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:王晓东当选美国科学院院士 [复制链接]

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

3592 元 


发表于 2004-4-24 23:35
[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:生物谷    点击数:723    更新时间:2004-4-22    编辑:管理员 ]









1 Li P, Nijhawan D, Wang X.Mitochondrial activation of apoptosis.
Cell. 2004 Jan 23;116(2 Suppl):S57-9, 2 p following S59

2 Du C, Fang M, Li Y, Li L, Wang X.Smac, a mitochondrial protein that promotes cytochrome c-dependent caspase activation by eliminating IAP inhibition.
Cell. 2000 Jul 7;102(1):33-42.

3 Li K, Li Y, Shelton JM, Richardson JA, Spencer E, Chen ZJ, Wang X, Williams RS.Cytochrome c deficiency causes embryonic lethality and attenuates stress-induced apoptosis.
Cell. 2000 May 12;101(4):389-99.

4 Luo X, Budihardjo I, Zou H, Slaughter C, Wang X.Bid, a Bcl2 interacting protein, mediates cytochrome c release from mitochondria in response to activation of cell surface death receptors.
Cell. 1998 Aug 21;94(4):481-90.
5 Li P, Nijhawan D, Budihardjo I, Srinivasula SM, Ahmad M, Alnemri ES, Wang X.Cytochrome c and dATP-dependent formation of Apaf-1/caspase-9 complex initiates an apoptotic protease cascade.
Cell. 1997 Nov 14;91(4):479-89.

6 Zou H, Henzel WJ, Liu X, Lutschg A, Wang X.Apaf-1, a human protein homologous to C. elegans CED-4, participates in cytochrome c-dependent activation of caspase-3.
Cell. 1997 Aug 8;90(3):405-13.
7 Liu X, Zou H, Slaughter C, Wang X.DFF, a heterodimeric protein that functions downstream of caspase-3 to trigger DNA fragmentation during apoptosis.
Cell. 1997 Apr 18;89(2):175-84.

8 Liu X, Kim CN, Yang J, Jemmerson R, Wang X.

Induction of apoptotic program in cell-free extracts: requirement for dATP and cytochrome c.
Cell. 1996 Jul 12;86(1):147-57.
9 Wang X, Sato R, Brown MS, Hua X, Goldstein JL.SREBP-1, a membrane-bound transcription factor released by sterol-regulated proteolysis.
Cell. 1994 Apr 8;77(1):53-62.

10 Li LY, Luo X, Wang X. Endonuclease G is an apoptotic DNase when released from mitochondria. Nature. 2001 Jul 5;412(6842):95-9.

11 Wu G, Chai J, Suber TL, Wu JW, Du C, Wang X, Shi Y. Structural basis of IAP recognition by Smac/DIABLO.
Nature. 2000 Dec 21-28;408(6815):1008-12.

12 Chai J, Du C, Wu JW, Kyin S, Wang X, Shi Y. Structural and biochemical basis of apoptotic activation by Smac/DIABLO.
Nature. 2000 Aug 24;406(6798):855-62.

13 Liu Q, Rand TA, Kalidas S, Du F, Kim HE, Smith DP, Wang X.R2D2, a bridge between the initiation and effector steps of the Drosophila RNAi pathway.
Science. 2003 Sep 26;301(5641):1921-5.

14 Jiang X, Kim HE, Shu H, Zhao Y, Zhang H, Kofron J, Donnelly J, Burns D, Ng SC, Rosenberg S, Wang X. Distinctive roles of PHAP proteins and prothymosin-alpha in a death regulatory pathway.
Science. 2003 Jan 10;299(5604):223-6.

15 Yang J, Liu X, Bhalla K, Kim CN, Ibrado AM, Cai J, Peng TI, Jones DP, Wang X.Prevention of apoptosis by Bcl-2: release of cytochrome c from mitochondria blocked.
Science. 1997 Feb 21;275(5303):1129-32.



