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牛津衍生公司Vaccitech在B轮融资中筹集了1.68亿美元 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2021-3-18 12:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |打印
Oxford Spinout Vaccitech Raises $168 Million in Series B Financing Round

Published: Mar 17, 2021 By Alex Keown

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Infectious disease-focused Vaccitech, which partnered with AstraZeneca and Oxford University on the development and manufacturing of that company’s COVID-19 vaccine, raised $168 million in a Series B financing round, which will be used to support development of its own lead candidates in oncology and infectious disease.

Vaccitech Chief Executive Officer Bill Enright said the financing round, which was supported by the likes of Gilead Sciences and Tencent, will enable the company to reach key value inflection points for its lead programs, which include a treatment for chronic hepatitis B virus and prostate cancer drug.

“We now look forward to advancing key programs towards generating proof-of-concept data in indications with the significant need of effective new treatments,” Enright said in a brief statement.

Vaccitech’s proprietary prime-boost platform combines modified simian adenoviral vectors, which are known as ChAdOx1 or ChAdOx2, to prime a targeted immune response with the Modified Vaccinia Ankara virus (MVA) to boost the targeted immune response against cells infected with a virus or tumor cells. As the company notes, Vaccitech’s heterologous prime-boost approach has been demonstrated to drive powerful immune responses, including the leading CD8+ T cell stimulation profile in humans, to date.

Vaccitech, which is a spinout of Oxford University, has three lead programs that are all in Phase I/II studies. The company is assessing VTP-300 in patients with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The first patient in the trial was dosed in February.

Another Phase I/II study is testing VTP-200 in patients with persistent, high-risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. Vaccitech’s third Phase I/II program is a clinical study of VTP-850 in combination with a checkpoint inhibitor in patients with prostate cancer. In addition to the HBV, HPV and prostate cancer programs, Vaccitech’s pipeline includes product candidates targeting infectious diseases, such as MERS coronavirus and Herpes Zoster, as well as cancer, including non-small cell lung cancer.

The $168 million Series B financing round includes $43 million in convertible loan notes previously issued by Vaccitech that converted into Series B shares. The round was led by M&G Investment Management with further participation from new investors including Tencent, Gilead Sciences, Monaco Constitutional Reserve Fund, and Future Planet Capital among others. The Series B financing round was also supported by existing investors, including Oxford Sciences Innovation.

“Vaccitech is aiming to address serious global public health challenges in both infectious disease and cancer with their T cell-inducing immunotherapy platform,” Jack Daniels, Chief Investment Officer of M&G plc said in a statement. “We believe their innovative approach, based on foundational research performed at the Jenner Institute at the University of Oxford, could provide a solution for many serious diseases.”

Douglas Hansen-Luke, executive chairman of Future Planet Capital, said they made the decision to back the Series B before Vaccitech became involved with the development of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.

“The success of the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca has increased our confidence in Vaccitech’s immunotherapy platform and our continuing support is signaled by our investment today,” Hansen-Luke said in a statement.

In 2018, Vaccitech raised $27 million in its Series A financing round. The Series A was backed by GV.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2021-3-18 12:18 |只看该作者

发布时间:2021年3月17日,作者:Alex Keown



Vaccitech首席执行官Bill Enright表示,在Gilead Sciences和腾讯等公司的支持下,该轮融资将使该公司的牵头计划达到关键的价值拐点,其中包括治疗慢性乙型肝炎病毒和前列腺癌药品。


Vaccitech专有的初免-加强平台结合了改良的猿猴腺病毒载体(称为ChAdOx1或ChAdOx2),以改良的痘苗安卡拉病毒(MVA)引发针对性的免疫反应,从而增强了针对被病毒或肿瘤细胞感染的细胞的针对性免疫反应。正如该公司指出的那样,迄今为止,Vaccitech的异源初免-加强方法已被证明可以驱动强大的免疫反应,包括人类领先的CD8 + T细胞刺激特性。

Vaccitech是牛津大学的一个分支机构,拥有三个牵头计划,所有这些计划都处于I / II期研究中。该公司正在评估慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染患者的VTP-300。试验中的第一位患者在2月服药。

另一项I / II期研究正在对持续性高危人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的患者进行VTP-200测试。 Vaccitech的第三阶段I / II计划是VTP-850与检查点抑制剂联合用于前列腺癌患者的一项临床研究。除了HBV,HPV和前列腺癌计划外,Vaccitech的产品线还包括针对传染性疾病(例如MERS冠状病毒和疱疹带状疱疹)以及包括非小细胞肺癌在内的癌症的候选产品。

B轮融资总额为1.68亿美元,其中包括Vaccitech先前发行的4,300万美元可转换贷款票据,这些票据已转换为B股股票。该轮融资由M&G投资管理公司牵头,腾讯,吉利德科学公司,摩纳哥宪法储备基金和未来星球资本等新投资者的进一步参与。 B轮融资也得到了包括牛津科学创新公司在内的现有投资者的支持。

M&G plc首席投资官杰克丹尼尔斯(Jack Daniels)在一份声明中说:“ Vaccitech的目标是通过其诱导T细胞的免疫疗法平台应对传染病和癌症方面严重的全球公共卫生挑战。” “我们相信,基于牛津大学詹纳研究所进行的基础研究,他们的创新方法可以为许多严重疾病提供解决方案。”

Future Planet Capital执行董事长道格拉斯·汉森·卢克(Douglas Hansen-Luke)表示,他们决定在Vaccitech参与阿斯利康COVID-19疫苗的开发之前支持B轮融资。

汉森·卢克在一份声明中说:“ COVID-19疫苗阿斯利康的成功增加了我们对Vaccitech免疫疗法平台的信心,而我们今天的投资也表明了我们的持续支持。”

2018年,Vaccitech在其A轮融资中筹集了2700万美元。 A系列得到了GV的支持。
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