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乙肝英文报道,来自世界的声音(happyamour收集) [复制链接]

Rank: 4

3034 元 
发表于 2005-1-29 02:53
hepatitis B[upload=gif]uploadimages/20051/200512812529338.gif[/upload]

February 12, 2004

China: Hepatitis B and workplace discrimination

Fiona Pollard, an English teacher in Jiangxi, has posted an excellent overview of hepatitis B (HBV) in China and the problems carriers face in getting employment. I was aware that HBV was a problem, but had no idea of the scale. She links to sources estimating 700 million Chinese people have been affected. She also notes the "difficulties that HBV carriers have in finding jobs, [and] points out that most government departments will not employ them, and that most private companies ask for a blood test (but that many candidates cheat)." Readers of Chinese might like to look at the very popular HBVHBV Forum, where over 20,000 carriers have registered to discuss issues related to their plight.

Source: Fiona Pollard, "HVB," Life in Jiangxi, 11 February 2004.

Posted by Stephen Frost at February 12, 2004 01:01 PM | TrackBack

Rank: 4

3034 元 
发表于 2005-1-29 02:56



I am a Hepatitis B Virus Carrier, And in china mailand there is no law to protect our basic labor right! All company I applied for told me clearlly that they would ask me a hepatitis B virus test, if I was a carrier , they would not to take me in!! I can not find a job after 14 years hard study. We, 120000000 chinese people need your concern and help!

Posted by: peali at April 5, 2004 11:14 AM

China government effectively sends all HBV carriers to death gate by closing their employment door to the HBV carriers while giving to them no life-sustaining welfare.

HBV is a problem of life or blood.

Posted by: S A at April 5, 2004 11:19 AM

hi,I am a hbver. I can't find a job if I am not cheat in body examine. We are almost crazy! I had want to kill some human,but I have not enough courage. I am pride with yichao.zhou.


Posted by: at April 5, 2004 11:30 AM

I am a HBVer.I want to tell the world HBVers live very hard in China.We are discriminated when we want to get jobs.Almost all the company will refuse us.Do you know how many HBVer there are in china?At least 100 million. We need the help from the world.

Posted by: fire at April 5, 2004 11:33 AM

yes,i am a hbver,i don't think it is problem. The problem is ourselves. We could not only depend on goverment but ourselves,if we are really need a job or good future. We should united together for a new enterprise even it is small at beginning.I love life and my family, i don't let them down only i am a hbver i like show my power through my hard work and effort, i sure that i can get it. So also do everyone,hbver. Trust yourself that is the only way you go ahaed forward.

Posted by: mikle at April 5, 2004 11:48 AM

mikle, I can hardly aggree with you, not all of us can start a carreiw by himself.Anyway, if you can, you are so luck.but most of us are the victim of HBV discrimination in china mainland!

Posted by: peali at April 5, 2004 11:54 AM

I am a HBV in China. I have meet many promblems in China. the fact that hurt me deeply is this story: I had a boyfriend 2 years ago, when his family knew that I am a HBV, every one in his family disagree we continue our love, finally he left me,only because my HBV. they do not want a patient(they think so, but in fact I am not a patient,I am healthy.) many lovers in China cannot get marry, only because one of them is a HBV. I hate this fact, I do not know why. Maybe the people in China do not know what is HBV rightly, I hope you can tell all Chinese people that HBV is not so terrible as they think.

Posted by: della at April 5, 2004 12:21 PM

In recently years the discrimation against hepatitis B Virus carrier is becoming more and more severe. Most of employers in China, includeing the govermnent,state-owned companies and filiations of multinationals in China, require that their workers dont carry hepatitis B Virus. If one of them are found to have this virus in his body in annual physical examinations,he will be fired immediately.

In china there is one Hepatitis B Virus carrier among ten persons average. So such discrimination makes a lot of persons lose job opportunity and caused a lot of social problems. In last year a young college student, Zhou Yichao, killed an official by knife because he is refused by the local government because of the virus in his body. A young graduate of Xi'an Jiaotong University suicided in despair due to the pressure of Hepatitis B virus discrimination.

Posted by: Wang at April 5, 2004 12:36 PM

I am a hbver,i feel sad because of this terrible virus.IN CHINA ,we can't be treated fairly.we lose the basic rights of life、work、marriage.we work hard and study hard,however,we get nothing.what is our future?I Struggle for my basic rights,but i failed .please pay more attention to our crying,eliminate the discrimination.

Posted by: xiangwang at April 5, 2004 01:03 PM

Thank you everyone for commenting on this issue. I've posted a comment on the site today so that regular readers have the opportunity to see this discussion.

Posted by: Stephen Frost at April 5, 2004 02:27 PM

Rank: 4

3034 元 
发表于 2005-1-29 02:59

Law drafted to end Hep B discrimination

By Liang Chao (China Daily) Updated: 2004-08-11 01:58

'Chronic' official discrimination against millions of Hepatitis B carriers is set to change with a new law that should give hope to people with the disease.

New national standards say that carriers in whom the disease has not manifested itself may still qualify for government jobs, the ministries of health and personnel announced.

Lawmakers have completed a draft on health qualifications for a recruitment drive, and the two ministries are soliciting public opinion on the draft from August 1 through August 31.

So far, public opinion seems to suggest that the pilot rule, the first national one of its kind, means discriminatory hiring practices like this will start to be dismantled.

Under the Constitution, every person has an equal right to employment. There is no legal basis for any form of discrimination on any grounds when it comes to working.

