with the environmentalists. Now, though, God’s oversight has been corrected by engineers who have built a massive and staggeringly beautiful 10-mile double-decker bridge for trains and cars.

The thing is, they couldn’t just go ahead and build it. They had to make sure the construction project in no way affected the local avocet population. How mad is that? How far do you think Brunel, Stephenson and Watt would have got if they’d had Greenpeace sticking its nose into every single thing they did? And what about the future? It will be engineers who bring an air-powered jet to fruition, not Stephen Joseph from Transport 2000. And it will be engineers who predict the next volcanic eruption, not Simmons from Oxford council.

I feel for engineering students these days. When they get a job the pay is derisory. There’s no respect. They have to operate with the anvil of environmentalism permanently attached to their left legs. And when they nominate someone other than Bill Oddie for an honorary degree, they’re made to look like murderers.

If I’m turned down for the award, it won’t make any material difference to my life. But I refuse to remove my name because that would be yet another victory for environmentalism, which has given the world nothing, over engineering, which has given us everything.

I suffer from chronic apathy, I was going to go see a docter about it, but I didn\'t really care.

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

8760 元 

荣誉之星 天天开星

发表于 2005-7-24 23:25

Thank u, Mr. Owl~~

u are a questionaire , may I say so?


Rank: 4

1410 元 
发表于 2005-7-25 00:34
a questionaire? how come? why did you think so? what is the definition of questionaire?

I suffer from chronic apathy, I was going to go see a docter about it, but I didn\'t really care.

Rank: 4

2217 元 
发表于 2005-7-25 12:23

I am an engineer and promote the environmentalism.

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

Rank: 1

222032 元 

元帅勋章 功勋会员 小花 管理员或超版 荣誉之星 勤于助新 龙的传人 大财主勋章 白衣天使 旺旺勋章 心爱宝宝 携手同心 驴版 有声有色 东北版 美食大使 幸福四叶草 翡翠丝带 健康之翼 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙

发表于 2005-7-25 18:21
以下是引用beat_it在2005-7-24 23:23:09的发言:

I am an engineer and promote the environmentalism.

Do you recycle, use solar power, and use all biodegradable products...?
Do you take bicycle to work or use public transportation or do carpool, do you use nutural gas as your main sourcese of engery, do you pick up cigarette butts, empty bottle, aluminum cans, trahes... at the beach at your spare time...?
God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China

Rank: 1

222032 元 

元帅勋章 功勋会员 小花 管理员或超版 荣誉之星 勤于助新 龙的传人 大财主勋章 白衣天使 旺旺勋章 心爱宝宝 携手同心 驴版 有声有色 东北版 美食大使 幸福四叶草 翡翠丝带 健康之翼 幸福风车 恭喜发财 人中之龙

发表于 2005-7-25 18:27
Are you willing to do volunteer work at GreenPeace, such as blocking the oil tankers in the ocean, lying on the street to delay the construction of nuclear reactor?
God Made Everything That Has Life. Rest Everything Is Made In China

Rank: 4

2217 元 
发表于 2005-7-26 12:48
以下是引用liver411在2005-7-25 5:20:38的发言:

haha, really harsh question. I can only tell you I ride bike(mainly due to deficit of money), I use natural gas(obligated by authority's regulation). But I have one heart not any less environmentalistic than environmentalists'.[em02][em02]
Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

Rank: 4

1410 元 
发表于 2005-7-27 00:51
beat_it: why did you get a screen name by Michael Jackson's song? Why only are summer flowers beautiful? Why does autumn leaves symbol death?
I suffer from chronic apathy, I was going to go see a docter about it, but I didn\'t really care.

Rank: 4

2217 元 
发表于 2005-7-27 11:16

Owl: you are the first person who recognize my nichname here. The first reason is I like Pop king and his MTV, including this 'beat it'. The second reason is I hate HBV and want to beat it as what Michael perform in his song.

My signature is an excerpt from Tagore's flying bird. Dont you think summer flower is beautiful and autumn leaves symbolize death? I love this verse and the serene beauty incarnated by it.

Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and death like autumn leaves.

Rank: 4

1410 元 
发表于 2005-7-28 03:46

I know they played “Beat it” video at Disneyland 3-D movie theater and not sure now.

I personally don’t like MJ.

I have very eclectic tastes. Rare indeed is the genre that doesn't have at least one song on my play list. There are hymns that stir my soul, country songs that get my feet tapping, rap music that makes my head snap around, and rock that boils my blood and causes other pressing health emergencies. But explaining my specific preferences is a difficult matter, so instead I'll list what I don't like.

I don't like songs with bass beats that sound like my head's in a piledriver. If I hear a song in another car that can get through two closed windows and across a lane of traffic and still make my fillings ache in 4/4 time, that song is right out.

I don't like songs that advocate killing police officers, dealing drugs, hitting women, or any sort of smack down activity whatsoever. Call me old-fashioned, but isn't encouraging illegal acts a felony? Even if it's catchy?

Speaking of which, I really, really hate songs that annoy me but stick in my head nonetheless. Such as the song "Follow Me" by Uncle Kracker, wherein the singer openly pleads with a married woman to come fool around a bit. I'd prefer to just ignore it, but the beginning of the song is so incredibly addictive, I find myself singing along for half a verse before I even remember I hate it. Then I get mad at myself and change the channel to something less offensive, like the Emergency Broadcast Signal for my area.

I don't like covers of old songs that didn't need remaking. Any group that decides to record their own interpretation of a classic must be forced to watch the 2002 version of "I Spy" with Owen Wilson and Eddie Murphy over and over until they've learned better.

I don't like songs with stupid videos. I kinda liked Shania Twain's song about ostentatious boyfriends, "That Don't Impress Me Much," until she made the video dressed in a floor-length leopard skin coat and stark Kabuki makeup that was way more pretentious than anything she complained about. On the other hand, watching Jennifer Garner do backflips made Evanescent's "Bring Me to Life" a permanent favorite, and I had zero interest in Fatboy Slim's "Weapon of Choice" until I saw Christopher Walken flying around a hotel lobby. It works both ways.

I don't like songs by underage girls singing about sex. I'm all in favor of sex and underage girls as separate concepts but the combination makes me decidedly queasy, like eating a pound of butter or seeing Michael Jackson's mug shot again.

I don't like songs that depict the world as a bleak, soulless machine existence from which there is no escape but the waiting grave. Teenagers have enough problems with suicidal tendencies, they don't need a soundtrack.

I don't like songs that get overplayed, which is why I haven't listened to the radio more than once or twice a month since 1983. The appeal of a new song just isn't enough to overcome my loathing of car sales and appliance ads. No, I prefer to hear my new music as God intended; in movie trailers and in the background of "Smallville."

I suffer from chronic apathy, I was going to go see a docter about it, but I didn\'t really care.
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