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发表于 2003-6-29 11:55
[转帖]At Hong Kong Hospitals, SARS Takes a Heavy Toll on Nurses
At Hong Kong Hospitals, SARS Takes a Heavy Toll on Nurses
Translated By
ONG KONG, May 6 ?Joanna Pong, a 24-year-old registered nurse, has put up with a lot in nearly eight weeks of caring for SARS patients here.
彭琼娜,一位24岁的注册护士,已经在医院里几乎连续八周为照料萨斯病人而艰苦奋斗着。 She has had to move out of her parents'''' home and into the nurses'''' quarters next to the Prince of Wales Hospital, for fear that she might otherwise infect her pa rents or someone along her bus ride to work.
She must wear a mask when going on weekly dates with her boyfriend, and she seld om sees her friends any more.
在和她男朋友每周的约会中,她必须戴上防毒面罩,而现在她几乎很少去见她的男朋友了。 She has to wear a full-length, waterproof body suit, a disposable surgical gown, goggles, gloves and a tight-fitting mask for up to eight hours a day, an outfit that quickly becomes hot and sticky inside when she is moving around and then c old and clammy when she pauses.
她每天至少八小时被迫穿上全身外科防护服,戴上护目镜和手套,以及一张紧巴巴的防护面罩。她一活动,这身劳什子一会儿就会发热,发粘,而一旦停一会儿,又会变得冷飕飕的。 But the worst by far has been the fear, a constant dread that the slightest mist ake, like touching her eyes with a virus-contaminated finger, could leave her as feverish and breathless as the patients she treats, and perhaps even kill her. 最要命的还是工作时的恐惧感,一种哪怕是最微小的差错也会引起的恐惧感,恐惧到甚至用被感染的手指碰一下自己的眼睛,也会害怕这会使自己像自己护理的病人一样发烧,呼吸困难,甚至断送自己的性命。
"The most difficult part of the job is the psychological, not the physical," she said.
While SARS is not quite as terrifying as it was nearly two months ago, when scie ntists knew almost nothing about it, the disease remains extremely dangerous for nurses. Despite many precautions, hundreds of nurses here and in other cities i n Asia and Canada have been infected. Two or three more health care workers, usu ally nurses, are still being infected in Hong Kong every day.
[此贴子已经被作者于2003-6-28 22:57:29编辑过]