
标题: 研究人员开发了一种血液检测方法,使用 PCR 技术检测早期肝 [打印本页]

作者: StephenW    时间: 2022-10-11 19:19     标题: 研究人员开发了一种血液检测方法,使用 PCR 技术检测早期肝

研究人员开发了一种血液检测方法,使用 PCR 技术检测早期肝癌,可能为提高早期检测率铺平道路。

肝细胞癌 (HCC) 通常与诊断时疾病晚期导致的不良预后相关。 1 虽然有证据表明早期发现 HCC 与改善结果有关,但研究始终显示,尽管有指南,但 HCC 筛查率并不理想推荐一年两次的超声检查,有或没有血清甲胎蛋白(AFP)。

在 2022 年对 629 名患者进行的一项多中心队列研究中,Parikh 等人发现 63.7% 的患者在 HCC 诊断前未接受筛查,最常见的原因是临床医生未开出医嘱、下令筛查后患者不依从或未能识别肝硬化在 HCC 诊断之前。2 2021 年发表的一项研究显示了类似的结果:只有 24.7% 的已知肝硬化患者在推荐的时间间隔内接受了筛查,而筛查未充分使用归因于近一半的患者缺乏筛查命令。 3
作者: StephenW    时间: 2022-10-11 19:20

Researchers have developed a blood test that uses PCR technology to detect early stage liver cancer, possibly paving the way to increase early detection rates.

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is typically associated with a poor prognosis due to advanced stage of disease at the time of diagnosis.1 While evidence suggests that early detection of HCC is linked to improved outcomes, studies consistently show suboptimal rates of HCC screening despite the guideline recommendation of biannual ultrasonography with or without serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP).

In a 2022 multicenter cohort study of 629 patients, Parikh et al found that 63.7% of patients received no screening prior to HCC diagnosis, most commonly due to lack of orders by clinicians, nonadherence by patients once screening was ordered, or failure to recognize cirrhosis prior to HCC diagnosis.2 A study published in 2021 demonstrated similar results: Only 24.7% of patients with known cirrhosis received screening at the recommended intervals, and screening underuse was attributed to lack of screening orders in nearly half of patients.3
作者: StephenW    时间: 2022-10-11 19:20

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