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HBV治疗药物的当前进展(HBV新闻组) [复制链接]

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发表于 2004-9-8 01:45
HBV: Drugs in Current Clinical Development Christine M. Kukka HBV Project Manager; In early 2004, there were two types of drugs available to treat hepatitis B: interferons, which boost the immune system to fight the hepatitis B infection, and antiviral medications, which deliberately interfere with the virus's DNA so it can't reproduce efficiently. Below are the drugs that are currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat hepatitis B, and the up-and-coming drugs that may someday be used to eradicate a hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. Interferons Interferon has an "immunomodulator effect," which means that it tweaks the immune system to produce lymphocytes (specialized immune cells) that either attack the virus' antigens directly by creating antibodies, or they attack the HBV-infected liver cells. ?B lymphoctyes (B cells) are the immune cells responsible for the production of antibodies. They zero in on individual antigens, such as the HBV's surface, core or "e" antigens, by producing antigen-specific antibodies to combat and vanquish each antigen. ?Cytotoxic T cells (T cells) are specialized cells that recognize and kill HBV-infected liver cells and cancerous liver cells. Interferons do something else that is very helpful. They enhance the "expression" or presence of certain antigens on the surface of HBV-infected liver cells. When these antigens are expressed," the T cells can find them more easily and zero in and destroy the infected cells. This process is called enhanced cell surface expression of Class 1 Major Histocompatibility, or MHC. Researchers are working to develop a variety of immune stimulants and enzymes that will trigger T cell, B cell and other immune cell production so these "soldier" cells will find and vanquish the HBV infection. FDA-Approved Interferon Today, there is only one interferon, called conventional interferon or interferon alpha 2b, that the FDA has approved for the treatment of hepatitis B in adults and children. This interferon requires three injections each week and, unfortunately, has had limited treatment success. Only about 30 percent of those treated are able to clear their bodies of HBV DNA (the genetic material that signals the presence of the virus in the blood), and only 33 percent were reported to clear the "e" antigen. About 12 percent of those treated with conventional interferon achieved normal liver enzymes (ALTs) and cleared HBV DNA and "e" antigen. Interferon in Phase III Clinical Trials Pegylated interferon is a promising interferon that has been used with great success against hepatitis C, another viral liver infection. Pegylated interferon requires only one injection each week. This interferon has a time-release formula so it remains present in the liver at a constant level to achieve a consistent "immune boosting" level. Pegylated interferon is also believed to more efficiently distribute itself throughout the liver, the main site of HBV infection, than