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Genencor公司开始DNA治疗性疫苗的I期试验 [复制链接]

Rank: 4

205 元 
发表于 2004-2-4 03:17

Genencor International (GCOR) To Start Phase I Study For Therapeutic Vaccine For Hepatitis B

PALO ALTO, Calif. and SAN DIEGO, Feb. 2 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Genencor International, Inc. today announced it will begin Phase I safety and immunogenicity testing for its DNA-based therapeutic vaccine to treat hepatitis B. Trials are scheduled to begin later this month under an Investigational New Drug Application (IND) filed by Genencor in December. Epimmune Inc. collaborated on the design and preclinical development of the vaccine under its collaboration agreement with Genencor and will receive a milestone payment as a result of the IND filing.

"This first IND for Genencor represents important progress in our health care business," said Mark A. Goldsmith, M.D., Ph.D. Genencor's senior vice president, Health Care. "In less than 3 years, we've shown that we can leverage Genencor's core technology to envision and build an innovative immunotherapeutic product candidate for treating chronic hepatitis B infection, to prepare and qualify this candidate for advancement into the next stage of development, and to design a quality plan for human studies. Genencor looks forward to the launch this month of a Phase I study to establish safety and immunogenicity profiles for this product candidate."

"Hepatitis B is an enormous world wide health problem without a solution," said Frank Chisari, M.D., Professor and Head of Experimental Pathology, and Director of the General Clinical Research Center at the Scripps Research Institute and a leading investigator of hepatitis viruses. "As a member of both Genencor's and Epimmune's Vaccine Scientific Advisory Boards, I have followed the progress of this program and contributed to it scientifically. I am thrilled that this well-designed vaccine candidate is moving into clinical development for evaluation in people."

About Genencor

Genencor International is a diversified biotechnology company that develops and delivers innovative products and services into the health care, agri-processing, industrial and consumer markets. Using an integrated set of technology platforms, Genencor's products deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to many of the problems of everyday life. Genencor traces its history to 1982 and has grown to become a leading biotechnology company, with over $350 million in year 2002 annual revenues. Genencor has principal offices in Palo Alto, California; Rochester, New York; and Leiden, the Netherlands.

This press release contains forward-looking statements as defined by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 concerning the commencement of Phase I safety and immunogenicity testing for Genencor's DNA-based therapeutic vaccine to treat hepatitis B. These include statements concerning plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events or performance and all other statements which are other than statements of historical fact, including without limitation, statements containing words such as "believes," "anticipates," "expects," "estimates," "projects," "will," "may," "might" and words of a similar nature. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Drug and vaccine research and development involves a high degree of risk. Some important factors that could cause actual results to differ include dependence on the efforts of third parties; dependence on new and uncertain technology and its uncertain application; regulatory actions or delays, or uncertainties related to product development, testing or manufacturing; dependence on certain intellectual property rights of both Genencor and third parties including Epimmune, Inc.; the competitive nature of Genencor's industry; risks of obsolescence of certain technology; and the possibility that clinical testing reveals unsuccessful results or undesirable side effects. These and other risk factors are more fully discussed in Genencor's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. The forward-looking statements contained in this release represent the judgment of Genencor as of the date of this press release. Genencor disclaims, however, any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

Genencor International, Inc.
CONTACT: investors, Tom Rathjen +1-650-846-7500, or media, ValerieTucker, +1-650-846-7571, both of Genencor International, Inc.

Web site: http://www.genencor.com/

Rank: 4

530 元 
发表于 2004-2-7 01:16

对开始我为肝炎 B 为治疗的疫苗学习的时期是国际的 (GCOR) 的 Genencor

PALO 次高音,加州。 而且圣地牙哥,二月 2 日 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- Genencor 国际的,今天它的公司将会开始第一时期为它的 DNA 尝试的安全和 immunogenicity- 建立要对待肝炎 B. 审判的治疗疫苗预定这月稍后在一个在十二月被 Genencor 申请的研究中的新申请 (IND) 之下开始。Epimmune 公司在与 Genencor 的在它合作协议下面的疫苗设计和潜伏期的发展上串谋和将会 IND 申请的结果接受里程碑付款。