IAP: Antagonizing the Antagonist
Two different routes find the mammalian enemies of apoptosis inhibitors

By Laura DeFrancesco

For this article, Laura DeFrancesco interviewed David Vaux, principal research fellow, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, Australia. Data from the Web of Science show that Hot Papers are cited 50 to 100 times more often than the average paper of the same type and age.

A.M. Verhagen et al., "Identification of DIABLO, a mammalian protein that promotes apoptosis by binding to and antagonizing IAP proteins," Cell, 102: 43-53, July 7, 2000. (Cited in 176 papers)

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, provides organisms a way to remove unwanted cells, such as during morphogenesis, or to defend against viral infection. Of course, certain molecules exist to prohibit apoptosis. One of these proteins, aptly named Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein (IAP), was first found in viruses, which use them to keep host cells alive while the virus replicates and propagates. These IAPs interfere with key effectors of apoptosis, the family of proteases known as caspases, which, when activated, literally digest the cell from the inside out.
But the story doesn't end there: antagonists exist to antagonize the IAPs; these molecules send the cell back down the apoptosis pathway. For example, three IAP antagonists, Reaper, Grim and HID, have been identified in Drosophila. These proteins promote cell death by binding to the IAPs, keeping them from suppressing caspase activity. However, no similar IAP antagonists had been identified in mammals until the labs of David Vaux, Xiaodong Wang, and the editors of Cell crossed paths.

Vaux's lab was one of the first to identify mammalian homologs of the baculoviral IAPs (XIAP, cIAP1 and cIAP2). Vaux, principal research fellow at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, Australia, hypothesized that, like their Drosophila counterparts, these IAPs could be controlled by pro-apoptotic proteins. When homologs for Reaper, Grim or HID couldn't be found by searching genomic databases, researchers took a different approach. Anne Verhagen, a postdoc in Vaux's lab, expressed XIAP in mammalian cells and immunoprecipitated it from cell lysates along with associated proteins. Several novel proteins were found by running the coimmunoprecipitated proteins on two-dimensional gels. Using nanoelectrospray tandem mass spectrometry, Lisa Connolly, a research assistant in the lab of Vaux's collaborator, Richard Simpson, obtained amino acid sequences on four IAP binding proteins, one of which was named DIABLO (for Direct IAP binding protein of low Pi) and another HtrA2 (also known as Omi).

©2002 Cell Press

Localizing DIABLO: The N-terminal 53 amino acids of DIABLO were fused to GFP, and the fusion protein was expressed in 293T cells (left) or NT2cells (right). Yellow indicates co-localization of mitotracker red and GFP fluorescence.

Working independently on apoptosis in HeLa cell lysates, Wang, a Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigator at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, identified several components of the cell death mechanism (including Apaf-1, caspase 9, cytochrome c, and DFF) using a classical biochemical approach. He found an additional activity in cell lysates that promoted efficient caspase activation. Purifying this activity led his team to identify a protein they termed Smac (for second mitochondrial activator of cell death), so-called because the protein had a mitochondrial targeting sequence, and antibodies showed it localized to the mitochondria in healthy cells.

The two groups independently submitted papers to Cell. The reviewers requested revisions, and then asked for more work because they still weren't satisfied. However, in an unusual move, the editors suggested that the two labs exchange their papers to see, with each other's help, if they could reach solutions.

In doing so, the two groups realized that they had purified the same protein. Wang hadn't determined how Smac promotes apoptosis, but after learning that Vaux had found that it was an IAP binding protein, he looked for and confirmed IAP binding activity by Smac. And while Vaux's group knew that DIABLO was processed, they didn't know this occurred in the mitochondria. Using antibody provided by Wang, they confirmed its presence in the mitochondria of healthy cells, but released into the cytosol by UV irradiation, an apoptotic inducer.

Vaux remembers, "Wang was surprised and delighted to learn from our paper that DIABLO/Smac functioned by binding to IAPs. From reading his paper we were blown away to learn that the reason DIABLO/Smac is processed is that it is targeted to the mitochondria, where its amino-terminus is removed."

