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减少HBV耐药应该做些什么呢?专家解答。(2005.4.11) [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-4-12 09:26

EXPERT VIEWPOINT What Should Clinicians Do to Reduce HBV Drug Resistance?

Stephen Locarnini, MD, PhD, FRC (Path) Associate Professor Head, Research & Molecular Development Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL) North Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Treatment of chronic hepatitis B has advanced significantly during the past 15 years as a result of the development of safe and efficacious orally available antiviral nucleoside and nucleotide analogues. The first of these, lamivudine, a synthetic deoxycytidine analogue with an unnatural L-conformation, gained approval from the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treatment of chronic hepatitis B in 1999, and related L-nucleosides, including emtricitabine, telbivudine, and clevudine, have since progressed to late-stage clinical trials. Adefovir dipivoxil, a prodrug for the acyclic dAMP analogue adefovir, gained FDA approval in 2002, and clinical trials of structurally similar tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, which is currently used to treat HIV infection, are underway.[1] The most potent anti-HBV drug discovered to date is the deoxyguanosine analogue entecavir, which has recently been recommended by the FDA Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee for approval for first-line use against HBV.[2,3] Despite the development of these new drugs, treatment of chronic hepatitis B remains a clinical challenge, and the primary goal of current treatment remains relatively modest: to arrest disease progress and delay or prevent the onset of its potentially fatal sequelae.[1,4]

After uptake and intracellular activation, nucleoside and nucleotide analogues act as specific inhibitors of the viral polymerase and cause immediate termination of HBV DNA synthesis, which results in rapid and dramatic decreases in viral load. This impressive early response occurs in the majority of cases, but long-term response rates are poor, with frequencies of HBeAg seroconversion after 1 year of the order of 20% or less. Post-treatment relapse is common, even in individuals who undergo HBeAg seroconversion, and HBsAg seroconversion occurs rarely. Thus, overall long-term responses to nucleoside and nucleotide analogues are only slightly better than responses to interferon-alpha, the only drug previously approved for treatment of chronic hepatitis B in most countries. Interferon may still be the treatment of choice in some cases, despite disadvantages of limited efficacy, high cost, and frequent occurrence of dose-limiting adverse side effects.[1,4,5] Preliminary evidence from clinical trials indicates that use of pegylation can improve both pharmacologic properties and efficacy of interferons (see below).

Continuing long-term treatment with nucleoside and nucleotide analogues increases the risk of drug resistance, which occurs in vivo as a result of selection for viral mutants that encode altered polymerases.[5,6] Resistance develops at cumulative frequency of about 20% per year of treatment with lamivudine. Adefovir resistance occurs less frequently (about 2% annually) and, although data are preliminary, entecavir resistance may occur even less frequently. Drug-resistant HBV mutants have been found to replicate inefficiently in vitro and were initially considered less fit, but the emergence of drug-resistant HBV is often associated with hepatic flares and decreased clinical benefit in patients with compensated disease, and with more serious clinical consequences in patients with advanced liver disease; moreover, drug-resistant HBV remains potentially infectious.

As more antiviral drugs become available, resistance is becoming an increasing concern.[5] Clinicians can help to prevent the spread of drug resistance in 3 main ways:

avoiding unnecessary drug use, careful choice of drugs and drug combinations, and continuous surveillance for drug resistance. Avoiding Unnecessary Drug Use: Prevention Is Better Than Cure

The most obvious way to reduce drug resistance is to avoid unnecessary drug use. Because of the unusual replication strategy used by HBV, viral populations are genetically heterogeneous, implying that even treatment-naive patients may harbor drug-resistant mutants that constitute only a minor component of the population in the absence of selection pressure from antiviral drugs.[5] A majority of patients may not require antiviral therapy. Several concerned organisations, (including AASLD, EASL, APASL, and the NIH) publish regularly updated guidelines to assist clinicians with recognition, diagnosis, prevention, and management of chronic hepatitis B: these are unanimous in recommending that therapy should be considered only for patients with more active or advanced liver disease and others most likely to respond.[4] Treatment algorithms have been developed to assist in identification of suitable candidates for treatment and to determine when to initiate treatment.[5,7]

Careful Choice of Drugs Can Minimize the Incidence of Resistance

Expansion of drug-resistant mutant populations is absolutely dependent on replication, so antiviral therapy, once initiated, should aim to suppress viral replication as potently and as rapidly as possible.[1,4,5] Currently, interferon, lamivudine, or adefovir dipivoxil can all be considered as first-line therapy for individuals with noncirrhotic liver disease, and entecavir will soon become an additional option. Mutations that confer resistance to lamivudine confer cross-resistance to other L-nucleosides and reduce sensitivity to entecavir but not to adefovir or tenofovir. Conversely, mutants that are resistant to adefovir and tenofovir remain sensitive to L-nucleosides and entecavir. Multiple mutations are required for high-level resistance to entecavir.[8] The lower risk of resistance to adefovir dipivoxil and entecavir supports their use in liver transplant patients and those with cirrhosis or decompensated liver disease, since development of drug resistance is more likely to precipitate clinical deterioration in these groups.[5]

In the future, combination chemotherapy will almost certainly be used increasingly to treat chronic hepatitis B. Provided that appropriate drug combinations are used, this approach gives well-recognized benefits, including reduction of the risk of drug resistance. This is because, while the preexistence or rapid evolution of viral mutants with the potential to resist individual drugs is almost guaranteed by high HBV loads and rapid turnover in vivo, the preexistence or evolution of multidrug-resistant mutants is much less likely. Ideally, drugs used in combination should have different mechanisms of action and act additively or synergistically.[9] Use of interferon in combination with nucleoside or nucleotide analogue(s) therefore seems logical. Although early clinical trials of such combinations were disappointing, recent results from trials with pegylated interferon and lamivudine are more promising.[10-12] While combinations of L-nucleosides are unlikely to provide any benefit, the lack of cross-resistance between lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil, as well as some clinical data, supports their use in combination.[13,14] Preliminary data also supports the use of entecavir in combination with some other nucleoside/nucleotide analogues, but definitive recommendations will require support from ongoing clinical and cost-benefit studies.