conventional interferon. According to a study by Roche, the company that developed the pegylated interferon called Pegasys, pegylated interferon was twice as successful as conventional interferon in treating hepatitis B. Roche researchers reported that Pegasys, given for six months at the same 180 microgram dose used in the treatment of hepatitis C, showed an "e" antigen (HbeAg) loss, HBV DNA below 500,000 copies/ml, and normalization of ALT in 28 percent of those treated, compared to 12 percent treated with conventional interferon. Pegylated interferon is now in Phase III clinical trials for hepatitis B, which means it has one step to go before it can be considered for FDA approval. Because doctors are familiar with pegylated interferon's safety record and dosage levels in adults, some adults with HBV in the United States have been able to enroll in clinical trials or find physicians who will prescribe it off-label (on an experimental basis). One of Roche's studies specifically examined the effectiveness of Pegasys in patients with difficult-to-treat hepatitis B, which includes patients with the "e" antigen, high HBV DNA (high levels of virus replicating in the patient's liver), and low ALT levels梐ll of which indicate that the person's immune system is not noticing the virus nor attacking infected liver cells. Immune Stimulators (Similar to Interferons) Under Development Immune enhancers or stimulators are similar to interferon, but they specifically help T cells find and fight tumors and viruses. HE2000 (Immunitin), developed by Hollis-Eden Pharmaceuticals, is similar to interferon in that it spurs the immune system. This substance, however, stimulates key immune fighting cells necessary to fight infections in people with hepatitis B and HIV. This drug is currently in Phase II clinical trials for hepatitis B in Singapore. Zadaxin is thymosin alpha 1, a thymic hormone that enhances the maturation of T-cells. The drug's developer, SciClone Pharmaceuticals, reported that when this drug was combined with conventional interferon, it produced a 71 percent long-term sustained response rate in patients with difficult-to-treat hepatitis B after one year of treatment. This sustained response rate compares favorably to only 20 percent of patients using interferon alpha in combination with lamivudine, and 10 percent of patients using interferon alpha alone. After administration, thymosin alpha 1 circulates at 50 to 100 times its normal level in the body. Zadaxin has been approved for sale in more than 30 countries. This drug is currently in Phase II clinical trials. Quick Reference Chart Phase II Phase III FDA Approved HE2000- (Immunitin) Interferon alpha 2a (Pegasys) Interferon alpha 2b (Intron A) Thymosin alpha 1 (Zadaxin) L-deoxythymidine or LdT (Telbivudine) Lamivudine (Epivir-HBV) Tenofovir (Viread) ETV (Entecavir) Adefovir (Hepsera) Ampligen FTC, Emtriva (Emtricitabine) L-FMAU (Clevudine) BAM-205 Antiviral Medications or Nucleoside Analogs Nucleoside analogs (also called nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, or NRTIs) and non-nucleoside antivirals prevent the hepatitis