Laura DeFrancesco ([email protected]) is a freelance writer in Pasadena, Calif.

1. C. Du et al., "Smac, a mitochondrial protein that promotes cytochrome c-dependent caspase activation by eliminating IAP inhibition," Cell, 102:33-42, July 7, 2000.



生物:哈佛大学袁钧英,普林斯顿大学钱卓,斯坦福大学骆利群,华盛顿大学饶毅, 耶鲁大学许田,克罗拉多大学韩民,密西根大学管坤良,耶鲁大学邓兴旺,普林斯顿大学施一公





1. Mario Capecchi〔美国尤他大学U. Utah〕,发明基因剔除技术,肯定值得得奖,可能和其他1,2个做基因剔除(Oliver Smithies)或转基因动物的人合得,也有可能和第一个做出鼠胚胎干细胞的Gail Martin〔美国旧金山加州大学UCSF〕合得。

2. Bob Horvitz 〔美国麻省理工学院MIT〕,细胞凋亡的遗传机理,可能合得者是:AH Wylie或JFR Kerr其中之一(细胞凋亡的概念和电子显微镜下形态变化特征),Susanne Cory或Stanley Korsmeyer之一(Bcl-2在细胞凋亡中的作用)。得州大学西南医学中心的王晓东也有可能(细胞凋亡的生物化学机理)。另外如果不以细胞凋亡来看,而以线立体新的功能来看,王晓东和Korsmeyer(甚至La Jolla癌症研究所John Reed)也是一个可能组合。

3. Mark Ptashne 〔美国纽约凯特菱癌症研究中心Sloan Kettering〕,基因调控的机理,发现第一个转录因子:原核细胞(细菌)的lamda抑制子。可以单独,也可和Bob Tjian 〔钱泽南,UC Berkeley〕合得。Ptashne做真核细胞转录调控的研究中,有北大留学生马俊的工作。

4. Elizabeth Blackburn 〔美国旧金山加州大学UCSF〕和Carol Greider 〔美国霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins〕,端粒子和端粒酶,Blackburn主要发现在UC Berkeley做,Greider那时是她的学生。另外有复旦的留学生于国良在他实验室做过早期一些工作。

5. Roderick MacKinnon 〔美国洛克菲勒大学Rockefeller〕,钾离子通道的结构,可以单独,也可以合得 (不确定合得者,如果就钾通道而言,旧金山加州大学UCSF的Lily Jan叶公杼和YN Jan詹裕农有可能;如果广义地给离子通道,美国西雅图华盛顿大学University of Washington的Bertil Hille有可能)。

6. Y. W. Kan 简悦威 〔美国旧金山加州大学UCSF〕,第一个提出可以用限制性内切酶片断多态性跟踪人类基因变异,使人类遗传学进入新时代,可以合得,也可以单独。

7. Eric Lander 〔美国麻省理工学院MIT〕,John Sulston 〔英国剑桥Cambridge,UK〕,Bob Wasterson 〔美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University〕,基因组研究。

8. Roger Y. Tsien 钱永健〔美国圣跌哥加州大学UCSD〕和 Douglas C. Prasher〔美国农业部麻州Otis植物保护中心〕,发明测定活细胞内分子的新方法。Tsien发明钙染料,Prasher发现绿色荧光旦白GFP。

9. Afred G. Knudson 〔美国费城Fox Chase癌症中心〕,肿瘤抑制基因,可能和Janet D. Rowley〔美国芝加哥大学University of Chicago〕和Bob Weinberg 〔麻省理工学院MIT〕合得,华裔李文华〔得州大学生物工程研究所〕和Weinberg工作很近,有争议谁第一,Weinberg可能容易得,他以前因为癌基因错过一次和Bishop和Varmus合得的机会。