马克 A. 金匠,医学博士,博士说 "Genencor 的这第一 IND 表现我们的健保生意的重要进步," Genencor's 的高级副总裁,健保。 " 在小于 3 年中,我们已经显示我们能杠杆作用 Genencor's 的核心技术为注入慢性的肝炎 B 传染想像而且建立一位创新的 immunotherapeutic 产品候选人, 准备而且进入发展的下一个阶段之内为进步取得资格这一位候选人, 和设计质量关于的计划人类的研究。 Genencor 盼望我学习为这一位产品候选人建立安全和 immunogenicity 描绘的时期开始这月。"

"肝炎 B 是一个巨大的世界没有解决的广泛健康问题,"实验的病理学的诚实 Chisari ,医学博士,教授和头说, 和说了在 Scripps 研究学会和肝炎病毒的一个率先调查员的一般临床的研究指导者中心。 "如 Genencor's 和 Epimmune's 的一个成员疫苗科学的劝告董事会,我已经合乎科学地跟随这一个计画的进步而且有助于到它。 我被震颤为人的评估搬进临床的发展这种候选人是的井设计的疫苗。"

有关 Genencor

国际的 Genencor 是一家发展,而且递送创新的产品和服务进健保之内的多元化的生物科技公司,处理 agri 的, 工业的和消费者市场。 使用一整合组的技术月台, Genencor's 的产品递送创新的和对每天的生活许多问题的足可支撑的解决办法。 Genencor 痕迹它的历史到 1982 而且已经生长变成一家领先生物科技公司,藉由在 2002 年内超过三亿五千万元年刊收入。 Genencor 有 Palo 次高音的主要办公室加州; 罗彻斯特 , 纽约; 和 Leiden ,荷兰。

这一个新闻稿包含如私人的安全诉讼改革所定义的前瞻性的陈述行为 1995 关于为 Genencor's 的 DNA 尝试的第一时期的毕业典礼安全和 immunogenicity- 建立治疗的疫苗对待这些所包括的肝炎 B. 陈述关于计划,目的,目标,策略 , 未来事件或表现和是除了历史的事实陈述之外的所有其他的陈述,不需要限制就能包括,包含如此的字陈述当做 "相信 "," 预期 "," 期待 "," 估计 "," 计画 "," 意志 "," 可能 "," 可能" 和相似的自然字。如此的陈述包括危险,而且可以引起真实的结果实质上不同于那些的不确定计画。 和疫苗研究和发展包括危险的一个高的程度。可以引起要不一致的真实结果的一些重要的因素包括依赖第三者的努力;依赖新的和不确定的技术和它的不确定的申请;管制的行动或延迟 , 或被讲到产品发展,测试或制造业的不确定;包括 Epimmune ,公司的依赖 Genencor 和第三者的某知识产权;Genencor's 的工业竞争的性质;某技术的荒废危险; 和临床的测试不成功的结果或不受欢迎的副作用的可能性。这些和其他的危险因子更完全在与美国安全和交换佣金一起申请的形式 10- K 和每季的关于形式 10- Q 的报告上的 Genencor's 的最近年报中被讨论。 被包含在这释放的前瞻性的陈述表现 Genencor 的裁判当做日期的这一个新闻稿。 Genencor 然而放弃任何的意图或义务更新任何的前瞻性的陈述。

国际的 Genencor,公司
连络: 投资者,汤姆 Rathjen+1-650-846-7500 或媒体 , ValerieTucker,+1-650-846-7571, 两者 Genencor 国际的,公司

迷雾散尽 一切终于变清晰 爱与痛都成回忆 遗忘过去 繁花灿烂在天际 等待已有了结局 我会提起勇气 好好地呵护你 不让你受委屈 苦也愿意 漫天纷飞的花语 落在春的泥土里 滋养了大地 开出下一个花季 风中你的泪滴 滴滴落在回忆里 让我们取名叫做珍惜

Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

2766 元 


发表于 2004-2-11 05:12
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