B virus from replicating. These drugs interfere with the HBV's DNA and the viral proteins that orchestrate its reproduction. Most antiviral medications are pills that are taken daily. When an antiviral enters a hepatitis B virus, it is able to inhibit certain cellular functions that are necessary for DNA production or viral replication. As a result, the virus is unable to replicate in liver cells. These antivirals are valuable because they lower the rate of HBV replicating in the liver. Generally, when viral load drops, liver damage declines because there are fewer viruses invading liver cells, and ALT levels also normalize. Researchers hope that one day a combination of immune enhancers and antiviral medications will be developed that can produce a strong immune response and lower viral load, resulting in the eradication of an HBV infection. FDA-Approved Antiviral Medications There are two FDA-approved antiviral medications available to HBV-infected patients: lamivudine, approved for adults in 1998 and for children in 2000, and adefovir, approved for adults in 2002, and currently in clinical trials for children. Lamivudine: Administered as a daily pill or oral solution, lamivudine generally produces normal ALT levels and undetectable HBV DNA in about 65 percent of the adults who take it. While lamivudine is safe and rarely causes side effects, it is not a permanent or complete cure. It keeps the virus in check for only as long as it is taken. When treatment stops, HBV DNA and ALT levels usually rebound. Lamivudine has one serious drawback. Some hepatitis B viruses develop resistance to lamivudine's antiviral punch. Over time, the non-resistant viruses decline, but the lamivudine-resistant HBVs rebound until viral load and ALT levels start to climb once again. After four years of lamivudine treatment, more than 60 percent of patients develop lamivudine-resistant HBV. Adefovir: Adefovir appears to have all of lamivudine's antiviral clout, but none of its viral resistance. Today, doctors frequently switch patients to adefovir who have developed viral resistance to lamivudine. Adefovir also appears effective against hepatitis B viruses that are able to replicate without secreting HBeAg. The immune system has a hard time identifying and zeroing in on this type of hepatitis B virus. When an HBV infection exists and lab tests can't find the "e" antigen, despite high viral loads and elevated ALT, it is called HBeAg-negative hepatitis. Antivirals in Development There are four experimental antiviral medications currently in Phase III or late-stage clinical trials. Telbivudine (L-deoxythymidine or LdT) stops HBV replication and normalizes ALT levels better than lamivudine, based on early studies. One Phase III clinical trial compared the two antivirals and, after one year, telbivudine-treated patients had healthier ALT levels and lower viral load than those treated with lamivudine. Telbivudine, to date, appears to cause no adverse side effects and there have been no reports of viral resistance to this drug. Idenix Pharmaceuticals is developing telbivudine. A Phase III trial, involving 1,200 