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投入和关注等同吗?(译文) [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-4-26 21:26


Do Dollars Equal Concern?

The State of HBV Research Funding 投入和关注等同吗?美国HBV研究投入资金状态。

How much money does the U.S. spend on hepatitis B virus (HBV) research? How much should it spend? Both are tough questions to answer, but there is a growing sense in the hepatitis B advocacy community that we may not be getting enough or our fair share (figure 1). 美国花在b型肝炎病毒研究上的钱有多少? 研究乙型肝炎病毒要花多少钱? 这两个问题都是很难回答的,除了为乙型肝炎辨护的团体给人一种增加的感觉外, 我们可能并没有得到足够的,或者说我们并没有公平地分享到这些团体。

Since we last visited the question of HBV research funding in our B Informed Winter 2000 issue, funding levels for HBV research have remained largely unchanged, while research funding for hepatitis C (HCV) and HIV has increased (figure 2). Five years later, the gap has widened considerably.

我们在“B Informed Winter 2000 issue”上对HBV研究资金的问题做了持续的调查, 我们发现,这一资金在很大程度上保持不变,然而,C型肝炎和HIV的研究资金已经增长。 5年后,差距已相当地大了。

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) budget office places 2005 estimates at $40 million for HBV research, and $130 million for HCV. Compare these numbers to the enormous $2.9 billion for HIV and $1.6 billion for biodefense agents, and it can be seen how NIH allocations are being prioritized.

全国卫生研究所的“预算局”安排了2005年的预算为:HBV研究4千万美元,HCV1.3亿美元 将这些数字与用于HIV的29亿用于“BIODEFENSE agents”的16亿的巨大资金相比较,可以看出 全国卫生研究所的优先安排顺序。

"What you're dealing with is flat funding for HBV," said W. Thomas London, MD, senior member, Fox Chase Cancer Center, and board member of the Hepatitis B Foundation (HBF). "HBV is perceived to be cured. More people worldwide are infected with it, but it's simply not considered to be an American problem, since most people now get vaccinated for it."

医学博士“W. Thomas London” 福克斯.蔡斯癌症中心的资深成员, 乙肝基金理事会成员“W. Thomas London” 说“你们所安排的资金对HBV来说是不足的(flat funding for HBV)。HBV是可以被治愈的。 在美国,多数人自今以后进行了预防接种,但是,这不只是作为美国人的问题被考虑,全世界有更多的人感染了HBV”

However, HBV remains a serious global health problem - 2 billion people have been infected worldwide, and 400 million suffer from chronic HBV infection. In the U.S., 12 million Americans have been infected and an estimated 1.2 million people are chronically infected.

然而,HBV留下了一个严重的全世界性的健康问题,20亿人感染了HBV,4亿人遭受着慢性HBV感染的折磨 ,在美国,有1200万人被感染,大约有120万人受到了慢性感染。

"[HBV] is something of an epidemic that is flying under the radar, since many people infected with HBV emigrate to the U.S. from other countries," London continued. "And so, they are not necessarily diagnosed. Whereas for HCV, many people know someone who is affected, so people in Congress are lobbying for funding because it's very high up on the public radar."

“因为许多感染了HBV的人从其它国家定居到美国,HBV多少有点象在雷达下飞的传染病”,London 继续说, “而且,他们未必被珍断出来,然而对HCV来说,许多人认识受到HCV侵袭的人,所以国会中的人 游说议员以争取资金,因为it's very high up on the public radar”

The experts agree that while it's not all about following the money, many scientists gear their research to what is getting funded and to what is on the public radar as important issues in science.


Another problem, posits Jesse Summers, PhD, professor of Molecular Genetics, University of New Mexico, is that there are not enough young scientists entering the field. "Of course you have scientists who know of HBV, but the people who truly know it, many of them are going to be retiring in the next 10 years. I can only think of a couple of people who are in their forties who are primary investigators on it. Probably the chief problem is that students are not learning about HBV. They are not being introduced to the field in postdoctoral training in large enough numbers and they are not being encouraged to think of HBV research as a productive career. I think the key is getting the word out that there is still work that needs to be done in this field."