10. John Gordon〔英国剑桥Cambridge,UK〕和 Ian Wilmut 〔英国爱尔兰Roslin研究所〕,核转移,Gordon是60年代第一个用成体细胞核成功克隆动物(蛙),Wilmut是九十第一个用类似方法克隆哺乳动物。

11. Pamela Bjorkman 〔美国加州理工学院Caltech〕,Jack Strominger 〔美国哈佛大学Harvard〕和Emil Unanue 〔美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University〕,前二者发现MHC(主要组织相容性抗原复合体)结构,后者发现抗原呈现细胞。Bjorkman是和Don Wiley做研究生时的工作,Wiley如果不去世,应该得。

12. Yasutomi  Nishizuka〔日本〕和Michael Berridge 〔英国〕,细胞内信号转导分子,前者发现旦白激酶C,后者发现磷酸肌醇。

13. Aaron Ciechanover 〔以色列工学院Technion〕,Avram Hershko 〔以色列工学院Technion〕,Alexander Varshavsky 〔美国加州理工学院Caltech〕,发现蛋白质降解的生物化学机理。

14. Judah Folkman〔哈佛大学医学院〕发现调节血管形成的分子。

15. Sydney Brenner 和 Seymour Benzer 〔美国加州理工学院Caltech〕,用遗传学方法研究发育,神经和行为。Brenner提出用c elegans研究发育和神经,Benzer提出用果蝇做神经和行为。

16. Marc Raichle 〔美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学Washington University〕,用正电子扫描(PET scan)做活体人影像检测,可能和发明改进fMRI(“功能性核磁共振”,或称“功能性磁共振影像”)的人合得。 他们的工作是生物医学影像的重要发展。

17. Luc Montagnier〔法国〕Robert C. Gallo(美国),发现爱滋病毒。

18. Tim Bliss〔英国〕和Terje Lomo 〔挪威〕,发现长期性增强作用(LTP),推动高等动物学习记忆研究。这项奖,受Eric Kandel近年刚因为研究低等动物(海兔)学习记忆得奖而可能推后。

19. Herbert Boyer 〔美国旧金山加州大学UCSF〕和Stanley Cohen 〔美国斯坦福大学Stanford〕,发明重组DNA技术,开创生物工程时代。

20. Avaram Goldstein 〔美国斯坦福大学Stanford〕,Solomon Snyder 〔美国霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins〕, John Hughes 〔英国帝国理工学院Imperial College of Science and Technology〕, 发现痛觉的分子机理。Goldstein提出证明鸦片受体的方法,Snyder实验室的Candace Pert,纽约大学的Eric Simon和瑞典的Lars Terenius用Goldstein的方法发现鸦片受体,在英国苏格兰Aberdeen工作的John Hughes和导师Hans Kosterlitz发现第一个内源性鸦片肽。Kosterlitz已经去世。严格地说,李卓浩〔Choh H Li, UC Berkeley〕是第一个发现有镇痛作用的蛋白质,他在1964年发现B-Lipotropin 而且知道有镇痛作用,但未提出内源性的鸦片样物质概念,而且他已经去世多年了。

21. RNA干扰,不一定会在近年发奖,可能等机理进一步搞清,但是发奖时会包括发现RNA干扰现象的人,有三个重要的候选人,如果不包括机理,就是他们,如果包括机理,那么只能在这三个里面选一俩个加上以后发现RNAi机理最重要的人。Ken Kemphues〔美国康乃尔大学Cornell〕,Andy Fire 〔美国卡内矶研究所Carnegie〕,Craig Mello〔美国麻州大学University of Massachusetts〕。Kemphues的工作是复旦留美学生郭苏做的。

小小少年,很少烦恼,眼望四周阳光照。 学术版块欢迎你 http://bbs.hbvhbv.com/list.asp?boardid=34 有关乙肝知识,大力推荐以下帖子: 精华资料版导读(2003版) http://bbs.hbvhbv.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=13&id=285410&replyID=225640&star=1&skin= ANTI HBV版

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发表于 2004-4-25 00:36
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