patients in Asia, Europe and North America, was ongoing in early 2004. Entecavir (ETV) is a potent inhibitor of HBV replication. In lab tests, this antiviral has shown the ability to reduce viral CCC DNA levels, which are believed to promote development of liver cancer. In studies that compared entecavir with lamivudine, entecavir was more effective in reducing HBV DNA levels, even when ALT levels were only slightly elevated. Early studies also suggest that entecavir-treated patients had a more sustained response to the drug, even after treatment ended, including those with HBeAg-negative hepatitis B. There have been a couple reports of viral resistance to entecavir developing, but nearly all occurred in patients who had already developed lamivudine-resistant viruses. Bristol-Myers Squibb is expected to apply for FDA approval for entecavir in late 2004. Emtricitabine (FTC, Emtriva), already approved by FDA for treatment of HIV, has been found to be effective in lowering HBV DNA. Gilead Sciences reported treatment with emtricitabine reduced liver fibrosis in 62 percent of patients who received the drug, compared to 25 percent of patients who received a placebo, and substantially lowered HBV DNA in 56 percent. However, researchers have found some instances of viral resistance to emtricitabine. Clevudine (L-FMAU) has demonstrated potent antiviral activity and the ability to produce a sustained response, even months after treatment has ended. In one study, 71 percent of patients who took clevudine maintained normal ALT levels six months after treatment ended, which is longer than with other antivirals. Clevudine, produced by Gilead, appeared to be well-tolerated, and no HBVs have developed resistance to clevudine to date. BAM-205, developed by Novelos, also interferes with proteins involved in viral reproduction. BAM-205 was approved for use in Russia in 2001. Preclinical studies support BAM-205's anti-viral effects in more than 250 Russian hepatitis B patients studied. Viral load was reduced and ALT levels also declined. According to Novelos, more than 700 Russian hepatitis patients have been treated successfully with BAM-205. Commercialization of BAM-205 is underway in Russia, and plans are underway to develop and sell BAM-205 in China. In the United States, BAM-205 is in Phase II/III clinical trials. Antivirals in Phase I/II Clinical Trials Tenofovir (Viread): Several studies have found that the antiviral tenofovir, developed by Gilead Sciences, is effective against both HIV and HBV. One study showed that treatment with tenofovir resulted in 0.6-log decrease in HIV level and a five-log decrease from baseline for HBV level. Similarly, another coinfection study showed a four-log decrease in HBV DNA level by week 24 and an increase in CD4 cells. However, there have been reports of renal toxicity and hypophosphatemia associated with tenofovir therapy. Clinical trials exploring the safety and effectiveness of tenofovir to treat people coinfected with HIV and hepatitis B are continuing. Ampligen: Currently in Phase II trials for treatment of hepatitis B with Hemispherx Biopharma, Ampligen is