"Jesse Summer" 博士,美国新墨西哥州大学的一位分子遗传学专家,假设,另外一个问题是没有足够的年轻的科学家投身到这个领域。“当然你们有很多科学家了解HBV,但是,了解HBV的科学家中的很多人将在未来的10年中退休。我只能想到有几个人,他们40岁,他们是这一领域的主要研究者。也许主要的问题是,学生们没有研究HBV。他们在大量的足够的博士后的训练中没有被介绍到这一领域,他们也没有被鼓励把HBV研究作为一个事业来考虑。我认为,关键是明确这个领域内仍有很多必须要做的工作”

Timothy Block, PhD, HBF president, and professor of Microbiology and Immunology, Drexel University, echoed Summers' concerns. "I'm very worried about the dwindling number of HBV scientists. There are a number of important issues competing for attention in the research arena. But the progress that has been made in HBV research should make the case that this is a problem that can be solved. It's a good investment and an important area where a significant contribution can be made."

HBF会长,Drexel大学的微生物学和免役学教授,“Timothy Block” 博士,同意“Summer”的顾虑。“我非常担心从事HBV科学家的减少。在研究的舞台上有大量重要的问题值得关注。但是,HBV研究的进展表明这个问题可以被解决。这是一个有利的投资,并且,这是一个重要的领域,在这里,可以做出一些有意义的贡献”

Unfortunately, there are many emerging diseases and a burgeoning biodefense program that are competing with HBV for both funding and research bandwidth. William Mason, PhD, senior member, Fox Chase Cancer Center, notes, "If you look at the NIH database, you see that there is not a whole lot going on in the way of new research funding for HBV - and it seems that, for the new scientists coming up, they are following the funding, which is taking them to other research topics. I think there needs to be more activism at the individual level for HBV. It's really not up there in the face of the people responsible for making the calls on budgeting matters."

不幸的是,有很多刚显露的疾病和处于萌芽状态的生物防预计划正在与HBV争抢资金和(bandwidth) 福克斯。蔡斯癌症中心的资深成员“William Mason”博士说“如果你看一下全国卫生研究所的数据库,你会发现,没有一个完整的大批的用于HBV研究的资金,并且,好象是,新加入的科学家正追随着资金,这些资金把他们引入了另外一个研究项目。我想个人对HBV需要更多的实际行动。人们对预算重要性的呼吁的反应没有增加( It's really not up there in the face of the people responsible for making the calls on budgeting matters.)

While there is a good deal of success to be reported on the vaccination side, the treatment side has been slow to turn up new therapies - a problem that could be blamed on the limited research power in the HBV arena right now.


Anna Lok, MD, director of Clinical Hepatology at the University of Michigan adds, "Yes, we have a vaccine for HBV and yes, there are more options for HBV treatment than there were, say, 10 years ago, but current treatment is really only a stop-gap measure, to suppress symptoms. We need to do better than that, if we really want to go forward. Research is going forward, certainly, but not as quickly as one would like."

密歇根州综合大学的肝脏病临床主任“Anna Lok”博士补充说“是的,在HBV方面,我们有疫苗,而且,在HBV的治疗上,我们比10年前有更多的选择权,但是的治疗仅仅是暂时抑制症状的方法。如果我们想真正的前进,我们需要更好的方法。研究在前进,的确,没有人们希望的那么快”

London adds, "The perception is that there is a vaccine for HBV, so no further research is needed. We don't have vaccines for HCV or HIV, so these are considered more pressing." Block concurs, "I think there is a sense of complacency in the research community, that there's a vaccine in place, and that we have treatments. However, we have not seen much of an advance in those treatments in the last few years. We need to be doing more."