Experts suggest up to 120 million Chinese people, a number equivalent to the total population of France and Britain combined, are thought to be carriers of the disease. Many of them show no symptoms and do not pose a threat to their co-workers.

But they are often discriminated against when it comes to education, employment, healthcare and many other aspects of life.

Hepatitis B is spread through the exchange of bodily fluids, such as contaminated blood, unprotected sex, shared needles and infected mother-to-baby contact. It cannot be contracted through casual contact, experts said.

"They will not infect people if their liver function indices are normal," Ouyang Wuzhi, a doctor with the Nanjing No 2 Hospital in Jiangsu Province, confirmed.

HBV carriers should be treated as normal people, according to Xu Diaozheng, a professor of epidemiology from the Peking University.

The draft also made it clear that people carrying the Hepatitis C virus, but whose liver functions are normal, are qualified to become public servants.

The draft does not have any regulations on public servants' physical appearance, but said eyesight must be up to a certain standard with glasses.

The draft listed 22 diseases which disqualify people from holding posts in public office. Severe heart disease, high blood pressure top the list.

In April last year, senior university student Zhou Yichao in East China's Zhejiang Province stabbed two officials, killing one, when he discovered that despite passing all examinations and interviews, he could not take a job in public service because he was a HBV carrier at the time. Zhou was later sentenced to death.

But Zhou's case prompted a lot of bad feeling about discriminatory hiring practices, and the lack of legal redress.

Zhang Xianzhu, another graduate rejected by a State employer after testing positive later the same year, filed the country's first HBV discrimination lawsuit against the government of Wuhu, a city in East China's Anhui Province, in December.

The court backed Zhang's discrimination claim, yet inexplicably did not support his request to order the government to find him a job.

Such cases have sparked heated discussions in the media, and the local government has revised its recruitment policy for civil servants this year.

Rank: 4

3034 元 
发表于 2005-1-29 03:03

Hepatitis B Carriers Still Suffering Discrimination

Discrimination against carriers of the hepatitis B virus (HBV) is still a severe problem, said Weng Xinhua, an expert from the Chinese Medical Association, at a meeting held on Wednesday.

About 52 percent of the 425 hepatitis B patients in a survey conducted by Britain's Synovate Healthcare said they once lost a job or educational chance because of their disease. Some 47 percent worry their employers might lay them off if they discover they have HBV.

The survey was conducted in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan and Shenyang.

However, China has made some progress in protecting the rights of (HBV) carriers, said Weng.

The Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Health revised national standards covering health qualifications for public servants, saying that HBV carriers who do not show symptoms can still apply for jobs.

In early 2004, Zhang Xianzhu successfully sued the Wuhu municipal personnel bureau in Anhui Province, winning the country's first job discrimination case involving the rights of non-infectious HBV carriers.

Central China's Hunan Province rescinded its regulation barring the employment of HBV carriers as public servants last year.

The amended Chinese Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, which prohibits companies and persons from discriminating against HBV carriers, went into effect on December 1.

China has 120 million HBV carriers -- nearly one 10th of its population -- and 30 million have become active patients, said Weng.

(China Daily January 20, 2005)

Rank: 4

3034 元 
发表于 2005-1-29 03:08


欢迎英文爱好者访问 http://www.hepb.org/ [upload=gif]uploadimages/20051/20051281376858.gif[/upload]

Americans with Disabilities Act

The Americans with Disabilities Act (1991) is a federal law that may protect against discrimination related to chronic hepatitis B. Many states have clauses written into their AIDS disclosure laws, which may also protect persons with hepatitis B.

State Hepatitis B Vaccine Laws

A list of the Hepatitis B Prevention Mandates for all states is published by the Immunization Action Coalition. This site will help you find out each state's laws regarding hepatitis B vaccine requirements for daycare, elementary school, and middle school.

Rank: 4

3034 元 
发表于 2005-1-29 03:11

Chinese hepatitis B carrier wins landmark lawsuit against job discrimination

03 April 2004 http://news.lifestyle.co.uk/health/23-health.htm

A Chinese non-infectious hepatitis B carrier has won a landmark lawsuit against job discrimination, giving HBV carriers a boost in their fight for equal employment opportunities.

A district court in Wuhu city in eastern Anhui province ruled Friday in favor of Zhang Xianzhu, who sued the Wuhu government personnel affairs bureau after being rejected for a job because he was an HBV carrier, the China Daily said Saturday.

The lawsuit is the first in China involving the rights of a hepatitis carrier, the report said.

Carriers are barred from government jobs by many local administrations, even though the liver disease cannot be spread through casual contact.

The court found the local government violated provincial guidelines as Zhang did not belong to the seven hepatitis groups barred from public service in Anhui's health standards.

The court ordered the local authorities to withdraw their decision to deny Zhang's application.

Wuhu government plans to appeal, the report said.

While there are no national laws or regulations against HBV carriers joining the public service, many local governments and central government departments have issued their own regulations to bar them.

But the number of appeals is growing and some local governments are beginning to change their views.

Central Hunan province last month lifted a ban on employing HBV carriers.

China has an estimated 120 million chronic HBV carriers -- equivalent to the combined population of France and Britain.

Many of them show no symptoms and do not pose a threat to co-workers. However, the huge group of carriers, roughly 10 percent of China's population, are locked out of jobs and suffer discrimination in social life.

Hepatitis B is spread through the exchange of bodily fluids, such as contaminated blood, unprotected sex, shared needles and infected mother-to-newborn contact.

Rank: 6Rank: 6

4176 元 
发表于 2005-1-31 00:38



Rank: 4

3034 元 
发表于 2005-2-1 03:37
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