Be Prepared: Surveillance for Drug Resistance

Progress during treatment should be monitored carefully so that drug resistance, if it occurs, is detected early, before disease progression resumes as a consequence of viral breakthrough. Serum HBV DNA titer is the best available indicator of HBV replication. Reductions in serum HBV DNA always precede biochemical and histologic responses; conversely, rebounds in serum HBV DNA precede reversals of biochemical and histologic responses. A standardized ranking system is needed to facilitate comparisons of the effects of alternative treatment regimes, since ways in which treatment efficacy is currently measured vary widely. The following definitions have recently been proposed.[5] An antiviral effect is defined as a minimum reduction in serum HBV DNA ?1 log10 IU/mL from the pretreatment baseline within the first 3 months. Failure to achieve this decrease constitutes primary treatment failure. A confirmed increase in serum HBV DNA of ?1 log10 IU/mL from the nadir following initially effective treatment constitutes secondary treatment failure.

Assays for serum HBV DNA and ALT should be performed 3 and 6 months after starting therapy to check for efficacy and compliance, the latter being the most common cause of primary treatment failure. Further assays at 6-month intervals during the first 2 years of treatment are recommended for patients with mild liver disease. Three-month assessments are recommended after 2 years, when the probability of developing resistance increases. Consequences of resistance manifest more rapidly and are more life threatening to individuals with advanced disease, for whom 3-month assessments are recommended.[5]

Managing Drug-Resistant HBV Infection

To date, only lamivudine resistance has been extensively studied. There are arguments both for and against continuing lamivudine treatment of individuals with compensated liver disease and without evidence of cirrhosis.[5] Switching to adefovir dipivoxil with or without continued lamivudine are alternative options. Although switching to entecavir (at a daily dose of 1 mg rather than 0.5 mg recommended for treatment-naive patients) after lamivudine failure has been shown to be effective in clinical trials, this strategy may encourage development of resistance to entecavir.[8] Patients with severe disease should be given add-on combination therapy immediately on confirming the presence of drug-resistant virus, since stopping therapy or switching drugs are both regarded as too risky for this group.[5] The relative clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness of these and other alternatives are still being assessed.

Intensive research aimed at characterizing the behavior of different clinically important HBV mutants is underway in many laboratories worldwide. The results, in particular those delineating patterns of resistance and cross-resistance, will be crucial for the design of optimal therapeutic strategies and maximizing the benefit from new antivirals. Ideally, treatment for HBV infection should begin at diagnosis, but this is not yet feasible because of limitations of existing drugs. Ongoing clinical trials and concurrent improvements in diagnostic technology guarantee that treatment options and opinions on patient management will continue to evolve, emphasising the importance of staying up-to-date with this exciting, rapidly-developing field.


1. Perrillo RP. New data on hepatitis B treatment. Published online at: http://clinicaloptions.com/hepatitis.

2. Bristol's Baraclude (entecavir) recommended for first-line Hep B treatment http://www.fdaadvisorycommittee.com/FDC/AdvisoryCommittee/Committees/Antiviral+Drugs/031105_entecavir/031105_EntecavirR.htm

3. Shaw T, Locarnini S. Entecavir for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2004;2:853-871.

4. Lok ASF. HBV treatment guidelines: questions and controversies. Published online at: http://clinicaloptions.com/hepatitis.

5. Locarnini S, Hatzakis A, Heathcote J, et al. Management of antiviral resistance in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Antivir Ther. 2004;9:679-693.

6. Tacke F, Manns MP, Trautwein C. Influence of mutations in the hepatitis B virus genome on virus replication and drug resistance: implications for novel antiviral strategies. Curr Med Chem. 2004;11:2667-2677.

7. Keeffe EB, Dieterich DT, Han SH, et al. A treatment algorithm for the management of chronic hepatitis B virus infection in the United States. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;2:87-106.

8. Tenney DJ, Levine SM, Rose RE, et al. Clinical emergence of entecavir-resistant hepatitis B virus requires additional substitutions in virus already resistant to lamivudine. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2004;48:3498-3507.

9. Shaw T, Locarnini S. Combination chemotherapy for hepatitis B virus: the path forward? Drugs. 2000;60:517-531.

10. Chan HL, Leung NW, Hui AY, et al. A randomized, controlled trial of combination therapy for chronic hepatitis B: comparing pegylated interferon-alpha2b and lamivudine with lamivudine alone. Ann Intern Med. 2005;142:240-250.

11. Janssen HL, van Zonneveld M, Senturk H, et al. Pegylated interferon alfa-2b alone or in combination with lamivudine for HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B: a randomised trial. Lancet. 2005;365:123-129.

12. Jang MK, Chung YH, Choi MH, et al. Combination of alpha-interferon with lamivudine reduces viral breakthrough during long-term therapy. J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2004;19:1363-1368.

13. Westland CE, Yang H, Delaney WE 4th, et al. Activity of adefovir dipivoxil against all patterns of lamivudine-resistant hepatitis B viruses in patients. J Viral Hepat. 2005;12:67-73.

14. Maynard M, Parvaz P, Durantel S, Chevallier M, Chevallier P, Lot M, Trepo C, Zoulim F. Sustained HBs seroconversion during lamivudine and adefovir dipivoxil combination therapy for lamivudine failure. J Hepatol. 2005;42:279-281.


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