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[其他] Wake Forest Baptist Health研究人员创建的一种设备正在用无线电频

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发表于 2019-10-16 09:08 |显示全部帖子

October 15, 2019 by Yen Duong Leave a Comment

A device created by Wake Forest Baptist Health researchers is on its way to treating liver cancer with radio frequencies.
By Yen DuongRadio waves can entertain and inform you when driving around, but tweak the frequency and amplitude just right and it could save lives, according to a new study by researchers from Wake Forest Baptist Health.
Researchers are working on getting FDA approval for a treatment device that kills tumor cells of hepatocellular carcinoma, a kind of liver cancer, by using amplitude-modulated (AM) radio waves–the same type of varying-height waves that transmit to car radios.
The team recentlypublished a paper demonstrating how the device, called Therabionic, works.
“It’s almost magical that you can use very benign radio waves and you can cure cancer with it,” said Dr. Bhadrasain Vikram, chief of radiation oncology at the National Cancer Institute, who was not involved with the study. “If we had a simple treatment [for HCC] that works without side effects, that would be amazing.”
Liver transplants at an early stage are the only current cure for HCC, but liver cancer is hard to detect at early stages and donor livers are hard to obtain, Vikram said. Left untreated,the median survival for HCC is four months. Though liver cancers are the 13th most common cancer diagnosed in the U.S., they are the fifth leading cause of cancer-related deaths.
“Treatment [for HCC] is almost never curative,” Vikram said. “A couple of drugs have been approved by the FDA in recent years, but they’re not terribly effective: they prolong life by a few weeks or a couple of months.”
How the device works

The Therabionic device transmits AM radio waves at a tumor-specific frequency through the patient, treating the body as an antenna. When the waves hit a liver cancer tumor, they start a chemical reaction that shrinks the cancer cells. Most importantly, the waves have shown no effect on other cells.

“During the shrinkage, the cancer cells transform into scar cells,” said chair of cancer biology at Wake Forest Baptist, Dr. Boris Pasche, who led the study. “And then are removed by the natural body process, which deletes the cells that are, in a sense, dead.”
For the treatment, patients stick the spoon-like device into their mouths for three one-hour sessions per day, which they can do at home. While that may seem onerous, it’s far easier than asimilar device called Novocure used in the U.S. to treat specific types of brain cancer, in which patients wear electrodes glued to their heads for 18- to 0 hours per day.
“Patients can do pretty much everything except for drinking, eating and speaking,” Pasche said. “They can watch TV, they can be reading a book; it’s minimally invasive.”
Illustrations depict schematic of a patient with advanced hepatocellular cancer receiving first treatment with the AM RF EMF emitting device. The concentric lines represent the emission from the spoon-shaped antenna placed on the patient’s tongue. Red: primary and metastatic tumors. Blue arrows: depiction of antitumor activity location. b Schematic of the same patient several months later with evidence of shrinkage or disappearance of the primary tumor and its metastases. Brown color would indicate shrunken tumors following treatment. Illustration courtesy: EBioMedicinePasche said one benefit of the treatment is that it’s “systemic,” which means it goes through the entire body and can affect all cancer cells instead of just one area. That’s especially important for liver cancer, which can pop up in different places.
“Cutting out one part of the liver generally is not curative in the long term, although it may benefit the patient on the short term,” Vikram said. “This is reminiscent of what we used to see in lung cancer, which is smoking related: you’d cut out one cancer, but the practice [of] smoking that produced the first cancer can produce a second and a third and a fourth cancer.”
Preventative measures for a deadly cancerAlthough HCC is thethird leading cause of cancer-related deaths around the world, it gets less publicity than breast, lung or prostate cancer in the U.S. Liver cancer death rates arerising faster than any other cancer, and diagnoses of liver cancer are increasing along withthe rise of its risk factors of hepatitis C, obesity and diabetes.
Liver cancer was once primarily associated with alcohol overuse, but over the past few decades, it’s been increasingly linked to chronic hepatitis infections and obesity. With the widespread hepatitis B vaccine and effective though costly hepatitis C treatment, Vikram anticipates that hepatitis-linked cancers will decrease, but warns that liver cancers caused by obesity and non-alcoholic liver disease have been increasing “at an alarming rate”.
This year, theAmerican Cancer Society estimates that over 42,000 American adults will be diagnosed with liver cancer, of which three-fourths will be HCC. It also estimates that over 31,000 people will die from liver cancer this year. Since 1980, liver cancer diagnoses have more than tripled, and the death rate from liver cancer has more than doubled.
“Your liver is your internal chemical power plant,” said Thelma King Thiel, founder of theLiver Health Initiative, a nonprofit educational organization. “Everything you eat, breathe and absorb through your skin has to be processed through the liver… When you’re participating in unhealthy behaviors, [such as] eating too many fatty foods [and] exposing it to viruses, you’re killing those employees in your power plant.”
To prevent liver cancer and other liver diseases, Thiel is on a mission to educate children and adults about how to care for the largest organ in their bodies through healthy eating and drinking.
“Ignorance is the liver’s worst enemy,” Thiel said. “Unfortunately, it has no mechanism for giving pain. It’s a silent organ. It can be severely damaged without any indication to get tested or screened.”
Potential for more than just liver cancerTwo months ago, the treatment received FDA “breakthrough” status, which means that it will be sped through clinical trials and could be available to HCC patients as soon as next year, Pasche said. Thetrials as listed on clinicaltrials.gov have been small: a 2007 Therabionic trial lists 40 cancer patients in Brazil, while a 2012-2015 study listed 60 Brazilian hepatitis B patients with and without HCC.
Six of the 40 Brazilian patients who had very advanced liver cancer survived for more than two years, while one of those patients who used Therabionic daily survived for six and a half years.
“The main question in my mind is why has there not been another clinical trial in the last eight years,” Vikram said. “It seems it’s safe, at least in the short term. But in the long term, if the effect on the tumors is real or not: I think that needs better clinical trials.”

