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Vir Biotechnology 启动 2 期临床试验,评估 VIR-2218 和 VIR-3434 的组 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2021-10-21 12:36 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Vir Biotechnology 启动 2 期临床试验,评估 VIR-2218 和 VIR-3434 的组合作为慢性乙型肝炎病毒感染的功能性治疗方案旧金山,2021 年 7 月 15 日(全球新闻通讯社)-- Vir Biotechnology, Inc.(纳斯达克股票代码:VIR)今天宣布,已在 3 月 2 期(单克隆抗体 siRNA 组合抗乙型肝炎)试验中对第一位患者给药,该试验评估了 VIR- 2218 与 VIR-3434 一起用于治疗慢性乙型肝炎病毒 (HBV) 感染患者——旨在实现功能性治愈的组合。VIR-2218 是一种研究性小干扰核糖核酸 (siRNA),旨在抑制所有 HBV 蛋白(X、聚合酶、S 和核心)的产生,这些蛋白可能充当免疫耐受原。 VIR-3434 是一种研究性 HBV 中和单克隆抗体,旨在阻止所有 10 种基因型 HBV 进入肝细胞,并降低血液中病毒粒子和亚病毒颗粒的水平。它还经过 Fc 工程改造,包括 XX2“疫苗突变”,使其有可能用作针对 HBV 的治疗性 T 细胞疫苗。“HBV 感染仍然是一个紧迫的全球公共卫生挑战,与显着的发病率和死亡率相关,我们相信专注于免疫恢复的联合方法对于实现功能性治愈至关重要,” Vir's 的医学博士、博士Ph.Pang 说。首席医疗官。 “我们对 VIR-2218 作为该方法的基石的潜力感到兴奋。我们认为,将其与 VIR-3434 结合使用,VIR-3434 在正在进行的 1 期试验中已证明能够显着降低低剂量乙型肝炎表面抗原,最重要的是,它具有作为治疗性 T 细胞疫苗的潜力,可能会改变游戏规则。”多中心、开放标签的 2 期试验旨在评估 VIR-2218 和 VIR-3434 组合在大约 90 名慢性 HBV 感染成年患者(18 至 65 岁)接受 nucleot( s)ide 逆转录酶抑制剂治疗。 VIR-2218 和 VIR-3434 将在试验过程中以不同剂量水平通过皮下注射给药,治疗期为 4 至 20 周,随访期长达 116 周,具体取决于给药队列。试验的主要终点是出现治疗突发不良事件和严重不良事件的患者比例;治疗后临床实验室参数的分级;以及实现功能性治愈(定义为检测不到 HBsAg 和 HBV DNA 持续抑制)的患者比例。关于 VIR-2218VIR-2218 是一种研究性皮下注射靶向 HBV 的 siRNA,具有刺激有效免疫反应的潜力,并具有针对 HBV 的直接抗病毒活性。它是临床上第一个包含增强稳定化学加 (ESC+) 技术的 siRNA,以增强稳定性并最大限度地减少脱靶活性,这可能会导致治疗指数增加。 VIR-2218 是该公司与 Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 合作进入临床试验的第一个资产。关于 VIR-3434VIR-3434 是一种研究性皮下注射 HBV 中和单克隆抗体,旨在阻止所有 10 种基因型 HBV 进入肝细胞并降低血液中病毒粒子和亚病毒颗粒的水平。 VIR-3434 已被 Fc 设计成可能在受感染患者中用作针对 HBV 的 T 细胞疫苗,它还结合了 Xencor 的 Xtend™以延长半衰期。

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2021-10-21 12:36 |只看该作者

Vir Biotechnology Initiates Phase 2 Clinical Trial Evaluating the Combination of VIR-2218 and VIR-3434 as a Functional Cure Regimen for Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection

SAN FRANCISCO, July 15, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vir Biotechnology, Inc. (Nasdaq: VIR) today announced that the first patient has been dosed in the Phase 2 MARCH (Monoclonal Antibody siRNA Combination against Hepatitis B) trial evaluating VIR-2218 together with VIR-3434 for the treatment of patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection – a combination designed to achieve a functional cure.

VIR-2218 is an investigational small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) designed to inhibit the production of all HBV proteins (X, polymerase, S and core), which may be acting as immune tolerogens. VIR-3434 is an investigational HBV-neutralizing monoclonal antibody designed to block entry of all 10 genotypes of HBV into hepatocytes, as well as reduce the level of virions and subviral particles in the blood. It has also been Fc engineered to include the XX2 “vaccinal mutation,” allowing it to potentially function as a therapeutic T cell vaccine against HBV.

“HBV infection remains an urgent global public health challenge associated with significant morbidity and mortality, and we believe that a combination approach focused on immune restoration will be critical to achieving a functional cure,” said Phil Pang, M.D., Ph.D., Vir’s chief medical officer. “We are excited about the potential of VIR-2218 to serve as the cornerstone of that approach. We believe that combining it with VIR-3434, which has already demonstrated the ability to markedly lower hepatitis B surface antigen at low doses in an ongoing Phase 1 trial, and, most importantly, has the potential to function as a therapeutic T cell vaccine, could be a game changer.”

The multi-center, open-label Phase 2 trial is designed to evaluate the safety, tolerability and efficacy of the combination of VIR-2218 and VIR-3434 in approximately 90 adult patients (ages 18 to 65) with chronic HBV infection receiving nucleot(s)ide reverse transcriptase inhibitor therapy. Both VIR-2218 and VIR-3434 will be administered via subcutaneous injection at varying dose levels over the course of the trial for a treatment period ranging from four to 20 weeks, and a follow-up period of up to 116 weeks, depending on the dosing cohort. The primary endpoints of the trial are the proportion of patients with treatment-emergent adverse events and serious adverse events; grading of post-treatment clinical laboratory parameters; and the proportion of patients achieving a functional cure (defined as undetectable HBsAg and sustained suppression of HBV DNA).

About VIR-2218

VIR-2218 is an investigational subcutaneously administered HBV-targeting siRNA that has the potential to stimulate an effective immune response and have direct antiviral activity against HBV. It is the first siRNA in the clinic to include Enhanced Stabilization Chemistry Plus (ESC+) technology to enhance stability and minimize off-target activity, which potentially can result in an increased therapeutic index. VIR-2218 is the first asset in the company’s collaboration with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to enter clinical trials.

About VIR-3434

VIR-3434 is an investigational subcutaneously administered HBV-neutralizing monoclonal antibody designed to block entry of all 10 genotypes of HBV into hepatocytes and reduce the level of virions and subviral particles in the blood. VIR-3434, which has been Fc engineered to potentially function as a T cell vaccine against HBV in infected patients, also incorporates Xencor’s Xtend™ in order to have an extended half-life.

Rank: 10Rank: 10Rank: 10

20620 元 
发表于 2021-10-21 13:32 |只看该作者
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