a nucleic acid drug that mimics DNA and RNA, and which inhibits production of certain enzymes that HIV and hepatitis B viruses need for viral reproduction. Ampligen can also control the growth of certain human tumor cells. Administered intravenously twice a week, it is also being studied for possible applications in renal carcinoma and malignant melanoma. To date, it has caused no dangerous side effects. For more information about hepatitis B, contact the following organizations: Hepatitis B Foundation 1-215-489-4900, www.hepb.org Hepatitis B Support List www.hblist.org Hepatitis Foundation International 1-800-891-0707, www.hepfi.org To Post a message, send it to: [email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: [email protected] Yahoo! Groups Links <*> To visit your group on the web, go to: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hepatitis-awareness/ <*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to: [email protected] <*> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Rank: 4

868 元 
发表于 2004-9-8 03:06

Rank: 4

501 元 
发表于 2004-9-8 10:24
以下是用金山快译来翻译: HBV: 现在的临床发展的药 Christine M. Kukka HBV 计画经理; 在早的 2004, 有药的二类型可以用到宴飨 肝炎 B: 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质, 对抗肝炎 B 哪一推进免疫系统 传染 , 和 antiviral 药物治疗, 故意地干扰 那 病毒的 DNA 因此它有效率的不能再生。 在下面是药那 是 现在藉着美国食品药物管理局 (食品药物管理局) 核准到 宴飨 肝炎 B, 和可能有一天习惯於的前途有希望的药 根除一种肝炎 B 病毒 (HBV) 传染。 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质有一 "immunomodulator 效果," 意谓它扭 那 免疫系统生产淋巴球 (特殊化了免疫的细胞) 那 任一 藉由创造抗体直接的攻击 virus' 抗原, 或他们 攻击 HBV 传染的肝脏细胞。 ? B lymphoctyes(B 细胞) 是负责的免疫细胞那 抗体的制造。 他们把注意力集中在个别的抗原, 例如 那 HBV's 表面,核心或 "e" 抗原, 藉由产生抗原- 特效药 奋斗而且打败每个抗原的抗体。 ? Cytotoxic T 细胞 (T 细胞) 被特殊化认识的细胞和 杀 HBV 传染的肝脏细胞和癌的肝脏细胞。 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质做非常有帮助的别东西。 他们提高那 在表面之上的某抗原的 "表达" 或出现 HBV 传染的 肝脏细胞。 当这些抗原被表达的时候," T 细胞能找 他们 更容易和零在而且破坏被传染的细胞。 这个程序是 呼叫提高了细胞表面班级 1 的表达主修 Histocompatibility, 或 MHC。 研究员正在工作发展多种免疫的兴奋剂和 将会引起 T 细胞, B 细胞和其他的免疫细胞的酵素 制造如此 这些 "军人" 细胞将会找并且打败 HBV 传染。 食品药物管理局- 经核准的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质 今天,只有一个产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质, 叫做传统的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质或 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质阿尔发 2b, 食品药物管理局有为治疗核准 在 adults 和孩子中的肝炎 B。 这个产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质需要三 注入每个星期和,不幸地, 有有有限制的治疗 成功。 唯一的大约 30% 的那些治疗能够清除他们的身体 HBV DNA( 向病毒的出现作信号的遗传基因的材料在那 血), 和只有 33% 被报告清除 "e"抗原。 约 12 百分比那些由于传统的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质治疗达成了常态 肝脏 酵素 (中高音) 和清除的 HBV DNA 和 "e" 抗原。 时期 3 临床的审判产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质 Pegylated 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质是一个有被用的有希望的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质由于 很棒的 成功反对肝炎 C,另外的一种滤过性毒菌的肝脏传染。 Pegylated 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质只每个星期需要一个注入。 这个产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质有一 时间- 释放公式如此它残余物在一个常数的肝脏中呈现 水平 达成一个一致的 "免疫的推进" 水平。 Pegylated 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质也更有效率的被相信到分配 它本身 在肝脏各处,HBV 传染的主要位置, 比较传统的 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质。 