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第40届EASL年会本周于巴黎召开(2005.4.11) [复制链接]

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发表于 2005-4-12 09:06

40th Annual EASL Meeting Begins This Week in Paris

The 40th EASL (European Association for the Study of the Liver) will be held this week in Paris, France, April 13-17, 2005. HIV and Hepatits.com coverage of the meeting will begin on Wednesday, April 13, 2005.

Dr. Marina Nunez of the Hospital Carlos III in Madrid, Spain will be representing HIV and Hepatitis.com at the conference. Dr. Nunez will be writing a summary review of the data presented on the treatment and management of Hepatitis C and HCV coinfection with HIV. Web site coverage of the 5-day meeting will also include a report about new research on treatment for hepatitis B and on HIV-HBV coinfection.

EASL is an internationally renowned association of clinicians and scientists striving to promote liver research and to improve the treatment of liver diseases worldwide. The European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) will be celebrating its 40th anniversary at the time of the meeting in Paris.

The 2005 Annual Meeting will address a number of current and important topics related to the liver and liver diseases, which affect a growing number of patients in the industrialized world. International experts in liver diseases will present papers on increasingly common liver-related health concerns such as viral hepatitis C and B, alcoholic liver disease, NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease), liver cancer, as well as novel treatments.

Liver disease is a growing health problem in the industrialized world. While the high prevalence of hepatitis C virus (approximately 1% of the French population is infected) is generally well-known, the prevalence of hepatitis B infection has been underestimated for many years.

Factors such as an imbalanced diet that is overly rich in fats, changes in metabolism, and the rising number of obese individuals in Western Europe are responsible for the growing incidence of potentially serious liver conditions related to metabolic deregulations in the absence of heavy alcohol

consumption, or NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). The incidence of liver cancer is growing following peaks of viral hepatitis transmission. Liver cancer, which is prevalent in Japan today, is expected to be a major health problem in Europe in the next decade.

Conference participants will also learn about new approaches to treating liver diseases, including the following:

􀂃 the development of new drugs and approaches for the treatment of viral hepatitis (such as antiviral molecules, therapeutic vaccines, and immunomodulators) that can increase the remission rate for hepatitis B and the cure rate for hepatitis C infections;

􀂃 improvements in the field of liver transplantation, the only therapeutic option for patients with end-stage liver disease and, in some cases, liver cancer;

􀂃 new drugs being developed to prevent, slow the progression of, or cure primary liver cancers.

In addition, high-sensitivity diagnostic approaches to allow early diagnosis and better therapeutic results will be presented.

For more information, visit www.easl.ch

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