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CET-6 标准作文 [复制链接]

Rank: 6Rank: 6

3586 元 
发表于 2004-6-2 00:21
Changes of Ownership of Houses in China

It can be seen from the graphs that in the past 10 years , great changes
have taken place in the ownership of houses in China. In the first five yea
rs, the percentage of private ownership of houses was comparatively small wh
ile the public ownership of houses was large. However, the percentage of pri
vate and public ownership of houses has been changed a lot in the recent fiv
e years, that is , the private ownership of houses was increasing fast. Mean
while, the public ownership of houses has been decreasing .

What are the reasons for the changes? In my opinion, there are three pos
sible reasons for the changes. First, in the past ten years, China has been
experiencing a great change or reform both economically and politically. The
people’s living standards have been improved a lot. Most of them do not wa
nt to wait for their turn to live in houses of public ownership as ever. The
y can afford to buy the houses they want by borrowing or loan from various r
esources. Second, most people begin to change their way of living and thinki
ng. They do not save a lot of money in the bank for their children as their
parents did in those days. They begin to enjoy the life . Third, the increas
ing private ownership of houses has also contributed a lot to the economic d
evelopment of the country.

Then , what is the possible influence of this change? So far as individu
al is concerned, he can devote himself to his career without worrying about
whether he will have a house of his own in the future. Because he knows for
sure he can buy a house with the money he earn from his work. On the other h
and, this change will certainly have a profound effect on the society becaus
e it will push forward the step of the development of the society by relievi
ng the social burden of all kinds.
[B]Living happily is a day, living sadly is a day too. Why not smile every day? The coming of love, the coming of light.[/B]
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