依照 Roche 的一项研究, 公司发展 那 pegylated 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质叫做了 Pegasys, pegylated 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质两次是当做 成功的如传统的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质在注入肝炎 B 中。 Roche 研究员报告了 Pegasys, 给予的长达六月在那 相同的 180 microgram 剂量在肝炎 C 的治疗中用, 展现了 "e" 抗原 (HbeAg) 损失, HBV DNA 在 500,000下面复印/毫升, 和 常态化 中高音在 28% 的那些被对待, 比拟为 12% 治疗由于 传统的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质。 Pegylated 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质现在是为肝炎在时期 3 临床的审判中 B, 哪一意谓它有在它能被为食品药物管理局考虑之前 , 一个~的步骤去 赞成。 因为医生熟悉 pegylated 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质的 安全 在 adults 中的记录和药量水平, 有 HBV 的一些 adults 在那联合的 美国有是能干在临床的审判中登记或者找医师 谁 意志规定它远的- 标签。 (以实验的方式) Roche 之一明确地是研究调查了效力 Pegasys 在 有困难的-到- 宴飨肝炎 B 的病人, 包括病人 由于 "e"抗原, 高的 HBV DNA( 高度的病毒折叠在那 病人的肝脏), 而且低的中高音消除梐 ll 指示那那 人 免疫系统不在注意病毒也不攻击传染了肝脏 细胞。 免疫的 Stimulators(类似产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质) 在发展之下 免疫的 enhancers 或 stimulators 与~类似产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质, 但是他们 明确地帮助 T 细胞找并且对抗肿瘤和病毒。 被 Hollis- 伊甸园被发展的 HE2000(Immunitin) 药学的, 是 类似 在那里面的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质它马刺免疫系统。 物质,然而, 刺激主要免疫的对抗是必需对抗传染的细胞在 人们 藉由肝炎 B 和爱滋病毒。 这种药现在是在时期 2 中临床的 审判 因为在新加坡的肝炎 B。 Zadaxin 是 thymosin 阿尔发 1 ,一个提高的 thymic 荷尔蒙那 成熟 T-细胞。 药的开发者 , SciClone 药学的, 报告 那 当这种药由于传统的产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质被联合的时候, 它生产一 71 在病人中的百分比长期的维持回应率由于 在一年治疗之後的困难-到- 宴飨肝炎 B。 这 维持 回应率顺利地与~相较只有 20% 的病人使用 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质阿尔发在组合中用 lamivudine, 和 10% 的 病人 使用产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质阿尔发孤独的。 在行政之後, thymosin 阿尔发 1 在身体中的 50 到 100 倍它的常态水平的循环流环流。 Zadaxin 有 是 为售卖在超过 30个国家中核准。 这种药现在是在 时期 2 临床的审判。 快的叁考图解 逐步运行 2个时期 3 食品药物管理局经核准 HE2000- (Immunitin) 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质阿尔发 2 一 (Pegasys) 产生于受细菌侵犯之细胞的蛋白质阿尔发 2b (Intron 一) Thymosin 阿尔发 1(Zadaxin) L- deoxythymidine 或 LdT(Telbivudine) Lamivudine (Epivir-HBV) Tenofovir(Viread) ETV(Entecavir) Adefovir(Hepsera) Ampligen 联邦贸易委员会, Emtriva(Emtricitabine) L- FMAU(Clevudine) 欺骗 -205 Antiviral 药物治疗或 Nucleoside 类比 Nucleoside 类比 ( 也叫做 nucleoside 颠倒 tranjscriptase 抑制剂, 或 NRTIs) 而且非 nucleoside antivirals 避免肝炎 B 病毒 从 折叠。 这些药干扰 HBV's DNA 和那滤过性毒菌的 蛋白质 那编管弦乐曲它的再现。 最大多数的 antiviral 药物治疗是药丸 那 被拿每日。 当 antiviral 进入肝炎 B 病毒的时候, 它能够禁止 确定的 对 DNA 制造是必需的细胞功能或滤过性毒菌的 回答。 结果, 病毒不能够在肝脏中的八音阶间隔的反复高低音语 细胞。 因为他们降低 HBV 的比率 , 所以这些 antivirals 是有价值的 折叠 在肝脏中。 通常,当滤过性毒菌的负荷降低的时候, 肝脏损害衰微 因为有比较少的病毒 invading 肝脏细胞 , 和中高音水平 也 使常态化。 研究员希望那一个天一个组合免疫的 enhancers 而且 antiviral 药物治疗将会被发展能生产一强壮的 免疫的 回应和比较低的滤过性毒菌的负荷, 造成 HBV 的 eradication 传染。 食品药物管理局- 经核准的 Antiviral 药物治疗 那里是可得的二个食品药物管理局核准的 antiviral 药物治疗到 HBV 传染的 病人: lamivudine, 为 adults 核准在 1998 而且为孩子核准在 2000, 而且 adefovir,在 2002 年为 adults 核准, 而且现在核准在临床的 审判 因为孩子。 Lamivudine: 管理如每日的药丸或口头的解决, lamivudine 通常生产正常的中高音水平和 undetectable HBV DNA 在有关 65 带它的 adults 的百分比。 一会儿 lamivudine 是安全的并且很少地引起副作用, 它是不一 长备的或完全的治疗。 它把病毒留在检查中为唯一的当做 长的当做 它被拿。 当治疗停止的时候, HBV DNA 和中高音水平通常 弹回。 Lamivudine 有一个严重的不利点。 一些肝炎 B 病毒发展 对~的抗拒 lamivudine's antiviral 打洞器。 在时间期间, 那 非反抗的 病毒衰退, 但是 lamivudine- 反抗的 HBVs 反弹直到滤过性毒菌的 负荷 而且中高音水平开始再一次攀登。 