The device was approved in 33 countries in Europe last July, where it has the same safety classification as hearing aids and dental implants, Pasche said.

“The level of electromagnetic field delivered to the body with the spoon placed in the patient’s mouth is about 100 times less than when you have a cell phone next to your ear or cell phone next to your waist,” Pasche said.
The researchers have a 2011 paperwhich lists specific radio frequencies for different types of cancers. It includes 28 “compassionate care” patients who used Therabionic, in the best case extending a patient’s life by almost five years. Pasche said European patients have successfully used Therabionic to treat prostate and pancreatic cancer, and he hopes that gallbladder cancer and breast cancer will be next.

Rank: 8Rank: 8

62111 元 


发表于 2019-10-16 09:10 |显示全部帖子


Wake Forest Baptist Health研究人员创建的一种设备正在用无线电频率治疗肝癌。

Wake Forest Baptist Health研究人员的一项新研究表明,无线电波在周围行驶时可以娱乐并通知您,但可以正确调整频率和振幅,可以挽救生命。



没有参与这项研究的美国国家癌症研究所放射肿瘤学负责人巴德拉萨因·维克拉姆博士说:“使用非常良性的无线电波并用它可以治愈癌症几乎是不可思议的。” “如果我们对肝癌进行简单的治疗而没有副作用,那将是惊人的。”


Vikram说:“近年来,有两种药物已被FDA批准,但效果并不理想:它们可以将寿命延长数周或数月。“对HCC的治疗几乎永远无法治愈。 ”。


负责这项研究的威克森林浸信会癌症生物学教授鲍里斯·帕什(Boris Pasche)博士说:“在萎缩期间,癌细胞会转化为疤痕细胞。” “然后通过自然的身体过程去除,从某种意义上说,它删除了死亡的细胞。”


帕舍说:“除了喝酒,吃饭和说话外,病人几乎可以做所有事情。” “他们可以看电视,可以读书,这是微创的。”
图示描绘了患有晚期肝细胞癌的患者接受AM RF EMF发射设备的首次治疗的示意图。同心线表示放置在患者舌头上的勺形天线的发射。红色:原发性和转移性肿瘤。蓝色箭头:描绘b反学习活动的位置。 b几个月后同一名患者的示意图,并有原发性肿瘤及其转移灶缩小或消失的证据。褐色表示治疗后肿瘤缩小。插图提供:EBioMedicine


Vikram说:“切除肝脏的一部分通常不会长期治愈,尽管短期内可能会使患者受益。” “这让人联想到我们过去在肺癌中所见,这与吸烟有关:您可以消灭一种癌症,但是吸烟的做法会产生第一种癌症,因此会产生第二,第三和第四种癌症。 ”。


肝癌曾经与酒精滥用有关,但在过去的几十年中,它与慢性肝炎感染和肥胖症有关。 Vikram预计,有了血液中的乙型肝炎疫苗并且可以有效地进行昂贵的丙型肝炎治疗,Vikram预计与肝炎有关的癌症将会减少,但是警告说,由肥胖和非酒精性肝病引起的肝癌已经“以惊人的速度增加”。

“您的肝脏是您内部的化学发电厂,”非营利性教育组织“肝脏健康计划”的创始人赛尔玛·金·泰尔(Thelma King Thiel)说。 “您通过皮肤进行的所有饮食,呼吸和吸收,都必须通过肝脏进行处理……当您参与不健康的行为时,例如,吃太多的脂肪食物并将其暴露于病毒中,您就是在杀死那些您电厂的员工。”


蒂尔说:“无知是肝脏的最大敌人。” “不幸的是,它没有减轻疼痛的机制。这是一个无声的器官。可能会受到严重损坏,而没有任何经过测试或筛选的迹象。”



Vikram说:“我心中的主要问题是,为什么在过去的八年中没有进行过另一项临床试验。” “看来,至少在短期内,这是安全的。但是从长远来看,如果对肿瘤的影响是真实的还是不真实的,我认为这需要更好的临床试验。”



研究人员在2011年发表的论文中列出了针对不同类型癌症的特定无线电频率。其中包括使用Therabionic的28位“同情护理”患者,最好的情况是将患者的寿命延长了近五年。 Pasche说,欧洲患者已成功使用Therabionic治疗前列腺癌和胰腺癌,他希望胆囊癌和乳腺癌会成为下一步。
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