“London”补充说“感觉上HBV有了疫苗,就不需要更多的研究。我们在HCV、HIV上还没有疫苗,所以,HIV、HCV被认为是更紧迫的。” “Block”同意这一意见。“ 我想,在研究团体里可能有一种满足感,我们有适当的疫苗,并且,我们有治疗的药品。但是,这些药品,在今后的几年里,我们看不到更多的进步。我们需要做更多事情。

Block continues, "It is difficult to say how much money is needed to solve the HBV problem. Moreover, since advances may come from other fields, it is even difficult to completely determine which is HBV funding and which is not. As a rule, scientists will be attracted to a field if it is important, interesting, tractionable, and, of course, if it is funded. HBV certainly meets the first three of those criteria."


There is, however, one troubling public health trend that underscores the need for further aggressive research on HBV - the substantial increase in liver cancer incidence. According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, most cancers decreased over the 10-year period between 1992 and 2001. Distressingly, the incidence of liver cancer went up.


It is partly for that reason - liver cancer is on the rise, of which 80% of cases are due to HBV - that in 2003 the NIH created the Liver Disease Research Branch to focus and accelerate research on liver disease. Part of its mission was to create an Action Plan for Liver Disease Research, which was just released in January 2005, to address the challenges in the next decade (see page 8). Jay H. Hoofnagle, MD, director, NIH Liver Disease Research Branch, explained, "The major focus of this Action Plan is to stimulate translation of basic research findings to practical and effective means of prevention and control of liver diseases, including such important conditions as hepatitis B and C.[and] liver cancer."

肝癌发生率上升,80%应归咎于HBV的影响,受此因素的部分影响,全国卫生研究所创建了专门的肝病研究机构以加快肝脏疾病的研究。它的部分任务是提出未来10年的抵挑战,为肝脏病的研究创建一个行动计划,这份计划在2005年1月份公布。全国卫生机构肝脏病研究部的主任,医学博士“Jay H. Hoofnagle”解释说“这个行动计划的主要焦点在于促进堪基础研究的结果向实际有效的预防和控制肝脏疾病的方法转化。包括重型B、C、型肝炎和肝癌。

The primary challenge for HBV research today is to compete for the same dollars that HCV and HIV are getting. In addition, biodefense is a new funding consideration added since our last report five years ago. "We have to acknowledge the budget deficit and how that will impact funding," London said. "Right now, funding is flat, but you'll see in the next few years that funding from the NIH is actually going to go down, and that there will be a lot of fighting for a much smaller piece of the pie."

今天HBV研究的主要挑战是争取到与HCV、HIV一样的资金。另外,自我们5年前的最后一份报告以来,biodefense is a new funding consideration added.

Published in the Hepatitis B Foundation - B Informed Newsletter (No. 42, Winter 2005)

发表于B型肝炎基金会的 “B Informed Newsletter”

FAST FACT Approximately one million people die every year from chronic hepatitis B and its related complications, making it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide

Figure 1. Number of Infected Individuals

HBV HCV HIV Chronically Infected, Worldwide >350 million 170 million 40 million

全球慢性感染的人数为HBV HCV HIV >350 million 170 million 40 million

Chronically Infected, U.S. 1.2 million 2.7 million 850,000-900,000

美国慢性感染的人数为1.2 million 2.7 million 850,000-900,000

Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization

源自:世界健康组织 疾病预防和控制中心

Figure 2.

Total NIH Funding


HBV HCV HIV Biodefense

安HBV HCV HIV BIODEFENSE排列: 2000 Est.(2000年分别为) $27 million   $34 million  $2 Billion - 2003 Act.         37.2 million 112 million 2.7 Billion $370 million 2004 Est. 39 million 118 million 2.8 Billion >1.3 Billion 2005 Est. 40 million 130 million 2.9 Billion 1.6 Billion

Source: NIH Budget Office, Dec. 2004

源自:美国全国卫生研究所预算办公室 2004年12月

----- Original Message ----- From: "Joan Block"

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