在四年之後 lamivudine 治疗, 超过 60% 的病人发展 lamivudine- 反抗的 HBV。 Adefovir: Adefovir 似乎 有所有的 lamivudine's antiviral 敲击, 但是 没有它的滤过性毒菌的抵抗。 今天,医生时常转变病人 到 有发展对~滤过性毒菌的抗拒~ lamivudine 的 adefovir。 Adefovir 反对肝炎 B 病毒也显得有效的是 能干到 不隐秘 HBeAg 而的八音阶间隔的反复高低音语。 免疫系统有艰苦时期 识别而且把注意力集中在肝炎 B 病毒的这个类型。 当一 HBV 传染存在,而且中心测试不能找 "e"抗原, 不管高度 滤过性毒菌的负荷和提高的中高音,它叫做 HBeAg- 否定肝炎。 发展的 Antivirals 在时期中现在有四个实验的 antiviral 药物治疗 3 或 迟的- 阶段临床的审判。 Telbivudine(L- deoxythymidine 或 LdT) 停止 HBV 回答和 使常态化 中高音消除比 lamivudine 好,基於早的研究。 一时期 III 临床的审判比较了二 antivirals 和,在一年之後, telbivudine 对待的病人有了比较健康的中高音水平和比较低的滤过性毒菌的 负荷 比较那些用 lamivudine 治疗。 Telbivudine, 约会, 出现到 因素 不不利的副作用而且已经有不任何报告滤过性毒菌的 抵抗 到这种药。 药学的 Idenix 正在发展 telbivudine 。 时期 III 审判,在亚洲,欧洲和美国北部中包括 1,200位病人, 是 继续的在早 2004. Entecavir(ETV) 是 HBV 回答的一个有力的抑制剂。 在中心测试中, 这 antiviral 有显示能力减少滤过性毒菌的 CCC DNA 水平, 是 相信促进肝脏癌的发展。 在研究中那 比较 有 lamivudine 的 entecavir, entecavir 在减少 HBV 方面更有效 DNA 水平,即使当中高音水平只有些微地提高。 早的研究 也 提议 entecavir 对待的病人有更多维持了回应 到那 药, 平坦的在治疗之后结束, 包括那些由于 HBeAg- 否定 肝炎 B. 已经有夫妇对~滤过性毒菌的抗拒~报告 entecavir 发展, 但是在病人中几乎全部发生有 已经 发展了 lamivudine- 反抗的病毒。 布里斯多- Myers Squibb 是 预期到 在 2004 後期内申请~的食品药物管理局赞成 entecavir 。 Emtricitabine(联邦贸易委员会,Emtriva), 为治疗被食品药物管理局已经核准 爱滋病毒, 有被发现在使卑劣的 HBV DNA 中有效。 Gilead 科学 报告 有 emtricitabine 的治疗减少了肝脏纤维症在 62% 的 病人收到了药, 比拟为 25% 的病人 收到了一个安慰, 和实质上降低了 HBV DNA 在 56%. 然而, 研究员有发现对~滤过性毒菌的抗拒~的一些例证 emtricitabine。 Clevudine(L-FMAU) 有示范有力的 antiviral 活动和那 能力生产一个被维持的回应, 甚至月在治疗之後 有 结束。 在一项研究中, 带了 clevudine 的 71% 的病人 维护 常态中高音在治疗之后消除六个月结束, 是比较长 比较 藉由其他的 antivirals。 被 Gilead 被生产的 Clevudine, 似乎 当 好的-宽容, 和没有 HBVs 有发展对~的抗拒 clevudine 到 日期。 欺骗 -205, 被 Novelos 发展, 也干扰蛋白质积极叁与的 在 滤过性毒菌的再现。 欺骗 -205 在 2001 年在俄国对使用是经核准。 潜伏期的研究支持欺骗 -205' s 反滤过性毒菌的效果在超过 250 俄国的肝炎 B 病人学习。 滤过性毒菌的负荷被减少和中高音 水平 也衰退。 依照 Novelos, 超过 700 俄国的肝炎 病人有用 欺骗 -205 成功的被对待。 Commercialization 欺骗 -205 是进行的在俄国,而且计划是进行发展的和 卖 在中国的欺骗 -205。 在美国,欺骗 -205 是在时期 2/3 中 临床的 审判。 Antivirals 在逐步运行我/2 临床的审判 TenofovirViread) 一些研究有发现那 antiviral tenofovir, 被 Gilead 科学发展,反对两者的爱滋病毒和 HBV 是有效的。 一 研究展现有 tenofovir 的治疗造成 0.6 个圆木的减少 在 为 HBV 水平的来自基线的爱滋病毒水平和一个五个圆木的减少。 同样地, 另外的 coinfection 研究展现了一个~方面的四个圆木的减少~ HBV DNA 水平 被 星期 24 和~的增加 CD4 细胞。 然而, 已经有报告 被 tenofovir 治疗联合的肾脏毒性和 hypophosphatemia。 临床的审判探究 tenofovir 的安全和效力到 宴飨 有爱滋病毒和肝炎 B 的人们 coinfected 正在继续。 Ampligen: 现在为肝炎 B 的治疗在时期 2 审判中 由于 Hemispherx Biopharma, Ampligen 是一种 nucleic 酸药那个模仿的 DNA 而且 RNA, 和禁止某酵素那个爱滋病毒的制造和 肝炎 B 病毒对~的需要滤过性毒菌的再现。 Ampligen 能也控制那 生长 某人类的肿瘤细胞。 静脉内的一个星期两次管理, 它是 也对可能的申请是有计划的在肾脏的癌中和 有恶意的 melanoma。 为了要约会,它没有引起危险的副作用。 对於关於~的较多资讯~肝炎 B, 连络下列各项 组织: 肝炎 B 基础 1-215-489-4900,www.hepb.org 肝炎 B 支持 Listwww.hblist.org 国际的肝炎基础 1-800-891-0707, www.hepfi.org 邮寄一个信息,送它给: 肝炎[email protected] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 到 Unsubscribe,送一个空白的信息给: 肝炎-觉察[email protected] 雅虎! 团体联编 <*> 拜访网上的你团体, 去: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/hepatitis-觉察/ <*>到来自这个团体的 unsubscribe,送一封电子邮件给: 肝炎-觉察[email protected] <*>你的雅虎使用! 团体受制於: http://docs.yahoo.com/info/term/ ---------------------------------------------- 真的勇士,敢于直面惨淡的人生,敢于正视淋漓的鲜血。 我的情况 (点击进入) http://www.hbvhbv.com/forum/dispbbs.asp?boardID=7& 身份证=282782 2004-9-7 12:44:47 小兔乖乖 等级:上士 文章: 49 积分: 144 注册: 2004-7-21 第 2 楼
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